Showing posts with label west coast cities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label west coast cities. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Lands of Ara - West Coast Cities

Particularly since I am starting my players off in the northwestern Noffellian town of Swampsedge, which offers swamp barge access to points further west into and beyond the Great Western Swamp, it feels high time to say a few words about the four major settlements that lie along Ara's west coast.

Note that those who set off via barge from Swampsedge will typically travel through Marsh Town before reaching the west coast.

Here are brief descriptions of the four Arandish West coast cities, proceeding from north to south:

Al-nurna is a very large (pop. 16,000) elven city, ruled by an Aldorian prince.  Humans (except those few who serve on rodian crews) have never seen this port city, for the coastal Aldorians will not do business with humans nor do they welcome human visitors.  But seafaring Suhlian rodians have traded with the elves for some time, though most rodian captains are wary of their elven clients and do not typically form friendships with them.  I have never had an adventure party visit Al-nurna so I know little else about it.

New Port
New Port, today a large (pop. 12,500) and thriving trading port, originated as a rodian settlement and is still governed entirely by rodians.  In fact, New Port is called by some "New Suhl."  However, all are treated fairly by the rodian government and militia here, and inter-racial and inter-national trade is widely encouraged. Members of the various branches of the Karibekian family are (in some cases prominent) citizens here, and Captain Hokka is known to bring the Sea Scorpion to New Port with some regularity.  As previously mentioned, another rodian family, the Borasukians, have a respectable cargo transport operation in New Port. 

Bay Town
Bay Town is a medium sized (pop. 8,000) town founded and maintained by affluent human nobles from the inland Arandish kingdoms.  It is a popular trading port for those dealing in expensive or rare goods, for the specialty markets of Bay Town are legendary up and down the west coast and in all the major cities of Ara.  Bay Town's local ruling council retains a formidable militia (commanded by and largely made up of retired Noffellian soldiers) that successfully keeps piracy and black marketeering largely at bay, or at least out of the public eye.  Bay Town is undoubtedly the most cosmopolitan west coast city, and most small-scale and/or law-bending sea captains are loathe to put in here, due to strict inspection laws and exorbitant harbor fees.  

New Bay Town
New Bay Town is a small (pop. 3,500) yet seedy hive of scum and villainy, with lots of untrammeled coastal piracy nearby as well.  In fact, many locals call New Bay Town "Black Market City" because of the high volume of illegal materials that come through here from Marsh Town and elsewhere.  There is also a growing contingent of legitimate merchants and idealistic settlers who attempt to maintain law and order in New Bay Town despite the fact that they are always getting raped and robbed.  As you can see, this is a town ripe for adventure!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mediocre Maps of Ara Part 3

This should be the third and final installment of the "Mediocre Maps" series -- see the first and second installments for my disclaimer about what a poor mapmaker I am.

Luckily, my good friend Carl, who is a remarkably talented mapmaker and visual artist -- see samples of his eye-catchingly beautiful cartography on this map and this map over at -- has decided to make a large-scale map of the Lands of Ara one of his next cartographic projects.  Hooray!

So what follows are the last two old maps of Arandish regions that I've had lying around in a plastic tub for a good number of years.  They include a Comline Hills insert map and another cartographic look at Ara's West Coast Cities.  In some ways these may be the most mediocre and/or least necessary of the maps I have posted, but I am having a "Clearance Sale" so you get them all.  Enjoy!

Click here to access maps 7-8.

Map #7: Comline Hills insert map
The Comline Hills are located on the northern border of Noffel, just west of the Frey Mountains.  I originally created this map for what turned out to be an incredibly short-lived (two or three sessions) campaign.  But I have always liked the map and I think it may prove useful for seeing the barge route into the Great Western Swamp in particular.  But as always, there are some minor inaccuracies on this thing, to wit: 
Scale:  I cannot vouch for the scale of this map vis-a-vis the larger region maps with whom it shares depictions of this area.  I have a feeling that "New Bay Town," the southern-most of Ara's West Coast Cities (see below) should actually lie a good deal further west than this map indicates.
Nonexistent Town: the town / village of Robin’s Hold should be eliminated altogether, making Swampsedge the last town you reach westward on foot before needing to take a barge or boat into the swamps.
The "New Swamp Road" exists--its skirts the southern edge of the Great Western Swamp -- but it may be located a bit further south than indicated here, closer to the Comline Hills themselves.  It is relatively new and not completely established.  It is mostly used by black marketeers and bandits on their way to Thieves' Port (see Large-scale map of Ara #4).  Benjamin's Cove may exist, but it is a very small village not too far to the northwest of the much larger town of Thieves' Port.
Shazahan Road is still Shazahan Road, NOT General Torpol road as indicated here.

Map #8: West Coast Cities
This map more or less repeats the information given on Grimlock's Map from the previous post, but what the hell?

Click here to access maps 7-8.