Showing posts with label Deb Keirce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deb Keirce. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Work In Progress: Iconic Pop

Work In Progress:  "Iconic Pop" 6" x 8" by Carrie Waller
No you are not having Deja vu.  I am painting the same subject again.  I have a more zoomed in version that I am working on.  I have a workshop May 15-17 in Baton Rouge, LA (Come join us, it will be lots of fun and learning--only a few spots left).  So I'm working on this piece because I will be demoing the same painting during the workshop.  We will be painting a couple of different paintings so I can share my techniques.

The Keirce's and The Waller's  
My family and  I just had a great extended weekend with The Debra Keirce and her daughter "The Teenager", Shannon:)  It was fabulous to get to talk until all hours about art:)  Can't wait until she visits when we are living in Japan:)

If you would like to read the Friday Feature with Debra Keirce, click here.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Sold It and a Feature

"Blue Skies" SOLD

It's always a good day when the gallery calls and says a painting has sold!  So happy to have a new collector:)

I actually put brush to paper this weekend but have not yet completed my latest painting.  So much to do and the days and weeks are just flying by.   I hope you are getting more painting time in than I am, aaaghhh!!
