Showing posts with label The MSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The MSM. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mark Knoller is the Latest MSM Dirtbag to Slur the Tea Party Movement

Jimmie Bise is reporting at The Sundries Shack that Mark Knoller used the term "tea bagger" while tweeting the president's speech.  Quite frankly, I have my own nasty names for the MSM douche bags who have spent the last year and a half auditioning to be propaganda writers for The One's new world order. 

Members of the Tea Party movement have been subjected to all manner of vile insults for refusing sit down and shut up in the face of tyranny.  So be it.  I will gladly take their insults but I will not bow while they take my liberty.

Read Jimmie's post.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Defining "Real American

It is very rare that I see the Glenn Beck Show. I am either at work when the show comes on or driving home from work. But when I read at The Daley Gator that Clifford B. of Another Black Conservative would be at Glenn's Friday the 13th show I knew I would have to watch. I had taken Thursday and Friday off from work to attend the Orlando Tea Party so it was "all systems go."

The show was both enjoyable and informative. I love Charles Payne on "Cashin' In" and "Bears and Bulls" so I was thrilled to see that the show began with him. Prior to the show I had never heard of Lisa Fritsch, a radio talk show host, but I was so impressed by her that after the show I googled her to learn more. All and all, watching the show was a very worthwhile experience.

Today I came across a post at No Sheeples Here titled The Dumb White Guy at Crooks and Liars . Much to my surprise (yeah, why would I still be surprised by anything lefties write anymore) David Neiwert took exception to the show. Sigh. Among Neiwart's tidbits:

Glenn asked the audience why they call themselves African Americans!

Personally, I don't care one way or the other. I don't call myself an Irish American (except on St. Paddy's Day) but I also don't sit around worrying about what other people call themselves. We are all Americans. On the other hand, if I were describing someone to a person who was unfamiliar with the person I was describing, I would be more likely to say, "he's the black guy that sings the Tea Party Anthem" than I would be to say "he's the African American...". I'm not sure why Glenn asked the question but I also don't see a problem with asking either.

When white people say "real Americans" they are excluding black people.

How so? What is Neiwert basing this on-his own prejudices? Does Neiwert think that white people have a pecking order or how exactly does the whole thing work. For instance, are Anglo-saxon Americans more American than Mediterranean Americans who are more American than Asian Americans and so on until we reach African Americans, who we, the real Americans, don't include? I've got news for Mr. Neiwert, it is the Left who labels and pigeon holes everyone. On my side of the fence, if you love this country, you are an American.

Glenn Beck, as well as all white people, are idiots for quoting Martin Luther King.

Dr. King's own words lay waste to that argument. The next time Neiwert reads Dr. King's words I suggest that he take a moment to actual think about the words.

The MSM treats Conservative Blacks (and Conservative Women) like sideshow freaks. I applaud any effort to show that the Conservative movement isn't white, black, brown, or as my uncle would say, "sky blue pink". Sadly, people like Neiwert are too entrenched in their own narrow vision to realize how broad the Conservative Coalition is. His loss.


No Sheeples Here
Another Black Conservative
Left Coast Rebel

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What Does Breitbart Have Up His Sleave?

Via Memeorandum:

Breitbart Promises New Bombshell from “Left Field” according to Patterico's Pontification. If the "ACORN tapes" have shown anything, it is that Breitbart is the go to guy when it comes to exposing corruption. Not to downplay Breitbart's tremendous work, but the MSM's "see no evil, hear no evil" attitude towards the Obama administration and its buddies at ACORN, has pushed Breitbart to the forefront.

Patterico's take:

If you’re trying to figure out what the next big shoe to drop might be, I
suggest that you consider re-reading his column to see what he identified as the
second story that demonstrates the media’s complicity with the Democrat party.
Namely, the NEA...

Well the NEA scandal certainly has been ignored by the MSM. The White House participating in a teleconference with the NEA where it promises funding, i.e., taxpayer money, in return for favorable treatment certainly would be scandalous in any other administration. In this administration it strikes me as right in line with the decades old, Chicago way, corruption.

However, I would not be surprised if the next bombshell is even bigger than ACORN, which would make it far bigger than the NEA. So I'll throw in my two cents, or in this case , two words: Big Labor. Either way, we will all know next week.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Who You Gonna Believe, Your Own Two Eyes Or ABC's Lying Lips?

Memeorandum is all afire with the "numbers" stories from yesterday's March on Washington. A few of the headlines are Size Matters, So Do Lies, ABC News Was Misquoted on Crowd Size and the obligatory left wing slap at Michelle Malkin, UPDATED: Malkin's 2 million protester claim; its like the blind leading the blind (a prime example of why main stream media no longer matters).

It seems like everyone the Left has come down with a severe case of tunnel vision to go along with their long standing bout of rabies complicated extreme rigour mortise. Anyone with a brain, which I realize immediately rules out the MSM and the rest of their Leftists me-too doper friends in the blogosphere, can clearly see the size of the crowds:

By denying the obvious they only show themselves to be delusional half-wits.

In addition to the photos at Michelle's, The Daley Gator has an impressive roundup as well. All I know is the word "SHEESH" was invented strictly for the morons on the Left.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rather Sheds A Tear For The Profession He Helped Destroy

Via Memeorandum:

Dan Rather calling on President Obama to save “the free press” is irony at its delicious best:

“A truly free and independent press is the red, beating heart of democracy and freedom. This is not something just for journalists to be concerned about, and the loss of jobs and the loss of newspapers, and the diminution of the American press’ traditional role of being the watchdog on power. This is something every citizen should be concerned about,” said Rather.

“The free press, as established by the First Amendment to the Constitution, ought to operate as a public trust, not solely as a money-making endeavor,” Rather argued, “and it’s time the government made an effort to ensure the survival of the free press. If not the government, he suggested, then an organization like the Carnegie Foundation should take it on. Without action, he predicted, America will lose its independent media. If we do nothing more than stand back and hope that innovation alone will solve this crisis,” he said, “then our best-trained journalists will lose their jobs.”

The MSM is tanking because it has abdicated its watchdog roll in favor of partisanship:

We've seen it reflected in nearly every poll over the last 10 years or so and here is another one that confirms the downward spiral in trust of the media. In a press release for a Sacred Heart University poll, those respondents who said they believe all or most of what the media has to tell them fell 8% since 2003. In 2003 27.4% of the poll's respondents said that they trusted all or most of what the MSM reports. In 2007 that number plummeted to just 19.6%. 23.9% said they believe little or nothing that comes out of the MSM with 55.3% saying they believe some of what the media churns out.

"The fact that an astonishing percentage of Americans see biases and partisanship in their mainstream news sources suggests an active and critical consumer of information in the U.S.," stated James Castonguay, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of SHU's Department of Media Studies & Digital Culture. "The availability of alternative viewpoints and news sources through the Internet no doubt contributes to the increased skepticism about the objectivity of profit-driven news outlets owned by large conglomerates," he continued

The public no longer trusts the MSM to inform them and Rather played a role in this loss of trust:

Rather undertook to influence an election by promoting derisory forgeries, from a non-credible source. On September 8, 2004, Rather reported on 60 Minutes that a series of memos critical of President George W. Bush's Texas Air National Guard service record had been discovered in the personal files of Lt. Bush's former commanding officer, Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian.

The authenticity of these documents was quickly called into question by a small group of bloggers, initially based on their being proportionally printed and displaying other modern typographic conventions with limited availability on military typewriters of the time. This led to claims that the memos were forgeries. The accusations then spread over the following days into mainstream media outlets including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Chicago Sun-Times.

Rather tried to use his position as a journalist to influence the outcome of the 2004 Presidential election. His actions back fired and cost him his job but his colleagues in the media missed the lesson. From a Rasmussen poll taken in August of 2008:

A full 55 percent of likely American voters think that media bias is more of a problem than campaign contributions in the presidential race, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday.

This poll follows another Rasmussen poll conducted July 19 which revealed that 57 percent of likely voters think Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) has received the best treatment from the media so far, while 21 percent or respondents think Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has received the best media treatment.

What Dan Rather really wants isn’t a free press but a comfortable press. He wants to be able to vex those he sees as powerful, but only from inside an established newsroom, with a regular paycheck, a cushy retirement plan, plenty of prestige, and twice-yearly awards dinners. The only problem with that is you can’t really “afflict the comfortable” if you’re comfortable yourself.

What Rather wants is his brand of “journalism” to enjoy government subsidized status quo. He, and others like him, betrayed the public trust. That is not a problem that government largesse can fix.