Showing posts with label The Left. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Left. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merriment abounds!

Does anyone actually take seriously the rumors of Obama facing a primary challenge? It is nothing but talk from a bunch of spoiled Leftists who are so inbred that they believe they can influence policymaking by making empty threats. The overwrought Lefty/Loony comment of the day (emphasis mine):

It's over. This was the last straw.  (Note to commenter-Obama has two years to go. No way this was the last straw.  Hee.)

If he wants to run in 2012, let him run as a republican which is what he is now that the facade he wore in 2008 has come off.

Health care reform? Yeah, right. Didn't even consider the only real solution which is Medicare for all. We were duped into thinking we'd have a public option but that didn't happen either.

Bank reform? Yeah, right. Investigations into fraud and criminal activity? None. Breaking them up so they aren't too big to fail? Nope. Nothing. A joke all around.

Closing Guantanamo? Another lie.

Investigations into previous administration war crimes? Didn't want to look back - the law only applies to the little people.

Ending the wars? Still 50k troops in Iraq and escalated involvement with the hopelessly corrupt Afghanistan government. Another con job.

Green jobs investments? Another promise that never happened.

I could go on, but I've made the point.

Democrats had better get rid of this republican masquerading as a democrat and get someone who represents progressives or get out of town. We don't need two conservative parties in this country.
Ah, yes-Obama has come out of the Conservative closet. He’s a DINO. Next thing you know we’ll find out that “Community Organizer” is code for “Venture Capitalist”. Pinch me, I think I’ve died and gone to Everyone is a Comedian heaven.

No boys and girls, Obama doesn’t ride unicorns. The seas do not part as he nears. He did not descend from Mt. Olympus. Barack Hussein Obama is a politician, though not a very bright or skilled one at that. He made promises during his campaign that any reality based sentient should have known were unkeepable. Even Obama himself seems hacked that the dolt filled masses fell for his lines.

So who would they run against Obama-Howard “The Scream” Dean? Make my day. Over a Crooks and Liars a commenter suggested Dean, Sanders or Grayson. Make my millennium. Nope, the Left is stuck with Obama and him with them. The upside is that until recently the Left gave me high blood pressure and ulcers but now they provide endless hours of entertainment. Whine on.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Leftist hate

This is how I started an earlier post at Potluck:

What do Charlie Sheen, Daniel Sunjata, Martin Sheen, Mark Ruffalo, Mark Stepnoski, Willie Nelson, and Rosie O’Donnell have in common with John Patrick Bedell? They are all 9/11 “Truthers” also known as “Right Wing Extremists“.
Upon further thought I should have included Bill Maher on the list of "right wing extremists."  After all he is a pot smoker, like Bedell.  And like Bedell, he certainly has a deep hatred of George Bush.  In fact, Maher has made his living by going off on anti-government tirades.  Add it all together and it is obvious that Maher is just one bong hit away from being a full blown domestic terrorist.

You think I'm being ridiculous?  I am.  Maher isn't a domestic terrorist wannabe, he's just your run of the mill hate spewing puke.  There are a lot of them out there.  And there are also a lot of crazies out there.  Right now the biggest spreaders of hate in this country are the Lefties, who without a shred of evidence, and often contrary to the evidence, claim that people who believe in smaller government and greater freedom are a danger to their fellow citizens.  Sadly, many have taken their hate of George Bush and transferred it to anyone who disagrees with their world view.  It stops being sad and becomes full blown paranoia when they start accusing people they disagree with of being responsible for the actions of mentally ill people who have committed acts of violence.

The Left needs to get their act together. 

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lefties: What's the Big Deal About Blowing Up a Plane Full of People?

Prof. Jacobson, following up on his earlier post, brings us this gem from Matthew Yglesias:

Obviously, people shouldn’t be lighting anything on fire inside airplanes. That said, all the big Christmas airline incident really shows to me is how little punch our dread terrorist adversaries really pack. Once again, this seems like a pretty unserious plot. And even if you did manage to blow up an airplane in mid-air, that would be both a very serious crime and a great tragedy, but hardly a first-order national security threat....

Ultimately, it does no favors to anyone to blow this sort of thing out of proportion. The United States could not, of course, be “devastated” by anything resembling this scheme. We ought to be clear on that fact. We want to send the message around the world that this sort of vile attempt to slaughter innocent people is not, at the end of the day, anything resembling a serious challenge to American power. It’s attempted murder, it’s wrong, we should try to stop it, but it’s really not much more than that.

Then there is this post from Donald Douglas at American Power:

But there's something more significant to consider with regards to how the left perceives this terror plot. I'm reading Spencer Ackerman's post on this, "al-Qaeda’s Desperate Bid For Relevance, The Failed Plane Attack & Afghanistan." Despite his purported national security "credentials," Spencer Ackerman's woefully unserious about war and terrorism. Recall that this is the guy who called for President George W. Bush's death at the Hague, and for that reason alone his rants will garner the attention of leftist foreign policy vultures. A good example of this childishness is Ackerman's tweet from yesterday, seen here:

What is it going to take for the Left to take the threat that terrorists pose to this country serious? Let people gather for a peaceful Tea Party protest and the Lefties are screaming their fool heads off about "radicals" but let a real radical attempt to blow up a plane with 300 people on it and all you get from the Left is "eh, no biggie."

Of course, if they took the threat seriously then they would also recognize the need for action. Let's face it, the men of the Left aren't exactly known as real men of action. No, for this crowd, the only action they are interested in consists of the bong and sushi fete after the gallery opening.

The "pee pee pants" crowd ignores and/or downplays the dangers that radical Islam poses to all free people in part because their worldview doesn't allow for 'good vs. evil' or 'right vs. wrong'. Again, recognizing evil or wrongdoing requires action, and that is a no go.

Let them going quietly back to their fetes. Serious issues should be dealt with by serious people.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Lefty Outrage Over ObamaCare

Doug Ross writes:

Over at, Nate Silver devotes significant attention to the faux liberal outrage erupting over the nationalization of health care. Silver analyzes the responses to 20 of his questions posed to Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos) and Jon Walker (FireDogLake).

I'll save you the effort of reading their neural diarrhea. Suffice it to say that the "Reality-based" Community devotes thousands of words to government-run health care without mentioning:

• The "dangerous" amount of national debt that we are assuming ($50,000 for each and every American by 2019 without a health care takeover);
• The exploding and extremely risky deficit;
• The impending bankruptcy of Medicare and Medicaid (the time-bomb is set to explode in less than a decade);
• Slashing $500 billion from Medicare while claiming to "improve quality";
• And the utter accounting fraud associated with booking six years of benefits against ten years of tax revenues.

Bernie Madoff is serving time for running a Ponzi scheme like this, only a 100 times smaller. Best of all, Silver is the supposed "numbers guy" for the socialist left. So he turns out to be just as intellectually honest as the rest of the Soros-funded troupe.

The numbers are real. And they are dangerous to the future of this country, according not to me, but the Congressional Budget Office.

So the "Reality-based" Community is either delusional or intent on the utter destruction of the American experiment. Choosing which is an exercise best left to the reader.

Note: Yes, this is the same Nate Silver of the Dealergate beclownment. No one tell Natey that a variety of lawsuits by dealers alleging partisan activities by the Obama administration are still wending their way through courts.

To answer Doug's question as to whether The Left is delusional or intent on destroying the country, I'm going with both. The "Reality-based" Community that Doug speaks of has done quite well off of the "American experiment" yet they despise everything that they have profited from. They are delusional in that they believe they can take the country down and rebuild it in to some Socialist utopia and that only the "evil doers" will be affected. Perhaps they see themselves in the role of dominant over-seers in the New World order but toady schmucks is much more likely.

This the ugly result of emoting without thinking.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Apologies Will Be Forth Coming In 4, 3, 2...Never Mind

Now that we've learned that Bill Sparkman committed suicide I'm sitting here listening to the crickets chirp while I wait for the Left to apologize for smearing pretty much everyone on the Right and pretty much everyone in my former home state of Kentucky when news of Sparkman's death first surfaced.

Andrew Sullivan claims that he has nothing to apologize for. Here's what Sully originally wrote:

It's possible, I suppose, that anger at the feds in general could make a drug dealer murder a census worker. But the most worrying possibility - that this is Southern populist terrorism, whipped up by the GOP and its Fox and talk radio cohorts - remains real. We'll see.

In Andrew's world the We'll see is proof that he was keeping an open mind. Where I come from, we call it the "God bless", as in "God bless her, she's ugly as mud." You can say anything about anybody as long as you qualify it with a "God bless."

Stacy McCain puts it to Sullivan:

This, from a post entitled "Correcting Michelle Malkin," as if Malkin -- who was right all along about the Sparkman case -- needs corrections from Dr. Andrew Sullivan, M.D., OB-GYN. Tell you what: We'll let Sarah Palin's Uterus be the arbiter here. We're not laughing with you, Sully, we're laughing at you.
But Sully wasn't the only chimp who used Sparkman's death as an excuse to fling some feces-
Reason, American Power and Camp of the Saints have round ups of all the Lefty monkeys who practically fell over one another to to smear anyone who failed to worship at the alter of Obama.

To be honest, I'm not really waiting for an apology. That would require a level of honesty and decency not seen from the Left.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Executing Nidal Hassan

Jeralyn at TalkLeft thinks that executing Nidal Hasan would be "barbaric":

Major Nidal Hasan had his first hearing in the Ft. Hood murder case. The hearing was held in the hospital. His lawyer says he is paralyzed from the chest down, incontinent and in severe pain.

He will be tried in a military court, and additional charges may be pending. Military prosecutors plan to seek the death penalty.
How barbaric that the military will seek to kill a man with no sensation in his body from the chest down. He might prefer it (I certainly would) but it's inexusable behavior for a civilized society and way beyond the pale of decency.
Of course Jeralyn left a little something out of that screed. Hasan was paralyzed while he was murdering 14 people and wounding another 28. His actions were barbaric and beyond the pale but we don't hear one word about Hasan's actions from TalkLeft. If anything is inexcusable, it is the misplaced sympathy for Hasan.

h/t Legal Insurrection

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Michael Moore Wants the President to Get Busy

Via Memeorandum:

Michael Moore thinks that with a Nobel Peace Prize under his belt, the President should get in gear and earn it. Of course, by getting in gear he means get the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Well, wasn’t that the Nobel committee’s point?

Obama knows full well that if he were to do everything the Left (and the boys in Norway) wants, that he, not they, would be held responsible for the results. No doubt that Obama’s personal positions are far more aligned with the Left than the people he serves but his oversize ego trumps all. Obama will be spending the next several weeks trying to decide the best way to play both sides against the middle so that he comes out in the best possible light. Unfortunately, while Obama dithers Afghanistan burns.

Peggy Noonan, writing in The Wall Street Journal recognizes the idiocy of the awarding the prize to Obama but thinks he can still “redeem” himself:

Assuming the White House did nothing to encourage or lobby for the award, it is
not Barack Obama's fault that he has been embarrassed by this honor. And it may
possibly hold for him an unanticipated benefit. It may give him pause: Look what
idiots my biggest international supporters are. I may have to rethink a few

How to redeem this? That is a hard question, but here is
one idea. The president will deliver a big speech in Oslo Dec. 10: white tie and
tails, a formal, bound statement. The world, as they say, will be watching. He
should deflect the limelight. (Can he?) He should make his subject bigger than
himself. (Is there a subject bigger than himself?) He has been accused of
traveling through the world on an extended apology tour. That isn't fair, but
the tag is there. How about an unapologetic address, a speech, with the world's
elites leaning forward and listening, about the meaning of America? A speech
that shows a grounded and sophisticated love for his country and its great
traditions and history. Not a nationalistic speech, not a prideful one, but a
loving one.

I wouldn’t hold my breath.

The Nobel was awarded with the hopes of changing American policy. It is a test for a young and inexperienced President. Will he pass it?

Other commentary:

And So it Goes in Shreveport
Left Coast Rebel