Showing posts with label Tampa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tampa. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Prepare to be SHOCKED!

You may want to sit down for this and have an aspirin ready in case you suddenly develop chest pains.

Take a moment to recover.

What, you're not completely verklempt at the sight of a minaret on the RNC's convention logo?  Somebody is going to be very disappointed:

The extremist, left-wing site Talking Points Memo (better known as TPM) thought it had a zinger of a story about the “RNC’s 2012 convention logo.” The logo, TPM crows, seems to have *GASP* a Muslim minaret in it. TPM even helpfully added a copy of the logo with a nice red arrow to the “minaret” image to help its readers determine which graphic element was the minaret (as seen to your right).

What is the subliminal message, TPM wonders? What nefarious motives could the GOP possibly have to include a Muslim icon in their logo? What is going on here TPM demands to know!
What the RNC is "up to" is accurately depict the Tampa skyline, right down to the incredibly butt ugly "Beer Can" building on the left of the logo next to the funky palm tree. 

For those of you not from around these parts, the minaret is not part of a mosque but instead graces the Henry Plant Museum at the University of Tampa.  Actually a very nice building.  The bigger question is how desperate is the Left when they stoop to trying to create a controversy out of a logo? 

Is this the level of childish dribble we are going to be subjected to for the next two years?  How lame are these dweebs?  Check out this comment from DemConWatch:

Should this become an issue with the Tea Party it will only confirm just how crazy the Republican party has become.
And if it doesn't become an issue with the Tea Party then it shows that they have no intellectual coherence.
Yeah, cause you know, a building in Tampa and the Ground Zero Mosque are like you know, same/same.  Come on, kids.  Even you can come up with something better than this.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The 2010 Laughingstock Tour is coming to Tampa

Well happy birthday to me!  Next Thursday, the day before my birthday, the Laughingstock Tour is coming to Tampa:

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will visit the Tampa Bay area Thursday, Jan. 28, the day after his first State of the Union address, the White House has announced.

A White House spokeswoman just said no other details about the event are available, but will be announced soon.

Obama campaigned in Tampa several times as a candidate, but this will be his first visit as president, and it will be the first visit for Biden as vice president.
The article had sixteen pages of comments. I made it to page six before I read the first positive comment about the Dynamic Doobie’s impending trip here. Suffice to say, the natives are not thrilled. But why wouldn’t we feel blessed to be in the presence of The Anointed One and his trusty side kick Herr Plugs? Maybe this:
Florida unemployment continued its sharp climb toward record territory, hitting 11.8 percent in December, according to figures released Friday morning.

The number, up from November's 11.5 percent, is the highest since May 1975, when it was 11.9 percent. It represents nearly 1.1 million jobless out of a labor force of 9.2 million.

Florida's rate of job loss has moderated in recent months, but has still widened the gap with the rest of the country. The national unemployment rate is 10 percent.

In the Tampa Bay area, the jobless rate reached 12.4 percent, matching the rate for November, which had been revised upward from 12.3 percent….
Oh, but when it comes to Florida's unemployment it gets even better:
The fund dropped from $1.3 billion in 2008 to zero in August. Since then, the state has been borrowing about $300 million a month from the federal government to pay compensation claims, and that money eventually must be paid back.

Yeah, we be broke and we be getting broker by the moment. Any more hope and change and this state is going to fall apart at the seams.