Showing posts with label Scott Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Brown. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2010

BREAKING NEWS! Good looking senator-elect has good looking wife and good looking daughters and they all look good in bathing suits!

Senator-elect Scott Brown did a layout in Cosmo!  Senator elect Scott Brown's wife appeared in a music video!  Senator-elect Scott Brown's daughters wear bikinis while on vacation!  Senator-elect Scott Brown's mother kissed a boy behind the bleachers during the big game!  I made that last one up-but you get my point.

When "progressives" (is that an oxymoron or what) don't have an argument they resort to ugliness or silliness or both.  The revelations about Brown's wife and daughters is the height of silliness.  Further, it goes to how little the Left knows or understands the Right.  Do they really think that anyone on the Right cares if Brown posed in the altogether for Cosmo.  I would willing to bet that the majority of women on the Right had the same reaction I did:  that man looks good!  More power to Brown's wife.  There are (old) pictures out there of me in a bikini.  All together now, SO WHAT?

If this the best the Left can do then we should all settle in for one very silly season.  For myself, I'll stick more pressing issues.

Side note:  When Scott Brown said that his daughters were "available" I immediately thought of my Dad.  It was the kind of goofy thing he would do.  I thought it was sweet and utterly endearing.  Lighten up, folks.  Dads are goofballs and that is why we love them.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

That's what I'm sayin'

Ed Driscoll:

How big is this victory?

Consider the following from The American Spectator:

“I have two reactions to the election in Massachusetts. One, I am disappointed. Two, I feel strongly that the Democratic majority in Congress must respect the process and make no effort to bypass the electoral results. If Martha Coakley had won, I believe we could have worked out a reasonable compromise between the House and Senate health care bills. But since Scott Brown has won and the Republicans now have 41 votes in the Senate, that approach is no longer appropriate. I am hopeful that some Republican Senators will be willing to discuss a revised version of health care reform because I do not think that the country would be well-served by the health care status quo. But our respect for democratic procedures must rule out any effort to pass a health care bill as if the Massachusetts election had not happened. Going forward, I hope there will be a serious effort to change the Senate rule which means that 59 votes are not enough to pass major legislation, but those are the rules by which the health care bill was considered, and it would be wrong to change them in the middle of the process.”
That is Rep. Barney Frank speaking.  Folks, when Barney Frank admits that it is time to listen to the voters there is only one thing to say, WE WON!

The ball is in Barack Obama's court now.  He can try to "double down" and ram his agenda through but make no mistake, the President stands alone.  On our behalf, the people of Massachusetts have sent a very clear message that our officials work for us and that they will be held accountable when they act contrary to our will.  Our reps should now realize that Barack Obama is not their boss, we are.  Barack Obama can not fir them, we can.  Every seat in these United States is the people's seat.

Congratulations to everyone who made this possible.  Thank you Massachusetts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Democrat's chickens have come home to roost

With 66% of the precints reported Brown is up 53-46 over Coakley.  Echoing Pat, Go Scott, Go!

I've got Hannity on the TV and  the AP has Called the race for Brown!  They are announcing that Coackley has conceded!  Wow!  Just wow!

But I've never been a bogeyman before

Jimmie wants to kill the Teabagger Bogeyman.  I was sorta starting to like it.

I hesitate to further the progressive meme that conservatives are baby-eating, blood-sucking night terrors that lurk in the all-concealing shadows waiting to feed upon the tears of humanity, but when I see the utter despair into which the mere thought that a semi-conservative might win a Senate race in Massachusetts has thrown the journalistic world, I can think but one thing:

“Listen to them – children of the left. What music they make!”

In Scott Brown we have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman.
You might be tempted to mistake that for the snarling howl of an alpha wolf on the hunt, but don’t. It’s really a whimper of bowel-loosening fear. Keith Olbermann is one election away from having to wear Depends on the set to avoid a nightly chair replacement as election after election between now and 2012 drive him farther into the depths of a bottle of grain alcohol.

But it’s not really Scott Brown who has frightened Olbermann and gang so badly. This is the actual bogeyman :

“You know what scares our people more than the fact that they lost Ted Kennedy’s seat and the Obama mystique may take a huge hit [today]?” says the DNC adviser. “The fact that Democrats and the media can no longer make the tea party types out to be irrational, inflexible ideologues who are supporting nothing but extreme right-wing candidates. The tea party movement supported Brown, raised millions for him and worked for him, and he is not necessarily their kind of guy. Brown proves the tea party movement can be tapped politically for Republican candidates anywhere in the country if they are basically sound on taxes and small government. That is huge.”
The progressive left is scared to death that this election will kill the carefully-crafted and MSM-reinforced”teabagger” smear once and for all. Ever since the summer, ”teabagger” has been their answer to everything. Do you oppose government-run health care? TEABAGGER! You’re not willing to pay a dramatically-higher energy bill based on the precarious claims of global warming apocalypse? TEABAGGER! Do you go to church semi-regularly and feel that your beliefs, such as they are, actually do have a place in the public debate? TEABAGGER!

Once that’s gone, what remains? Progressives will have to either find a new bogeyman to replace the Tea Parties or start defending their totalitarian dreams on their merits. Don’t expect the latter to happen.
Look, as hard as it may be to believe, up until about a year ago I led a pretty boring life.  But now I am part of a meme.  Now I have a reputation.  I feel an identy crisis coming.

That Stacy is such a tease! UPDATED

Stacy McCain is on the ground in Fitchburg, Mass. keeping an eye on the voting for us.  He's hinting that he has a major scoop but he's staying mum until he's done a bit more checking.  Fair enough, well Stacy is checking it out I'll keep checking in.

While waiting on Stacy don't forget that Prof. Jacobson has Brown v Coakley LIVE All Day;  I took today as my "floating" holiday and tomorrow as my "birthday" day off so I'll be hanging all day.  Drop me a line in the comments and keep me company.

Update I

Jules Crittenden:

Democracy In The MA
Sometimes it feels like we don’t get a lot of it around here. Chances to vote in elections where there is an actual choice, where there isn’t a predetermined outcome. Where the outcome actually makes any difference to anything. An election where we actually get to influence events, where the rest of the country gives a damn what we do, and doesn’t dismiss us out of hand. That’s different. All eyes on Massachusetts, out-of-state lefties and righties flooding in all week to put their own thumb on the scale. But now it’s just us, me and my friends and neighbors, fellow citizens and taxpayers here in the Bay State.
Yeah, this election is so important to all of us.  It is kinda of frustrating to put so much faith in people who I do not know and in all likihood will never meet.  I am with you guys in spirit.

Update II

Val at Babalu:
About Massachusetts
Win or lose, though, I do know that it has been rather amusing watching leading Dems and their myopic sycophants going ape shit over this election. It's also been eyeopening, to say the least, to witness the incompetence, finger pointing, frothing at the mouth hatred, proliferating prevarication, complete disarray and just plain old fashioned panic from the Left. Ted Kennedy spinning is his grave is just the icing on the cake.
I'm smiling.

Update III

Well, you know what they say, When the going gets tough, the dirty bastards cheat.

Another Black Conservative:

Let the stealing begin: Woman hands out blank absentee ballots in Lawrence, MA
You just knew there would be vote stealing, cheating and voter fraud in the Massachusetts senate race. Here is what appears to be a woman handing out blank absentee ballots on the street in Lawrence, MA. Notice that woman refers to her candidate as “she”.
Couple of questions:  Where did this cheating piece of shit get blank ballots and why isn't her ragged out ass sitting in jail?  And then there is this:

Ed Morrissey:

Still time for a few dirty tricks in MA

 You didn’t think the Democratic monopoly would go quietly in Massachusetts just because the voters don’t want them any more, did you? According to Life News, supporters of Martha Coakley launched an effort to suppress the pro-life vote in Massachusetts today by broadcasting disinformation about Scott Brown and his support from Citizens for Life:

Behind in the polls to Republican Senate candidate Scott brown, supporters of pro-abortion candidate Martha Coakley have evidentially reached into their bag of dirty tricks. A Washington, D.C. based company is making calls to Massachusetts residents pretending to represent a prominent pro-life group.

The calls, from 202-461-3441, a Washington number registered to a company called SOOH, claim to be from Massachusetts Citizens for Life.

The caller claims the pro-life group is opposing Scott brown because of his stance against the health care bill, but as MCFL president Anne Fox told late Monday, the opposite is true.

“Pro-lifers are receiving phone calls from people claiming to be Massachusetts Citizens for Life. The callers say that MCFL is not supporting Scott Brown because of his position on health care,” she said. “The truth is that Massachusetts Citizens for Life is supporting Brown because of his position on health care.”

The same number is also making calls to other state residents with various messages all attacking Brown.

“Pro-lifers are not the only victims of this scam. Our MCFL sleuths have found that this same number is calling people across the state claiming to be different groups with different messages — all anti-Brown,” Fox added.
I am willing to bet we will learn about a lot more dirty tricks before it is over.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Yo, You! Yeah You, Mister Voter Chump. Screwwww Yewwwww!


Imagine the contempt you’d have to have for voters’ intelligence to spin a Republican win — in Massachusetts — as some sort of business-as-usual victory for entrenched interests. Hey, champ? In case you haven’t heard, Republicans don’t win in New England anymore. Or at least, they didn’t until you launched Project Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste. This victory belongs to you as much as it does to Scotty B; take credit for it.
Obama really is the gift that just keeps on giving.  Who knew?  So Obama looks at what is turning out to be a major debacle (his administration) as evidenced by an election in Massachusetts in which a Republican may actually win, and he thinks to himself time to double down.  Well alrighty then.  Look, I'm getting tired of using the word "delusional" over and over again when describing the current administration.  Can they please do something, anything, that it is grounded in reality?

I'm not cocky, but I am starting to feel pretty spiffy

TrogloPundit is cautioning against getting cocky as he tries to interpret polls that have Brown up by various amounts and which may or may not be correct. After in depth analysis he concludes:

Polls suck. Still. Wow.
Having given considerable consideration to the various considerations I say, me too!

But I thought they said that Scott Brown eats puppies and kitties

Seen over at The Camp of the Saints where Bob is keeping up with the Brown campaign:

I guess he has the puppies and kitties for desert.

It is a bit overcast today. I blame Bush.

Nah, not really but the recurring theme coming out of Mass is that if Marcia Martha Coakley loses it will be George Bush's fault.  I've been grateful to Pres. Bush for several things over the years so if Brown wins I will remember to say, "Thank you, George!".

Seriously, is Obama responsible for anything?  It must be nice to be able to sail through life knowing that no matter what asinine policy you put in place you can blame its inevitable failure on your predecessor.  The Stimulus didn't stimulate anything-Bush's fault.  Unemployment over 10 percent-Bush's fault.  The "bluest of the blue" states snubs the Dem candidate-Bush's fault. 

On the up side, if Dems continue to keep their heads in the sand and their asses in the air, November is going to be the sweetest month of all.  So hang on to your delusions my little blue buddies but keep an eye on the Help Wanted Ads and polish up those resumes* because unemployment is a bitch.

*Helpful hint-do not put "former Democratic Congressman" on the resume.  It is a sure deal breaker.

More at:

Pundit & Pundette  Various & sundry

Another Black Conservative  Coakley’s slide in the polls is Bush’s fault?

Left Coast Rebel   Democrats Think Martha Coakley May Lose - George W. Bush is to Blame?

Don Surber  Massachusetts Senate scoreboard

Continuous updating at The Other McCain and Legal Insurrection

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Are you proud?

I have a bad habit of personalizing everything and then projecting my opinions based on the personalization.  I am about to do it again.  I am a proud supporter of Marco Rubio.  I believe that he is a man of integrity and conscientious who will move our country forward in a positive manner.  If anything I do or write helps to get Rubio elected then I am also proud of myself. 

On the other hand, if Rubio were to handle his campaign as Martha Coakley has hers, I would be ashamed and I would withdraw my support for Rubio and not look back.  This is a perfect example:

Dem Mail: Scott Brown Wants Hospitals To Turn Away All Rape Victims

The Massachusetts Democratic Party sent out the above mailer that uses rape victims as political pawns while grotesquely misrepresenting Scott Brown's position.  What is Martha Coakley's response when asked about the ad?  Has she come out against this vicious attack ad?  Not that I am aware of.  Legal Insurrection:

Of course, Martha Coakley is silent on this abuse of the rape issue by her close associates at the Mass Dem Party.

I'm sure, once Coakley gets around to it, she'll say "I'm shocked." Sometime after Tuesday.
I also haven't heard Coakley express any outrage that one of her supporters is encouraging voters in Mass to commit voter fraud in order to get her elected.  I would be mortified if a candidate I supported turned out to be such a gutless sleaze factory.

My question to the voters in Mass-do you want to support a candidate that you can be proud of or are you sticking with Martha Coakley?

Why I pray that the people in Massachusetts vote for Scott Brown

Doug Ross:

To my brothers and sisters in Massachusetts,

Few people ever get a chance to tell their children that they helped save their country. On Tuesday, you have that chance.

By casting a vote for Scott Brown, you can provide the 41st vote in the United States Senate that will block President Obama's agenda.

In casting a vote for Scott Brown, you can stop the 2200-page health care bill that rewards unionized workers, citizens of Nebraska, and medical malpractice lawyers.

In casting a vote for Scott Brown, you can stop "Cap-and-Trade" bills that claim carbon dioxide -- which plants need to produce oxygen -- is a taxable pollutant.

In casting a vote for Scott Brown, you can halt the kind of open borders policy that has destroyed California's economy and which threatens our nation as a whole.

In casting a vote for Scott Brown, you can quietly state your belief in the founding principles of the United States. That is: limited government, a respect for individual liberty, free enterprise and private property.

Those who oppose your vote reject America's founding principles: the very tenets that led to the creation of the greatest country the world has ever seen.
Massachusetts is far more liberal state than my own.  That said, are the families in Russell, Mass. that different than the families in Ruskin, FL?  I would bet that our lives have more in common than not, and that our goals for our families, our communities and our country are largely the same.   We may approach solutions from different perspectives but our values unite us.
Our country is heading in the wrong direction.  The people in Massachusetts have the opportunity to force the government to take a time out and rethink its priorities.  We need a stable economy, a return to full employment and security for our nation.  By voting for Scott Brown, the people can send a clear message to the federal government that it needs to stick to those responsibilities given to it by our Constitution and allow the states to decide for themselves which programs are important to them.
We will all be with you on Tuesday.

Read the rest of Doug's post.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It isn't as hard to believe as you might think

Stacy McCain is on the ground in Massachusetts reporting on the Brown campaign and at a rally today he found himself amid Brown supporters from the SEIU.  I'm not the least bit surprised. 

I work for a labor union affiliated credit union.  At countless events I have seen and spoken with union members.  They aren't there as "plants", they are there as concerned citizens who are worried about the direction the country is taking.  Don't get me wrong, I have seen union members acting badly but they are not representative (typically) of the rank and file.

Don't forget that like the rest of us union members were sold a bill of goods about the Stimulus and jobs.  Now they are sitting on the bench and many of them are none too pleased.  I am anxious to see how the Locals handle the 2010 elections.  You know the old saying, fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  It is going to be a lot harder to fool the union members next time around. 

Martha Coakley: You are allowed your freedom of religion in theory, not practice

Coakley: "You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn't work in the emergency room"

Martha Coakley speaking with WBSM Radio Host Ken Pittman:

Ken Pittman: Right, if you are a Catholic, and believe what the Pope teaches that any form of birth control is a sin. ah you don't want to do that.

Martha Coakley: No we have a separation of church and state Ken, lets be clear.

Ken Pittman: In the emergency room you still have your religious freedom.

Martha Coakley: (...stammering) The law says that people are allowed to have that. You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn't work in the emergency room. (emphasis added)
Gee, let me see if I can process Coakley's statement.  If you are a medical professional and you believe in the sanctity of life you should be forced to chose between your religious beliefs and your profession.  Funny, but if I were suddenly to need medical attention I would go to a facility that provided the services that I needed.  I have never are been to Massachusetts, are all the hospitals there Catholic?  If a woman required birth control or abortion services would it be difficult for her to find care in the state of Massachusetts?

Catholic hospital or not, employers often work around the religious belief of their employees.  It is called respect.  Perhaps Coakley has heard of it?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I did it

Right at the top of Prof. Jacobson's home page at Legal Insurrection is a link to volunteer to call from home on behalf of Scott Brown.  The "concern" trolls are out on behalf of Coakley in an effort to spread misinformation and supress the vote.  At this point, Scott Brown is our greatest hope for ending this health care debacle and it falls on each of us to do everything in our power to help him get elected.

I have volunteered to make calls from home on behalf of the Brown campaign.  Please consider doing the same.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

They're gone? Do they know that?

American Power:

They’re Gone? Martha Coakley Clueless on AF-PAK Strategic Theater 

As I've reported many times, the Taliban's active terror cells in the AF-PAK security theater constitute a regional network grouping that knows no national borders. The Waziristan region of the tribal hinterlands is especially ripe with Taliban jihadi activities, with operations being conducted from Kabul to PesHawar.

It's thus extremely troubling to listent Democrat Martha Coakley, who's running against Scott Brown in the Massachusetts special election, to suggest that the Taliban "are gone" from Afghanistan, and thus it's time for the U.S. to come home.
It is troubling but what do you expect from someone who can't even spell the name of the state she wants to represent?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Whatever happened to "the will of the people"?

Reacting to the Boston Globes's Scott Brown swearing-in would be stalled to pass health care reform Cold Fury wrote this: 

I probably ought to say that none of this should be taken to mean I don’t think it’s worth working to get Brown elected; it most certainly is. But it ought to be clear enough by now to even the thickest-skulled Pollyanna out there that the health-care takeover fight is over, and we lost. The Democrat Socialists have shown they’ll stick at absolutely nothing whatsoever — fair, foul, or outright illegal — to get this thing rammed through, and rammed through NOW. They’ve been fighting to open this big-government Pandora’s box for decades; they want it more than they’ve ever wanted anything. And they have no scruples, no honor, no integrity, and no regard for the American Constitution to slow them down one iota in their rush to get it.

We won’t undo six decades of statist creep with one election, and we won’t turn back the socialized-medicine juggernaut with the election of one Senator from one of our most liberal states. Might as well put your faith in Obama to stem the rise of the oceans, end war and poverty, and all that other tommyrot while you’re at it.
Of course I hope that Scott Brown is elected.  I have been following the news of the election via Legal Insurrection where Prof. Jacobson has been informing and updating daily.  But has Cold Fury points out, this one election will not change what has been in the making for decades:  the discounting of the will of the people. 

I would love to blame our loss of voice on the Democratic party but Republicans are equally guilty, as are the voting public that has allowed our country reach a crisis point before having a "hey, wait a minute" epiphany.  Our elected officials have ignored the citizenry and have enacted their will contrary to the wishes of the people.  Should Massachusetts not seat Brown until after the health care vote, it would simply be par for the course.

This is a prime example of why the Tea Party movement is so important.  We need to put the people back in charge of the process and return to the small government principals that made this country great.  The Tea Party represents the growing number of citizens who want a return to the time when government answered to "the little guy" not Big Business, Big Labor, Big Environment and whoever dropped a couple of coins in their pockets.

Conservatives need to get over the idea that victory consists getting people elected who have a (R) after their name.  Victory is electing people who vote according to the will of the people.