Friday, June 10, 2011

Two Months Old

I can NOT believe my little man is two months old.  Man, how time flies!  We went to his wellness checkup yesterday, and wait until you get a load of these stats!  He weighs 12 pounds, 4 ounces (55th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (90th percentile)!  I can definitely say that my tiny guy has caught up to all of his peers.  When he was born he was in the 5th percentile in weight and it's amazing to see how he has really thrived over the last few months.  I am so thankful to have a healthy little boy. 

Here are a few photos of him on his two month birthday.

 Look at those rolls that finally came in!

This month he has really started to smile at us and likes to spend much more time awake.  He loves to bat toys around and really loves when mom and dad talk to him; we get lots of smiles that way.  He's a really good eater and is getting better at sleeping.  We just love having our little guy around!


wendy_d23 said...

Wow, you are right, from one month to two, he has really filled out! Are you still nursing, or formula? I wish you didn't have to go back to work so soon so you could come to dinner with me at Tara's!

Lisa said...

What?! Didn't you just have him!? Wow. These kids just keeping getting so big!