Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Check out what magically appeared on our porch this afternoon!

I heard a big truck driving around the neighborhood and when I went to the window to see what was going on I noticed they were putting all of these flowers on everyone's porches. I have no idea why we got them or what the deal was, but I'm so excited to plant them! The random surprise totally made my day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

High Chair!

I put Declan in his high chair for the first time today, and he totally loved it! Look how smiley he is - like he's a big kid or something. :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Like Father, Like Son

When anyone meets Declan for the first time, without a doubt they say "Oh my goodness, he looks just like Shawn!"  He is definitely Shawn's little mini-me. 

Shawn loves NASCAR racing and makes it a habit to watch it when he can on Sundays rooting for his favorite driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr.  At my baby shower Declan received a Dale Earnhardt Jr t-shirt, so I put it on him this past Sunday and Declan and Dad had matching outfits while watching the race.  Earnhardt didn't win, but the boys still had a great time!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tummy Time

Big D often gets bored with tummy time.  He'll try to hold his head up for a few seconds, but usually just ends up laying there staring off into space like he's just putting up with me for making him do it.  I guess that's better than crying, right? 

Here is a photo I snapped on Tuesday when he was just chilling out on his tummy.  I know I'm biased, but he is just SO CUTE!!  :)

Two Months Old

I can NOT believe my little man is two months old.  Man, how time flies!  We went to his wellness checkup yesterday, and wait until you get a load of these stats!  He weighs 12 pounds, 4 ounces (55th percentile) and is 24.5 inches long (90th percentile)!  I can definitely say that my tiny guy has caught up to all of his peers.  When he was born he was in the 5th percentile in weight and it's amazing to see how he has really thrived over the last few months.  I am so thankful to have a healthy little boy. 

Here are a few photos of him on his two month birthday.

 Look at those rolls that finally came in!

This month he has really started to smile at us and likes to spend much more time awake.  He loves to bat toys around and really loves when mom and dad talk to him; we get lots of smiles that way.  He's a really good eater and is getting better at sleeping.  We just love having our little guy around!


Since I'm not working right now, I thought it would be a nice time to go spend some time at my mom and dad's house in Gig Harbor.  Declan and I drove over and were there for about a week.  Declan did really great on his first road trip - he slept almost the entire 5 hours!  Shawn flew over after he got off work for the last few days I we were there so we all got to drive home together. 

It was so wonderful being at my parents house and having all of their help with the Big D.  He loved spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and he tells me often that it would be nice if he could see them every day. 

We also got to spend time with my sister Julie and her family while we were there.  Her kids loved to hold Big D and her smallest Kai was so cute with him - he kept kissing him and talking to him.  How sweet!
Here is a photo of Hayden and Kai holding Declan with Grandpa's help.
Here is Reyan holding Declan.  She did a great job feeding him and holding him!

Here is a photo of me and my nephew Hayden, who I have a total crush on.

And one more of little Kai.  Look at that cuuuuute smile!!!

Four Generations

While I was in Seattle visiting recently, my grandma was able to meet Declan for the first time so we took the opportunity to snap a photo of four generations of us!  Me, my Grandma Beth, mom Bonnie, and the Big D!
What a goooooood looking group of people!
If you look closely, you can see Declan and I have matching shirts on.  Who says that since he's a boy we can't dress alike?? ?  ;)