Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed

Or rather, the Cardiparty has landed - in St. Louis. . . and we were greeted with ice and then snow and temps, at least one day, with wind chills below zero. A crash course in COLD, and a crash course in driving on ice/snow. My furniture and boxes (and boxes and boxes and. . .) were delivered yesterday. My mom and dad helped unpack some yesterday (and are on the road back to Houston today, safely please), and the unpacking will continue until further notice. We had a few harrowing moments on our way here from Houston, as well as when we arrived, but more on that another time.

Holly and Mikey were unbelievably patient with hours in the car, and different hotel rooms for several nights in a row, and sitting in their crates while the movers brought everything in. We all got a good nights sleep in our own bed last night, and I'm trying to convince myself that we will all settle in soon, and that soon we will all feel at home here. . .

Holly and Mikey say 'Hi' and 'Brrrrrrr!'.


coopercreek said...

Welcome to St. Louis and our wonderful weather!

Laura, Cooper and Carly

Anonymous said...

Get some wool socks and convertible mittens and a stocking cap. Notwithstanding the weather, you'll like it there.

Sarah said...

Welcome to the midwest! Hopefully we'll catch up in person sometime soon. A hint that works well for me is to have one cardigan laying on each foot. They make fantastic foot warmers. :-)