Monday, May 02, 2016
New Telenovela: Yago begins tonight. Here's a synopsis. Who is in? We need recappers.
I ordinarily write the synopsis for a new show but because this one is starting tonight I'm giving you one I found elsewhere. If you would like a recapping slot please leave a comment. We need somebody for tonight if possible!

Our main character is Iván Sánchez. (See dreamy picture.) The story begins with Omar Guerrero, a simple young man living in a middle-class neighborhood next to his inseparable best friends Abel (Pablo Valentin) and Lucio (Flavio Medina). Omar’s life changes dramatically when Sara (Gabriela de la Garza) moves into the neighborhood with her father Damián (Manuel Ojeda) and her sister Ámbar (Ximena Romo). Damián is a conman who is about to pull off the perfect heist on the big Casino in the city. Unable to do it alone, he convinces Lucio, Abel and his daughter Sara to involve Omar. Even though Sara has fallen in love with Omar, her father manipulates her to go through with the plan. During the heist, a guard is murdered and Omar is framed for both crimes, and is sentenced to sixty year in prison. While in prison, Omar meets Fidel Yampolski (Patricio Castillo), an old and powerful mafia boss who becomes his mentor. After a prison riot burns the prison down, the two men plot an ingenious revenge; Fidel helps Omar get a new face and a new identity: Yago. Now, twelve years later, Yago has returned to execute his revenge upon the three people who betrayed him. But, will love be stronger than his hunger for vengeance?
Labels: camino, hotel, la-vecina, lichita, mivac, poder, proximas, qnc, sda, yago
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Premiere March 8: Sueño de Amor. Brief synopsis. Who's in?
Dream of Love tells the story of Esperanza and Ricardo and their desire to find each other again twenty years after living the intensity of first love. But today their lives are very different ...
Esperanza is a single mother and teacher in two different schools: in the exclusive Institute Palacios and also in the simple College Vasconcelos. She struggles every day to get ahead.
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles Ricardo is married to Tracy, a woman who puts puts her profession ahead of their children, Rodrigo and Selena. For this reason Ricardo is practically a "single" parent who must combine parenthood with his work as an agent of Interpol.
Life reunites them when Ricardo arrives, as an undercover agent, at Institute Palacios; he is following the trail of the terrible criminal "La Sombra".

Labels: camino, hotel, la-vecina, lichita, mivac, poder, proximas, qnc, sda
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Un camino hacia el destino - synopsis in English

Setting: the hacienda of the Altamirano family. Fernando Altamirano (Red Gustavo), head of the family, is a widower and the father of Amelia (Lisette Morelos), the eldest daughter, and Mariana (Ana Patricia Rojo), the apple of his eyes.
Pedro Perez (Jorge Aravena) is gardener on the estate. He has secretly loved Amelia forever. But she's in love with Luis Montero (René Strickler), an ambitious young law student.
At the age of 18 Amelia gives herself to Luis and becomes pregnant. But Luis rejects her in order to marry Marissa Gomez Ruiz (Eugenia Cauduro), a widow millionaire banker. Somehow Don Fernando comes to believe the child Amelia is expecting is Pedro's - he throws both of them out of the house.
Pedro marries Amelia and for love of her assumes paternity of the child whom Amelia christens Luisa Fernanda (Paulina Goto). (Luisa for the real dad and Fernanda for the grandfather).
Luis and Marissa's wedding takes place quickly because she has to go to Spain for bank business. She ends up paying for Luis to study law in Spain.
Marissa has a son, Carlos Gomez Ruiz (Horacio Pancheri), who despite his young age is not deceived. He's always known Luis is a playboy who married his mother for money. This makes for an awful relationship between Luis and Carlos.
Years pass ... Luisa Fernanda is a beautiful young lady of 18, who is finishing high school and has two passions in life: she plays the violin beautifully though she's never studied it, and she loves gardening, which she learned from her father Peter.
A meeting led by fate makes Luis run over Fernanda, ending at the hospital where Carlos works ...
Labels: camino, hotel, la-vecina, lichita, mivac, poder, proximas, qnc
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #124 Monday, 2-22-16 The Grand Finale!!!!
We are welcomed into the finale with the vintage clip from the original novela which morphs into the present day opening and the absolutely beautiful Pedro and Fiorella's theme, Adonde va Nuestro Amor.
We are flung immediately into the gasoline-soaked foyer where the prostrate Fidel lies, still unconscious. Suddenly we see Pedro wrestling Freddie for the lighter and he seems to be having a hard time subduing her. There is an awkward edit or either I blinked for a long time but instantaneously Freddie has been apprehended by several dudes. She curses the family as she is dragged out. Everyone is there holding their noses and complaining about how the place reeks of gasoline. There is light chatter about how Freddie should have been in prison and a freshly showered Fidel is briefly scolded about the lax security. He apologizes and offers the excuse of the family emergency. Pedro excuses him. Pilar frets that Freddie will come back. The scene is rounded out as the family announces they're all going back to bed and P-yew! it smells in there. Simoneta gets to clean the whole mess up as they scurry away.
The next morning, the whole family gathers in the spic and span foyer to bid Fiorella, Pedro and Sergio arrivederci as they head off to Maretea, Italy!
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Friday, February 19, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #123 2-19-16 Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!
Fiorella, Sergio and Pilar continue screaming outside the study door! On the other side we see the gun on the floor and a sobbing Pedro, "I'm not going to leave you alone! We will confront this together!" Maximo! has popped back in for a second to congratulate Pedro on not being a coward and then *poof!* dematerializes. Pedro opens the door, Fiorella, Sergio and Pilar wash through the door on a flood of tears. Fiorella kneels next to where Pedro has slumped on the floor. They hold, kiss and cry together. Sergio and Pilar leave.
Gianna's got squiggly lines on her monitor again! Elizalde says she's stabilized but her heart can't take much more! They've got to operate ASAP!
Sonia gets a standing ovation at the cabaret! She's a smashing success! She happily receives Eloisa's accolades back in the dressing room but misses the most important person: Osvaldo!
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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 3rd Edition 2/19/16
Labels: lichita, mivac, no-creo, poder, weekend
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #122 2-17-16 I Love You to Death
It is established right from the outset, if you didn't know already, that Gianna's prospects for survival are slim to none. Gael hears Dr. Elizalde telling Eloisa this so he decides he and Gianna must marry now! In a sweet scene he gets down on his knee and asks for her hand in marriage. Of course, she accepts and he places a delicate little white flower that he has formed into a ring upon her finger. Pedro, Fiorella and Simoneta come by later. Fiorella has a dress and a wreath of flowers for her head. Everyone is there in the hospital chapel as Gael and Gianna marry and the vows to love each other in sickness and health until death parts them have never been more meaningful. He is handsome in his suit and she is radiant with love despite her frailty.
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Muchacha Italiana viene a Casarse #121 2/16/16 This Little Heart of Mine
Gia has made it to the hospital but no heart donor yet, the doc will keep them posted and btw they could use some blood donors, so all Gia’s friends and fam will donate. Gael stays w/Gia to try to convince her for the umpteenth time that all will be well and she won’t die.
At Adela & Rey’s breakfast table they discuss Gia’s plight. Beni gets a call from Gael and tells him they’ll all go to the hospital. Adela and Rey get all worried hearing that and make a loud fuss. Roxi fits right in to the family loudly screeching at everyone else to be quiet. They all yell about being quiet for a while then Beni tells about the need for blood, they’re all eager to donate too.
Pietrell and the doc discuss using an artificial heart if a real one doesn’t turn up in time. Fi doesn’t like the idea and gets emotional, she shares her anguish w/her birth parents when they show up.
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Monday, February 15, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #120 2-15-16 It's a Family Affair!
Eloisa visits Freddie in prison. Freddie thinks she's there to mock her. Eloisa tearfully tells Freddie that she is sorry things turned out this way. Hmm, Freddie's not wearing beige or orange. Maybe she got to wear her own clothes cause she's "sposhsul!" Freddie charges the bars with a screeching yelp when Eloisa says that she didn't have to kill Dante. Two guards drag Freddie back to her cage!
Sergio is having a "confession is good for the soul" kinda day so he gives Pilar the short version of the "masquerade boink and now my two kids might be married to each other" fiasco he created. Pilar appreciates the full weight of the abomination: he cheated on her and he may be the father of their son's wife. She cries and pushes back on the bed to escape his touch. "Why did you marry me just to make me suffer! You're a horrible man! You're still horrible!"
Santino and Julieta are in bed and yes, they are glowing. Ummm. Santino's finely muscled chest and tight skin must feel heavenly to Julieta who looks right pleased about now. We get a nice view of his tastefully developed biceps and pecs as he lowers the phone. The DNA results are in! Soon they will know if Fiorella is their daughter!
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Friday, February 12, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #119 2-12-16 Anvilus Interruptus or an Anti-Climatic Anvil
Fiorella has walked in on Sergio and Santino having a "who yo daddy" conversation. She seems not to have heard. She asks for Julieta. She is just there to return her cell phone. Sergio and Santino heave a big sigh of relief and blame each other for the close call.
Next we jump to the employee's kitchen where Domingo tells Simoneta about catching Freddie messing around in Pilar's bureau drawer. Simoneta knows this is highly suspicious because Freddie doesn't pick up or straighten up behind herself, much less anyone else. They hear a door slam and Simona jumps up and sprints out the door, rounds the corner and comes back to report to Domingo that Freddie was spying on them! Domingo panics! "Dios mio, that psychopath is going to kill me!" Simoneta says they have to be attentive and more alert now and she volunteers to be his guardian angel!
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Muchacha Italiana #118 2/11/16 Pietro Angeles, King of Lame Excuses
Alina discusses aromatherapy w/Pilar – was she using the drops for that? Pilar maintains she never uses drops for anything. Sergio drops by to catch up. Alina tells him she’s convinced the drops weren’t Pilar’s. He’s relieved but confused, what could it all mean? (losing brain cells by the minute this guy) He goes to visit w/Pilar, asks her how she’s feeling and she blames him for not looking for her when she was locked up. He apologizes and explains that he thought she was dead. Pietro calls to check in on his mom.
Labels: mivac
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #117 2-10-16 Take Your Apellido and Shove It!
- Fiorella continues to rake her new-found parents over the coals and outright rejects their suggestion that she take a DNA test. Santino says its a legal formality so that he can arrange her inheritance and give her his name. Fifi ain't having it! She's proud to be a Bianchi and she doesn't need his stinkin' money! The only thing that matters to her is Gianna's heart transplant surgery! She invites them to leave!
- Sergio and Julieta report to Pedro at ACorp on Fiorella's rejection and refusal to take the DNA test. After much persuasion, he agrees to talk to Fiorella to try to convince her to take it.
Labels: mivac
Muchacha Italiana #116 2/9/16 Technical Difficulties
(Ok folks I got to start out with an apology, this was a night of just one thing after another, first the audio was muffled on my recording and I spent an hour taking apart and cleaning my VCR to no avail so I’m sure I missed some dialogue so this recap is going to be extra short)
Just as Fi is asking Pietro why he is so distant with her and what was it that his father told him that upset him so much they broke in w/primary results so I missed whatever lame excuse Pietro came up with and the next thing I got was the funeral at the house.
Roxi cries and eulogizes her mother; how nice she was, and how she let her get away with everything, and how mean Roxi was. Then, Fed comes home and makes a ruckus about the funeral for the servant till Roxi gives her a well deserved slap and tells the priest he can get on with the funeral.
Then we go to Pietrella’s room and Pietro’s unwillingness to even lie in bed beside the woman who may be his half sister. He goes to shower (repeatedly I’m sure) while Fi goes to sleep. Pietro flashes back to all their kisses from the very first, till Sergio’s voice breaks in to his memories saying Fi might be his daughter.
Next morning Pietro hasn’t slept in the bed and left a note for Fi saying he’s gone to resolve something.
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Monday, February 08, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casare #115 2-8-16 A Swift and Sudden Visit from the Angel of Death!
First we have Fiorella's finding out she is the long lost daughter of Julieta and Santino. They are initially shocked and then overcome with joy and relief while Fiorella is devastated. She pulls away from their attmpts to embrace her and she asks them accusingly, why did they give her away, why did they abandon her? They are hurt by her rejection but give her space and Fiorella vents these feelings in more depth with Pedro moments later. With Pedro she cries and rages that Vittorio had no right to keep this information from her; the whole thing feels unreal and what a bitter surprise life has dealt her: all her life has been a lie! Pedro wonders what happened to the Dr. who was present at her birth? He's a very old man now, he must have confused her with Gianna. Pedro offers his support to her for whatever she needs and consoles her with his kisses and warm embrace. She begs him and he agrees not to tell Gianna. Fiorella is afraid her heart couldn't take the shock.
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Friday, February 05, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #114 2-5-16 Mi Vida Sin Ti!
Fidel shows Pedro the canvas bag with the hammer and screwdriver and pliers. Looks like Osvaldo is behind the deadly "home improvement!" Os comes in grinning from ear to ear with a shopping bag full of baby stuff to show Pedro who slaps him with the accusation instead.
Sonia is practicing with her singing coach. Be nice folks, she is practicing. Freddie waltzes in and calls Sonia's attention to the loud voices coming from the study. Sonia goes to investigate. Freaky Freddie (wish I could find a clever name to work "bitch" into her name) insults and evicts the coach!
Pedro collars Osvaldo who vigorously denies the charges and defends himself without huffing, puffing, or becoming obnoxious! He understands Pedro's suspicions but stands his ground. Sonia enters the study and joins the defense. Osvaldo asks why would he want to harm Pedro when without Pedro the business would sink and why would he hide the incriminating evidence in his bedroom? Fidel thinks Os has a point and Pedro grudgingly agrees with Fidel that they will keep investigating more deeply. Os cautions Pedro that someone is trying to drive a wedge between them and agrees that until the culprit is found, everyone remains under suspicion!
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #113 2/4/16 This Show Has More Plotting Than Plot
Skankia isn't gone after all and Roxi comes into the kitchen yelling like a drill sgt. Beni even salutes. Katia plays innocent, and Roxi goes for her eyes, but Beni holds her back and Katia makes her escape. Then Beni and Rox fight. Rox calls Beni a jellyfish who fallls at Katia's feet at the slightest invitation. Beni gets upset and says he's had it with her jealousy.
Juli and Santino and their guy - He found a nurse who saw the girl Mario adopted and the baby had a lilac colored ribbon on her wrist. Juli says she put it there and now they have a pic and they're closer to finding her. Juli cries, happy tears this time.
Fi is not in the mood for love, she wants to go to the organ bank and see if any donors have died yet. Pietro talks her into coming to ACorp with him and they'll call from there.
Dinner table talk about Dante's death and how wierd it was. Fed is pretty much horrible to everyone during this scene the worst thing she says is maybe Sonia's baby will die and when they tell her to bite her tongue she says its my house I can say what I want. Not yet it isn't responds Pietro and Os changes the subject, asking Fi how Gia is in a caring and not at all like him way. Sergio asks about ACorp and Fed goes oh now you care. When Pietro tells the fam thy are working on getting out of the hole Fed warns them all they will see the fall of the Angeles empire and swans out leaving the others to scoff at her back.
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Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #112 2-3-16 "If I had a Hammer. . . . ."
Please see Sneaky's recap and discussion of yesterday's action here!
Santino offers to sign up to be a heart donor for Gianna. Dante's sudden demise is proof of the fleeting nature of life. Fiorella thanks Santino with a big hug!
The autopsy report states Dante died of a heart attack. It's not universally believed (Osvaldo) but is eventually accepted.
Fidel reports to Pedro on the State of El Rancho. Cameras are poorly placed leaving "blind spots" in the closed circuit surveillance and many are old and need repair or replacing. The whole system will be down for maintenance.
Freddie denies to Eloisa that she and Dante had a thang goin' on. Freddie blames Eloisa and Maximo for making her so embittered and soured on life, she never married. Freddie calls Aitana. They meet and agree they are a couple of bitches. Aitana signs on to take out Pedro and Fiorella seeing as how the cameras are out and she can get away undetected.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #111 2/2/16 Dante We Hardly Knew Ye or We Really Didn’t Like Him When He Was Alive, But Now He’s Dead We’re Super Sad.
Gia and Roxi go for Katia claws out and Gael and Beni hold their girlfriends back.
Katia finally gets a word in edgewise to say she came to apologize and she does so at length – the girls don’t buy it but the boys do. Katia tells them she’s going back to Portugal to get some psychiatric help.
Elo tells Pilar not to go around telling people Dante killed Gabe – it’ll be their little secret
Dante is still dying and Fed is glorying in it – its creepy – nuff said
Fi greets Juli and Santino in her cheerful way w/hugs – they’re so happy she likes them because they have to tell her something, but Fi goes first and tells them she just found out she’s not adopted. They’re way sad and disappointed, Juli even runs out in tears.
Dante – still dying. Fed - still creepy - RPC
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Monday, February 01, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #110 2-1-16 Skankia 0 - Gianna 100!
Julieta's conversation with Sergio is a total fake out! Fiorella didn't react when she told him the adoptive father's name was Bianchi because neither she nor Pedro heard what Julieta said! Fiorella concluded that Sergio and Julieta made up. They didn't. Julieta felt she owed telling him this latest news but after today she doesn't want to see him ever again! Maybe she'll forgive him one day, but for now, she's outta there! Pedro and Fiorella look after her, confused, and Sergio confirms that he's been dumped.
Alina's consultation with Eloisa about Pilar's insistence that Dante killed Gabriel. Eloisa rejects it out of hand and blames it on Pilar's brain damage from being imprisoned and force fed psychotropic drugs for twenty two years. There is NO WAY Dante killed Gabriel and tells a disappointed Alina she must not tell anyone, especially Federica! Well, too late, she knows. . .she knows that Gabriel was killed, not that Dante killed him. Eloisa warns Alina not to tell Freddie because she is not only vengeful, but she's mad! Alina promises to be discreet and leaves looking a little befuddled.
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Friday, January 29, 2016
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #109 1-29-16 BIANCHI, for crying out loud, BIANCHI!!!
Freddie's head didn't pop off and fly around the room (thanks for that image, Sneaky) but she did collapse and slide out of the chair onto the floor and she wails as Pilar holds her and cries that she is sorry, Federica was so young and had suffered so much. Of course these people don't know what a closed door is so Dante walks right up and asks what's going on. Now, friends, whoever said that Pilar has more on the ball than she's letting on, take a bow. Pilar and Freddie smoothly switch roles and Pilar begins to cry and wail uncontrollably as Freddie pretends to comfort her. Freddie says, "She's fine, we're getting closer and she was telling me about that evil Maximo. How could you work for somebody like him?" Dante defends Maximo, "He got me out prison, he wanted me to be a good man!" A good man? Freddie thinks Dante's face and demeanor are like that of a beast. No! They don't need help. She will get Domingo. She dismisses him.
Pedro and Fiorella walk through the living room. Fiorella frets about how sad Gianna is and decides she will flash Gianna a smile every time she looks at her. She asks how it went at ACorp. He, Eloisa and Osvaldo plan to meet, Fiorella will attend.
Domingo flirts with Simoneta as she brushes Pilar's hair and tells her how spiffy she'll look when they go on their walk around the Ranch. Pilar is silent, her brow is furrowed. Eloisa approaches and notices this and that Pilar is more quiet than usual. Domingo mentions that she was talking to Freddie a bit ago. Eloisa goes ballistic and leaves the room yelling for Freddie. There's a cute little bit where Domingo clumsily tries to tell Simoneta that he is....he is....enamorado Pilar says with a roll of her eyes!
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