Thursday, December 08, 2011
The Pear Robe Project

The sexy, interesting, and sometimes just bizarre wardrobe of our TN characters, particularly our heroines, provides an endless source of conversation on this blog. As does the re-use of props and clothing in multiple TNs. But never has a recycled TN clothing item been more used, debated, and immortalized than THE PEAR ROBE.
You know the robe I’m talking about. It’s legendary! Kind of like Fafy Cuenca! White terry cloth. LARGE black and green pears all over. It has been donned by an assortment of TN ladies—heroines and villainesses alike. I decided to hunt down this often sighted, but never photographed (at least not on this blog) clothing item, and capture its image. Here is the result.
Perfect Wedding Day Attire- En Nombre del AmorBefore the ill-fated nuptials between bad girl Romina and her best friend Paloma’s one-true-love Emiliano, Romina donned The Pear Robe, and her bridal tiara. She was positively glowing from her victory in fooling Emiliano into believing that the baby she was carrying was his, and not that hunky bad boy German’s. Not even the shock of finding out she was bleeding, and likely miscarrying, was going to keep her from walking down that isle.
The Look of Innocence- Llena de Amor
Kristel has just been rolling around in bed with her lout of a boyfriend Mauricio (aka Rapey Snake). Unfortunately, the maid tattled on her to Mama Fedra who has called on henchman Bernardo to kick the locked door down. Kristel may be a fresa, but she’s no dummy. She’s thrown Mauricio off her second floor balcony, hopped quickly into the shower to get that wet look, and emerged from her bathroom in her beloved Pear Robe to find out what all the fuss is about. She was just taking a shower, by herself, after all.
Kristel perfects her look of innocent confusion in front of an incredulous Fedra and Bernardo
Anguish and Despair Wear- Hasta Que el Dinero Nos SepareAfter hating him, then fighting her feelings, then falling madly in love with him, Alejandra must give up her Rafael. This leads to endless nights of sorrow and tears like this one.
What could be better to wear when one is in the depths of despair than a comfy robe of pears?
Phantoms, Panic, and Pears- Soy tu DueñaOscar the Not-So-Friendly Ghost has come to visit evil Ivana once again. Maybe he’s mad that she killed him? Or he just might be trying to tell her that that Pear Robe is a major fashion faux pas.
This is the most clothing we ever saw Ivana wear
Random Pear Sightings- Ni Contigo Ni Sin TiI’m not even watching this TN, but I was going along, minding my own business, working from home with the tv on in the background, and of course checking in on CarayCaray and gossiping about The Pear Robe, when what should appear, but THE PEAR ROBE?! This pretty young lady was carrying it nonchalantly, as she blew off this nice young man who seems to really like her. Obviously her taste in bathrobes does not bother him.
Did I conjure up the Pear Robe just thinking about it?
Honorable Mentions
There are rumors that The Pear Robe made an ap-pear-ance in Un Gancho al Corazon and Mañana es Para Siempre (MEPS), two TNs I have seen. I seem to remember it appearing in those too, but can’t remember the exact scene, nor who the un-lucky wearer was. I have also been told it appeared in Juan Querendon, a TN I did not see, on a character named Marley.
I for sure remember this similar robe from MEPS, worn by our heroine Fernanda on her wedding day. Instead of pears, the robe is covered with flowers. Perfect for a sweet heroine filled with doubts about marrying her hot fiancé (Sergio Sendel), when her hot one-true-love (Fernando Colugna) is still out there somewhere. Why is THE PEAR ROBE so popular, while this one has disappeared into the back of Televisa’s wardrobe closet?
Flowers vs. Pears, which do you prefer?
Have you spotted The Pear Robe?
Labels: amor, dinero, gancho, humor, Juan, llena, manana, stud, telenovelas, weekend
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Hasta Que el Dinero nos Separe Gran Final II Friday 10/29/10 Our Chickens Come Home to Roost
Well, it looks like a lot of the loose ends are pretty well tied up, so lets enjoy this last look at the warm, wacky, wonderful world of Dinero and the characters we've enjoyed so much together over these past months.
What a blowout of a wedding. The reception is no less spectacular. Having been announced by his father, Rafa, decked out in his charro outfit takes the stage and seems rather tentative at first making a few awkward dance moves. He begins to sing Yo no Fui and immediately the audience is in his thrall. Leonor, looking ravishing with her hair up catches the spirit.

Finishing his number he joins Ale and the other newlyweds. He explains that his dad arranged for him to sing and brought his outfit and shows everyone the picture his dad had saved.
The MC asks the guests to stand and applaud as the couples take a turn on the dance floor stage beginning with Rosario and Quintana. They are followed by Julieta and Jaime, Susana and Nelson, Claudia and Urdiales, Milagros and Todoyo (Daniel), Carmela and Trapito, and finally Alejandra and Rafael. Needless to say all the brides are strikingly beautiful in their flowing white gowns. The men are handsome in their light gray tuxes. Rafa is dashingly decked out in his black charro getup and no doubt we'll be hearing another song or two from him very soon. Mientras tanto, he and Ale make a lovely couple as they gaze lovingly into each others eyes pausing to indulge in a chaste kiss drawing applause from the guests.
The master of ceremonies then announces the newly wed couple Ale and Rafa and Rafa emerges wearing his broad sombrero, descends the steps leading on to the runway and to the delight of the crowd joins a waiting Ale and begins to sing... what else?... Amarte Antigua.

Janet and Pancho, caught up in the moment cuddle and coo,

Her Royal Highness beams proudly and Marian, smashing as ever, looks on with adoring wistfulness, yet without a hint of jealousy. As we do, she knows that this is right.

.... Next!
We are treated to more Rafa as he sings the the show's title song, Hasta el Dinero nos Separe. I must say, this certainly makes the recapping easier. I used to pout and whine that I never seemed to get any of the musical numbers to lighten my recap load. Tonight I get them spades. Good thing... tomorrow is our 40th wedding anniversary and the lovely Linda insists that I spend it with her.
Marian is clearly Rafa's second biggest fan. Janet and Pancho sing along and steal a kiss. Ale wipes a tear.
The guests want cake, "¡Pastel! ¡Pastel! ¡Pastel!" The happy couples each take turns cutting into the huge seven tiered cake.

"¡Beso! ¡Beso! ¡Beso!" Rafa leads everyone in a cheer, "A la bim bom ba, los novios, los novios ¡Rah! ¡Rah! ¡Rah!" The General steals a kiss after a little salute to capitalism.
Wow, Rafa is gong to sing another song. This time he does a credible impression of Pedro Fernandez as he sings el Cantante Everyone is having a great time.
And now a special treat is announced. Oh my! A treat indeed! Claudia dressed(?), well, almost, in canary yellow .

Who knew? She sings. She dances. Wow! Excuse me for a few moments. I'm going to have to rewind and watch this again. (To see if I can figure out what song she is performing, of course)
Phew! That was breathtaking.
The brides line up along the runway and each tosses her bouquet into the crowd.

Gee! The fun just never ends. Now a Surprise Number is announced and I'm not lying (or is that laying, Dr. Judy?), it's Germán, Nelson, Trapito, and Jiménez, dressed iridescent blouses, gold (Germán), blue (Dandy), purple (Jimenéz), and red (Trapito). They are also wearing black bell-bottomed pants. Each sings as the crowd goes wild.

I think Susanita may have had a few drinks. As they take their bow, all but Trapito, tumble from the stage. Great fun.
More Rafa. Once again cleverly disguised as Pedro Fernandez and wrapped in a black capa. This time he sings el Aventurero. More great fun. Not a lot to recap so I'll just sit back, sip my margarita and enjoy. When he finishes, he's ambushed by Ale who gives him a let's get on with the dang honeymoon kiss. Unfortunately, his lips are sealed.
Tiempo despues:
Ale and Rafa have a contrite, very nervous and rather jumpy Chávez cornered in the conference room of Auto Siglo.

Just how is he going to repay what he he has robbed? "Robbed? No, I borrowed." Ale and Rafa want him to report to the hacienda , "mañana mismo," to begin working off his debt. Ale assures him that she will be keeping a close eye on him. Why am I thinking this is effectively returning him to his own private little briar patch? To bolster my suspicion, he asks that he be allowed to take with him his two most trusted assistants. Ale and Rafa agree and our beloved buzzard beats a hasty exit. "You won't be sorry... Con permiso." Ale, Rafa, and we have grave doubts that this is such a good idea.
Why am I not surprised to see our crafty cunning old coot join up with the same lovely lusty ladies whom we last saw disguised as harem girls escaping the hacienda in the company of Todoyo's rather suspicious looking Arab cousin, Ali Babuchas?

Grabbing each around the waist he exhorts, "Let's go live at the hacienda! We are going to have some unforgettable nights! "
Jiménez is finally engaged in his preferred profession that he was trained for.. He is seated at his drafting table looking natty and confident in his blazer and tie. He is on the phone with his now adoring wife telling her, "Don't worry Gordita, buy the walker for your dad and see if your mom can also useit." Honey drips from her words, "Gracias Gordito, adiós," as she is given thumbs ups from his beaming suegros. As he hangs up he is confronted by a gorgeous babe (his new assistant?) standing in wait. As is his custom, he fervidly fiddles with his tie, stammers his trademark, "¡Oh Dios mio!," and then approaches her and favors her with a fatherly kiss (OK, I may have misinterpreted that.

Did that sex therapist perhaps overachieve with our nervous little gnome?). ¡Oh Dios mio!
Huddled at the central table in the Oasis, our favorite watering hole are Quintana, Chávez, and Quintana's pal, Rendon with the emaciated enebriate hovering over Chávez' shoulder. Rendon is here to confess that he was the brains behind the headless apparition at the hacienda. He is an expert in special effects including holograms. They have a good laugh and it looks as though all is forgiven. As they toast, who should appear in all his spooky splendor? None other than the haunted hacienda's headless horseman in the not-flesh. Guess there are no travel restrictions on this particular phantom. They react appropriately.
Over at Groupo Celeste, M&M (no not the candy, I believe that either of these two would melt in the right hands), Marian and Muskrat (what a pair of legs) are conferring and consoling. Marian concedes that while she may have lost Rafa to Ale and Daniel (no great loss by my reckoning) to Milagros, she still is able to do lots of good, help lots of people... Monserat agrees and is so proud to have such a successful well-adjusted friend (heck, I'm almost buying into this claptrap). Saved by Chepa who has brought in the latest edition of Caras,

hot off the press. Marion is the cover-girl... ummm... better make that cover-person since she has been named Executive of the Year. That's wonderful, but I'll bet she'd trade that for Rafa in a Mexican moment.
Looks like Sandra has finally given Marino that one thing he has so desired but until now has managed to elude him. He enters her hospital room, no flowers, no candy, just a simple demand, "Where's my daughter?"

Turns out that Sandra has a little surprise for him, but he wants nothing of surprises, he just wants to see his daughter. Nopis... no daughter... sons! "¡Qué?" Sipis. "With yours , mine, and now ours, you have fifteen sons." Uh oh, triplet boys. Congratulations, Daddy!
Now this is gratifying. It appears that Chávez plan is not quite going as he had hoped. He's clad in a plaid shirt, blue jeans, coarse straw hat and rubber boots. He's milking a lovely Holstein beauty. His associates are similarly dressed but with much more appealing and revealing tailoring. They busy themselves mucking out the barn.

This is not quite what any of them had pictured. The ladies complain, the place reeks of cattle and is filled with flies, and worst of all, "We're not allowed to use the pool." The ranch foreman shows up and demands that they quit kvetching and get back to work. Chávez objects to the way he is addressed. "Not Chavez! That's Licenciado Vicente Chávez to you!" "You're peón Chávez to me!" The vice foreman brings his associate a cool beverage, calling Chávez and his comely assistants igualados (cheeky inferiors) and demanding more respect for the Patroncito.Heck, this isn't what these girls signed up for. They're outta here. "¡Adiós!" Chávea whines once more that he is el Licenciato Chávez. "And I'm el Licenciado Jesús Ibarbogoiitia!" He furtively asks for a whiskey and is told that he might get some pulque (a crude cheap fermented beverage made from the agave) but if he doesn't do his work he'll only get agua miel (unfermented sap of the agave). In frustration, he pulls his hat down with such force that his head bursts through the crown, "Next thing you know, he'll be wanting me to service the bull!" Yikes! I actually feel a little sorry for Chávez, however, not all that sorry. He always finds a way to game the system.
The more things change, the more they look the same. In the conference room of the Nuevo Auto Siglo, we see an all new crew, yet it all seems eerily familiar. The supervisor of sales, Alejandra Barros, demonstrates a management style very much like that of the old Alejandra. She introduces Licenciado Fernando Bernal (formerly Rumpole of the Bailey and more recently Padre Bosco of MEPS) who sounds a lot like Beltrán.

He wants them to surpass the sales of their competitor Clo Autos run by that fox of sales, Edgar Marino. Edgardo Regino (el Coyote, we once affectionately knew him as Odious Oscar of Gancho) promises to out-Marino Marino, Isidoro Hernández (el Nene) will try to fill Bebe's shoes, The verbose Hernán Linares (el Maestro) in a similar bow tie will assume the role of Ramírez very nicely, "Hellooo!" The pretentious Laura Hernández del Villor steps in as a new Rosaura, authoritative Manuela Olivares (la Sagenta ,... of Gancho ) signs on to fill the General's spot, sultry Lola Sansores (la Seductora) will try to measure up to Claudia, and Roxana Ferrón Gracía (looking very Susanaish) enters to give a message to Ale-lite that she has received letters for the owners... surprise, surprise... Alejandra del Castillo and Rafael Medina. The conversation and bickering is the same that we have heard countless times... very déjå vu.
The meeting ends with Linares requesting a singing of the anthem.

Afterwards, we are introduced to Johnny Alpino (el Catrin) I'll bet he can't roll his eyes like Nelson) and Casimiro Gutiérrez (Tio Meño of Tontas) to twitch and fret. "¡Oh Dios mio!" Cute... Next!
We were wondering what happened to Karen. Well, she's back in town and she and her friend are cruising along in her nifty white convertible. The friend is hungry as Karen remembers that Jeni asked her to pick up some meat. they pull into the only butcher shop in DF. The two enter Don Gastóns shop where we see that business is brisk as we see the entire de la Parra family busily serving the public. Pancho is rendered tongue-tied by Karen and her attractive friend as Karen requests baby back ribs and chorizos. There seems to be a bit of confusion as Felipe shouts for the Aguayón. This must not be a complimentary nickname (I'm not sure, but I think it means dishrag) as Vicki takes offense at her husband being referred to as Aguayón. She takes charge, barking orders and we see that there's another familiar face working there now. The Aguayón seems to almost be hiding his face behind the slab of meat he is toting but we quickly recognize that it is ... Marco! ... and as he sees the customer is Karen he redoubles his effort to disappear behind the meat thrown over his shoulder.

Oops, now Karen recognizes him as well,"¿Marco?" "Hola, Karen." Vicki has shifted her obsessive jealousy to Marco, whom she refers to as her Ratoncito (little mouse). Ah, Vicki ,Vicki, Vicki... don't ever change.Everyone laughs except Vicki and Marco.
Well now the expanded family has arrived at the family home. Jorge , accompanied by Rubi is delighted to be home.

Rosario and Quintana likewise seem to be happy and so are Ale and Rafa who share another chaste kiss (sorry , ladies). Azucena came early and spiffed the place up. Rafa has arraged a surprise. A huge banner welcomes them, "¡Bienvenidos a su Casa, Familia Alvavez del Castillo!" proclaims a huge banner surrounded by streamers and balloons . They stroll into the back garden as a mariachi band strikes up and they are greeted by a large crowd gathered to share in the festive homecoming. He tells Ale how glad he is that fate and the accident has brought them together. She agrees. They kiss. What can I say? They are going to have to enroll in a remedial kissing course.

He does... Dime mi Amor
"Dedicada a todos aquellos que creen en el amor antes que en el dinero."
(Dedicated to all those who believe in love before money.)
For Judy and anyone else who missed the finale. These are links to the Gran Final on Youtube. I hope they haven't been blocked yet. It covers the last half of Thursday's episode and the two hour episode on Friday:
1. 10:00
2. 10:00
3. 10:00
4. 10:00
5. 10:00
6. 10:00
7. 10:00
8. 10:00
9. 1000
10. 10:00
11. 9:21
Labels: dinero
Dinero Friday October 29th – Gran Final, Part One – Seven Beautiful Brides for Seven Lucky Guys
And now, after 230 episodes, after accidents on the highway, accidents of love, after devious dirty dealings, after losing it all, after fighting back, little by little, step by step, after lies, tears, schemes and many, many little (somewhat chaste) kisses, we’ve finally arrived at the great day. All our questions will be answered. All the loose ends will be tied up. Could the writers really make a Gran Final so satisfying, so delicious, that we’d forgive them for extending this show longer than just about any other? ¡Por supuesto que sí!
Vicky enters, clad in cast and choker, inquiring why Rafael is making fun of her. But you’re making fun of Ale, by imitating (remendando) her, says Rafa, noticing Vicky’s attire. He then realizes that this is no joke, Vicky was really hurt, and she tells how it happened. She and Marco were following Ale and Rafa, and saw them kissing. Furious, Vicky’s inner devil
suggested they do something to hurt the lovers, such as “borrow” Rafa’s precious car. After Rafa tells the drunk attendant to watch out for the car, he (the attendant) passes out. Our little tricksters scurry over to the car, conveniently unlocked, Marco bends down as if to “hotwire” it, and they’re off. Over the cliff they go (this time we see them flailing away as the car flips) and the captions say mucho ruido (lots of noise). Yes, mucho.
Vicky broke her leg and messed up her neck, so she’ll have to use a cane (férula) and a surgical collar (collarín) for a while. And Marco broke three ribs (poor baby). But what about the Pantera? asks Rafa. Vicky, for once contrite, says they’ll try to fix it, or her father will try to replace it. Rafa’s initially mad, and Marco begs like a baby not to go to jail. Rafa hems and haws a bit, but then agrees. He goes into a long speech about destiny, they didn’t plan this, nobody wanted to hurt Vicky and Marco, but you can’t stop love. He tells Vicky she’s noble and loving, although at times, she did hurt people, such as Jaime. But in the end, Rafa and Ale forgive Vicky and Marco, wish them the best, and the two of them leave.
This leaves Vicky and Marco together. Vicky has finally accepted that her Pajarito is no longer hers. Same with Marco, who feels terrible. But Vicky says they can help each other, and their hands touch in mutual support. Vicky manages a sweet smile as she thanks Marco for rescuing her from the accident, and acting like a gentleman. Marco is grateful, and wonders how Vicky’s father reacted. She didn’t tell him all the details yet, but he always helps her. Hmm, by the way, asks Marco, what does your Dad do for a living? Well, he owns various butcher shops, but he only personally waits on people in the largest one. Dollar signs start to form in Marco’s brain. He calls Vicky attractive and nice. Vicky’s thankful, and thinks Marco’s nice, too, although when he got hurt, he did look and act a bit like a little mouse (ratoncito). Well, this little mouse takes the bait, asks her out, and it looks as if they’ll be drying each other’s mouse-ke-tears.
Some time later (tiempo después), Jorge and Rubi are back from Switzerland, and Jorge’s rich! The password was right, and he’s going to be able to recover everything! Ale and Rosario are ecstatic. They fill him in on their two weddings which are being planned, and he assures them that not only will they be able to afford the weddings, he’s going to buy back the hacienda and his house. He and Rubi also exchange words of affection, and now, it’s time to eat! Jorge remembers Azucena’s name perfectly, and orders up some down home Mexican chow. Yumm!
At an outdoor café, Doña Arcadia orders Chato to take the doggies for some recreation, maybe to the swings (colúmpios). Jiménez and Daniel are also at the table. Todo yo Daniel wants to open a construction company (constructora), and wants Jiménez to be his partner and architect. He even wants him to run everything, and just send Dan the earnings. Ramiro is bowled over by this, is super grateful, and promises Danny he’ll do a good job. Daniel just has two conditions: One, lose the tie. Two, do you happen to have the phone number of a gal named Milagros?
Dandy and Susana are locked in an unending kiss, as Ale enters, wearing her highest heels ever, along with a sleek black strapless dress, looking on top of the world. Susana tells Ale she and Nelson are going to get married with a church wedding now, so why not have a double wedding? Ale's hip to this, and when Dandy wonders about the expense, Ale summons the two into her office to explain how that’s no longer a prob.
Cut to a fancy law office, as a now super hot looking Julieta (my, has she changed) enters, asking the receptionist, is licensiado Jaime Rincón available? He is. He looks very dashing in his dark suit and blue tie, as she tells him she broke up with Cesar. He bumps into the desk, fumbles a bit, but she tells him, look dumbo, there’s only ever been one man for me. You. She lays a scorching kiss on him, and I think we may have to up our wedding count.
Vicky’s shiny legs are sitting in a bar, accompanied by the rest of her, and a doting Marco. The cast is gone, as is the collar, and Marco is back to his dapper self. They declare their mutual affection, he’s her ratoncito, she’s his ratoncita,
Time to tie up our other big (although recent) loose end, as Rafa, Sr. shows up at the Medina-Nuñez abode, looking professional in his suit and white shirt, holding his head (and his hair) high (I guess the hair is teased up so far, because of the “tall” order he’s going to have to convince them). He goes into a long speech, asking forgiveness from Rafa and Leonor. He throws in the fact that he’s worked 14 hours a day, and has made lots of money, a whole lot, muchísimo dinero, more than they can imagine. (Did I mention that he’s made a lot of money?) Rafa’s not impressed, does he want to buy their love? No, of course not. He then gives them the stuff about how he always loved them, they were better off without him, Leonor raised them to be successful and happy. Rafa, Sr. tries tears. He tries reason. He sets the all time record for longest forgiveness plea. But Rafa, Jr. won’t forgive. No way. Until Rafa, Sr. turns to leave, and JUST before he gets to the door, little Rafa breaks down, I don’t want you to leave, Dad. Despite everything, I still love you. They hug. Julieta joins the circle. And a few moments later, Leonor accepts Rafa, Sr.’s extended hand, as the four actors hold their teary faces for what seems like an eternity through the sappy music, trying desperately not to break into guffaws (look, I cried for a second, but then it got SILLY), a perfect telenovela moment.
Tubby Trapito has proven to be every inch (or pound) the man crafty Carmela craved. They’re in a fish restaurant, where Carmelita orders everything on the menu for her hefty hunk. All SHE needs is a tall drink, she’s dehydrated (too much exercise, maybe?) She goes over to him, hugs him from behind, kisses him, squeezes his cheeks (not THOSE cheeks), he’s like a great big treat for her, and she’s going to take care of every bit of him. He wonders if he’s just an object of pleasure for her. Her response, if you don’t marry me, I’ll KILL you! He breathlessly agrees, at which point Carmela takes a ring OFF her finger, gives it to Trappy, orders him to put it back ON her finger, and she accepts! She WILL marry him! They’re all over each other (and the table), as the waitress and patrons look on approvingly.
Jorge and Rubi are dining in a restaurant with Leonor and Rafa, Sr. They discuss the double wedding. As father of the bride, Jorge will pay for the wedding. As father of the groom, Rafa, Sr. will handle the reception. And it’s going to be a multiple wedding, with lots of surprises (I can’t wait).
Shopping time, as the novias are buying dresses! Carmela’s making sure her assets are covered, Milagros is looking stunning (I guess Daniel got her number!), Claudia’s admiring herself in the full length mirror (as do I), Susana looks lovely in her strapless gown, Julieta picks out her gown with her Mom, and Ale and Rosario pick out their gowns together. We have seven brides!
And now, it’s the great day of the wedding of Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo and Rafael Medina Núñez….and others! Seven sleek white stretch limousines wind their way past Mexico City’s famous monument, white bouquets adorning their hoods and brides-side doors. Even the news media are covering the event, as they whisk us to the Hacienda La Alejandra, all decked out for the ceremony. Our reporter is Lorena Enríquez (Paula on Gancho, Doris in Llena de Amor), who tells us there’s a problem. The novias haven’t arrived, and the priest is threatening to cancel! The guys have their typical unique reactions to this, from Daniel’s smugness, to Don Gaston’s outrage, to Jiménez pointing out that the guys aren’t even married yet, and their wives are already taking over!
So where are the ladies? A huge protest demonstration (una manifestacíon -I think they’re demonstrating for the rights of fish) is blocking the highway. The brides get out of the limos, and start giving their opinions. Claudia thinks La Generala would like this. Lined up in a row, we have seven “No puede ser”s, as each gal leans her head onto the one next to her. Is our wondrous wedding wrecked?
After the commercial, the ladies have all gotten into one limo to discuss strategy (and provide better close-ups). Ale takes charge, let’s calmly figure out what to do. Claudia extracts her cellphone from her bodice, a present from Humberto, the best money can buy, but there’s no signal! As a matter of fact, they all have cells (modern gals here). But no dice. Carmela would try to convince the demonstrators to leave using her attributes (she glances at her ample bosom), but it might not work. Susana chides them for being negative. Let’s put together our positive energy. Everybody say, OMMMMMMM.
Back at the hacienda, the priest is just about to leave, when a mighty rumble shakes the air. The brides have solved the problem, as the smoke clears, and seven mighty motorcycles, driven by some friendly bikers, give the blushing brides a thunderous entrance. The crowd cheers, and the priest says he’ll do the honors, but it’ll have to be a quick wedding. Ramirez (no bride for him) is entrusted with organizing the brides, who goes with whom. He helps each off her Harley, puts veils in place, and we’re all set.
The hacienda has been transformed. In the great inner terrace, there’s a red carpet, a huge white modern cross, flowers, guest and decorations. But it seems that in his haste, Ramirez made a few booboos. Rafa is with Claudia, Quintana with Milagros, Ale with Daniel, Nelson with Julieta, etc. as the priest begins. We’re gathered here to celebrate the weddings of these beautiful couples. If there’s anyone here who has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace. To his surprise, EVERYONE starts screaming, waving their hands. They all have the wrong partners! A little keystone cop music later, Ramirez has made the necessary adjustments, and we’re good to go.
The priest talks of love, of family, and reminds them never to let money separate them (Ale and Rafa smile at each other). All rise, and seven gallant guys place silvery rings on the right hands of seven lovely lasses, telling them this is a sign of love and loyalty, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. The ladies place their rings on the gentlemens’ hands, and pledge the same. The men drop coins (called las arras) into the hands of their wives,
as a beautiful young singer slowly walks the red carpet, singing the Ave Maria with elegance and emotion.
Rafa, Sr. softly tells Leonor that they are back together in God’s eyes, and he’ll never abandon her again. They kiss sweetly. Tears are streaming down many faces, as we see expressions of joy and love on all our beloved characters.
Ale looks to the heavens, filled with thankfulness, as she and Rafa gently join their hands, and the audience applauds respectfully.
The priest then asks each couple if they accept each other as their lawfully wedded husband or wife, and one by one, they happily say I do (or acepto, I accept). There are so many great pictures here, I’d really need an album, but let’s just say everyone looks handsome, beautiful and happy. The priest declares them married, and they may kiss their brides. Kiss after kiss shows the immense love that everyone in that room feels (as do we at home).
There’s a shower of fireworks behind the great cross, a huge ovation, more kisses, and even more majestic fireworks overhead, as the wedding march plays triumphantly. Seven newly united couples exit arm in arm, as confetti rains down like snow.
Zetina is there to take a picture. Rafa’s not so sure about Zetina’s camera skills, but not to worry. Zetina may not understand modern cameras, but he brought his grandfather’s old style camera, and he has no problem with that (although he does say pajarito, pajarito, or watch the birdie, prompting a chorus of No’s). By this time, the limos have made it through, and everyone piles in, off to the grand reception.
The host announces this is the most luxurious spot in Mexico, called El Splendid. The limos pull up on another red carpet,
Rafa, Sr. takes his son aside, gives him a picture of Rafa, aged seven, dressed up in a singing costume, a broad smile on his gap-toothed face.
Before we find out, Alejandra is introduced as the driving force behind having seven weddings combined, and in front of a projection of blue sky and fluffy white clouds, she takes the mike, curls piled glamorously on her head, long white train extending behind her incredible white gown, and tells the audience that you might think dreams come true only in telenovelas, but if you want it enough, they can also come true in your life.
Rafa, Sr. and Jorge give short, heartfelt speeches, and then Rafa, Sr. announces tonight’s special surprise. Ladies and Gentlemen, for your enjoyment, here is Rafael Medina Núñez!
And on that note, I bid farewell to all of you, my great friends, who have shared this wonderful, touching and humorous show, and pass the baton to Carlos, who’s going to bring us the climactic conclusion to Hasta Que El Dinero Nos Separe.
Remendando – imitating or aping
Férula – a cane or rod, another word for a cane is a bastón
Collarín – surgical collar
Colúmpios – swings, such as in a park or playground
Constructora – a construction company
Una Manifestación – a demonstration
Acepto – I accept, the way of saying I do in Mexico
Labels: dinero
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Dinero #225 10/28/10: The Great Fake Out
Yes folks, we have been punked by the writers of Dinero. But few times have I been so happy to have been made a fool of. Let’s go back to where we left off to see where we erred, and the writers had a chuckle at our expense.
Ale and Rafa are on the road to Cuernavaca and have stopped at a rest stop for coffee and refreshments. We see them exit the rest stop, refreshments in hand and happily ready to conquer the world. They strike a happy Rafita Gol! pose. Then we see Pantera traveling the dark, winding road, as a truck coming from the other direction decides to use both lanes to get where it’s going. Too late both vehicles see each other. As impressive as Pantera is, it is no match for a monster truck (as anyone who has driven on a highway knows), and it happens to be on the wrong side of the road (meaning the side with the steep drop). The truck wins and the Pantera goes flying over the side of the hill and bounces and flips the rest of the way down the ravine. The Pantera is no more, but we hope that the same is not true for our (finally) happy couple.
We switch gears for some more lighthearted scenes. Rubi has brought Jorge back to the apartment after an afternoon out and about. Rubi is so happy to be back with the best man she’s ever known, after all those men who only wanted her for her body. Jorge wants to go right to sleep after she leaves, so that the time will fly between now and the next time he gets to see her. Aww!
At Trancazo, Doña Dolores and Martin have classed the place up and laid out a fine banquet to celebrate her favorite customers, the Siglo crew. They’re all touched, lower themselves into their seats to begin feasting, and… all land right on their backsides. The Trancazo will always be the Trancazo.
Our next scene made me wonder if my dvr had somehow skipped itself back a few scenes. Isn’t that Ale and Rafa, at the rest stop, with refreshments in hand? Wait, this isn’t a rewind. Ale and Rafa never left! They are searching frantically for the Pantera. “This is the spot where I left it! (Aquí lo deje!) We was robbed!”
Want to know who WAS in the Pantera? Really? Are you sure? Well, you’ll just have to wait. In the meantime, we’ll get the resolution to another mystery. Jorge is speaking to the portrait of his lovely wife, Maria Consuelo. He tells her she is the love of his life. But he has been alone so long and he doesn’t do well with loneliness (la soledad). He tells her about this marvelous young woman he’s met (Rubi) and asks his wife if she will give him her blessing to spend the rest of his short days with Rubi. A heavenly glow emits from the face of Maria Consuelo and Jorge knows he has her approval. He happily traces his fingers across her image and then across the canvas to the signature and date. The date, 20-11-75 (November 20, 1975) lights up, and suddenly Jorge remembers that this is the password for the Swiss account! Jorge weeps tears of joy and thanks his beloved wife. Yay!
Back at the rest stop restaurant, Rafa has returned from making a call to Urdiales, who is very understanding about the whole thing. In fact, he’s decided to sign all the paperwork for sale of the trucks without further negotiation, and will messenger them over to Siglo. They wonder who could have taken the Pantera. Ale thinks that someone must have been watching them, waiting for just the right moment since they were in the rest stop for just a few minutes.
We finally get a close up of the Pantera, smoking and groaning at the bottom of the ravine. Wait, that groaning is coming from people. We see a lovely arm hanging from the passenger side window, with a few streaks of blood. Then we see that the arm is attached to…Vicky! The driver quickly comes into view, and it’s…Marco!
Things have come full circle, but in a way none of us envisioned. They are both groaning in pain and Marco asks if she’s ok. She says her leg hurts. Marco insults Rafa and his car, and Vicky is glad that at least Rafa’s lost the thing he loved most in this world (Pantera). Vicky starts being Vicky and shrieks in pain at ever increasing decibels. Marco tells her to shut up as he attempts to exit the car.
The next morning, Rosario tells Ale how Jorge miraculously found the Swiss account password (clave). A bit later he informs them both that he intends to travel to Switzerland with Rubi to settle the account. Rosario tries to talk him out of it, since it might not be the password after all. But Jorge is convinced it is. He goes to the portrait and points to where his dear wife illuminated the numbers for him. Ale, a true romantic, marvels at the power of LOVE.
At the breakfast table at Casa Medina, Julieta tries to get Rafa started talking by saying, “Bueno, estoy esperando.” (Well, I’m waiting. Which can also mean, I’m expecting.) Rafa takes the latter meaning, slams his hand on the table and demands to know what she’s expecting. (Qué estas esperando?!) Julieta looks at him like he’s a mad man. After all, he’s the one who told them he had something important to tell them.
Remember when the writers tried to fake us out about Julieta being pregnant? Those jokesters! I just *love* their jokes. (Said with much sarcasm.)
Rafa spills the beans about the reappearance of Rafa Medina Sr. and Marian’s role in it. He is sure he sent the pictures to them. Leonor wonders if Sr. intends to approach her and Julieta. Julieta immediately declares that she does not want to see that lout, but protests a bit too much. It becomes obvious to Leonor and Rafa that Julieta yearns to see her father. She sadly admits that she doesn’t even remember him, and wonders (hopefully) if he’s repentant.
They leave the Rafa Sr. topic for a moment and Julieta brings up her marriage proposals. Rafa flies off the handle again and forbids her to marry anybody until she’s finished school and started her career (good advice). “You’re not my papa!” “Well I have been for many years!” Leonor tries to intervene and calm her two kids down, but it’s a stubborn, cross-armed standoff. A knock at the door breaks the tension and Rafa orders Julieta to answer it. “Are you listening to me?!” (He sure sounds like a dad.) Julieta opens the door and finds a man there who seems familiar to her. It’s Rafa Sr. “Hola hija.”
He’s not greeted with open arms. And I am disappointed that we do not get a “Qué haces aquí?” Instead we get an even ruder, “Qué quieres?” That would be enough to send me walking back out the way I came, but Sr. asks for some coffee, with sugar, and some coffee talk. Rafa and Leonor glare at him, and Julieta happily runs off for the coffee. He compliments them on their homey and welcoming house, saying it’s something he could not have given them. They don’t know how much he’s wanted to be at their side.
“So why did you leave?” Rafa wants to know. “So that you could be happy. Would you sit and listen to me a moment?” The Medinas all sit for a tearful talk that has been a long time coming. Rafa senior explains the hell of fighting alcoholism, Julieta listens with rapt attention, Rafa fumes, and Leonor listens in pained silence.
Rafa Sr. explains about the daily fight against the sickness of alcoholism. Leonor thinks he should have sought help from professionals and not abandoned them. He says he saw many doctors, tried and failed over and again, was committed to an asylum (manicomio), and even ended up on the streets. He did not want his baby girl to grow up seeing him like that. All he wanted to do was get well so that one day he could see them again and ask for forgiveness. And here they are- healthy, handsome, successful, and above all, happy. They couldn’t have been that way with him around. (I have to say, this is making total sense to me and I’m ready to forgive Sr., just like that. Am I a sucker?)
Julieta makes a show of still being mad and says they thought he had left them for another woman or had another family. They didn’t think he was wandering the streets, drunk. They wouldn’t have been able to stand it. He talks about his struggles to get clean and sober, and the withdrawal pains. He has to fight each day to not fall off the wagon. But each morning he wakes up and thinks of them and thinking of them is what helps him. They want to know why he didn’t let them help him for real. He explains that Julieta was just a little baby and he saw how Doña Leonor, yes Doña because she earned that esteemed title, took care of Rafa, the baby, AND supported her no good husband. “She supported me because I was her husband. She cried and suffered. I couldn’t keep hurting you. I had to fight this battle on my own. Each day I woke up and it was a miracle of life that I didn’t know how long would last.”
He explains how Marian found him, showed him the photos of them, and convinced him he had to seek them out and ask their forgiveness. He wants them to know that he loves them more than anything else in this world and asks permission to see them once in a while. He tells Leonor that she is la madre perfecta, mujer ideal, y esposa paciente (perfect mother, ideal woman, and patient spouse). “I could never have another woman because I could never erase you from my heart.” She cries tears of sorrow, love and regret, but she accepts his words. He bids them farewell and turns to leave.
Julieta, who has not put on a very believable show of toughness, is the first to crack. She runs to him and straight into his arms. “Papito! No te vayas.” She clings to him, while Rafa and Leonor cling to each other with feelings far more complicated and mixed than Julieta could feel for a father she doesn’t remember. She tells him that she has so much to talk to him about. He asks Leonor respectfully if he can talk to Julieta. Rafa tries to convince them all that it’s more important that Julieta not miss school, but Leonor realizes that Rafa Senior is just what her little girl needs right now and gives her blessing.
We’ll take a breather from the emotional happenings at Casa Medina to happily wrap up the stories of three of our side characters. Ovi runs into the salon and excitedly tells her two boys that she’s finally scored a protagonist role in a movie! Yay! Unfortunately, this means she won’t be working at the salon anymore. Booo! The boys are not happy about this, until they realize they can be with their beloved Ovi as her personal assistants. All for one and one for all! Yay! (I’m sure they’ll also serve the purpose of keeping those agent/director/producer/actor wolves at bay.) What about Pepeto, you ask? We’ll just have to wait till tomorrow to discover his fate.
At Siglo, another of our sales ladies is getting lucky in love and business. A well known socialist politician has pompously marched in to buy a truck. The Generala is all a flutter (in her way) and goes to serve him, exchanging socialist platitudes in the middle of a capitalist transaction. A truck is sold, and a romance is born. She gives the details of love, Socialist style, to the other ladies. He thinks she’s a “gran mujer” with a profound analytical capacity. Claudia and Rosaura don’t understand this kind of sweet talk, but they do understand what a dinner date, even if it’s attached to a political event, means. They are all pleased.
Ale and Susana are in her office when Daniel, Todo Yo, calls. He wants to see her and Ale agrees to meet him. At the restaurant, he hands her a large envelope. It’s the deed to the hacienda and it’s in Ale’s name. That’s right, Daniel is giving the hacienda back to Ale out of the goodness of his own heart. Ale actually looks touched, but she can’t accept it. She’s in love with Rafa. “No quiero salir con Todo Tu.” She shakes his hand pleasantly and leaves. Daniel begins to doubt his awesome seduction skills and turns to find a woman to confirm he still has his mojo. His glance happens upon a young voluptuous lass, who immediately rewards him with a wink and a come hither look. He’s still got it.
Quintana is also having a rough time of it. He comes bearing a large bouquet of red roses, which Rosario immediately flings on the table. He then also produces an envelope (this one smaller) and hands it to Rosario. It’s a stack of cash- - all the money he got from the Marco hacienda scam. He’s returning it to Rosario and her family. “Your rejection is killing me.” Rosario says that returning the money does not make up for all his lies. Quintana says he knows she’s also sad. Seems Rubi told him. She loves them all and wants to see them happy. Rosario cracks a bit and admits she loves him. Quintana gets down on bended knee and swears his love, may lightning strike him at this very moment if he’s lying! We hear a loud crash and clatter and Quintana looks like he’s ready to meet his maker. Fortunately for him, it’s just Asucena who has dropped a bunch of dishes in the kitchen. It does give Rosario a good chuckle, however, and she soothes his nerves while he breathes a sigh of relief. She’ll take him back, but if he gets out of line again, she’ll become that lightening rod.
Ale is back at the office and Rafa is recounting the morning visit from his dad and his tales of the misfortune (rayo) of alcoholism. Ale corrects him that it’s not a simple misfortune, but a disease. Rafa doesn’t seem completely convinced yet, but he’s softening. He tells Ale that his mom fell in love with his dad because of his sense of humor and his incredible business skills (sounds like someone we know). Senior stopped drinking a few years back, and is actually now doing pretty well for himself. Right at this moment he’s having coffee and cookies with the Medina women. “And you’re bothered by this?” Rafa admits that he doesn’t know, and has to think about it. Ale tries to comfort him. She tells him that pain is a part of life- - it makes us who we are. And forgiveness is the noblest act there is. Rafa doesn’t seem convinced.
He wonders if she could forgive Marco. Yes, she could. In fact she’s agreed that they will meet him tonight. She’s optimistically hoping for a final signing of the divorce papers and a resolution of the Frank/Leonor affair. Rafa admits that it’s hard for him to forgive. Ale sweetly asks him to think about it and gives him a hug and kiss.
Yet another man has brought a peace offering. This time it’s Jamie arriving at Casa Medina with a big bouquet of red roses, but no envelope, for Julieta. He’s all dressed up in a suit and Julieta wants to know what it all means. He’s been thinking. Julieta is right. He’s not the right man for her. He has come to say goodbye. Julieta looks impactada.
At a fancy restaurant, Claudia and Urdiales are on the same page, unlike Julieta and Jaime. Urdiales has a palm full of rose petals and asks Claudia to blow on them (that’s probably the most decent request to blow something she’s ever received).
A beautiful diamond engagement ring is revealed and our buxom beauty has finally caught her Mr. Big. Her only request is not to have the private, spectacular wedding Urdiales had in mind. Instead, she wants a double wedding with her friends Susana and Dandy (seems they’re tying the knot the more conventional way as well). It will be an opportunity to share this moment and party with her friends, and say farewell to Siglo (no more working girl for our Claudia). Urdiales doesn’t care, as long as she will be all his from now on. She makes that promise seductively.
Another Siglo sales team member is also having a power lunch with a titan of business. Marino is sucking up to Rebeca, La Leona (the lioness). He seems to want a new baby mama and a new job. Rebeca seems amused, but she’s not biting. She thinks he’s a cynic and wonders about his loyalty. Hmm… We’ll have to wait to see where this goes.
We end the evening with our two main couples. Rafa and Ale have arrived at the restaurant to meet Marco. He’s dressed sharply in one of his typical suits, but he’s having some obvious trouble moving about and clutches his side in pain from time to time. Ale demands that he hands over the divorce papers. He does! And they’re signed! Rafa demands the paperwork that will clear his mama of fraud and the deed to their house. He hands that over willingly too! Ale wants to know why he did all this to them/to her. “Do I have to explain? You know I love you.” Rafa scoffs and calls him on his bs. He saw Marco with all those other women. “Can I finish?”, an annoyed Marco asks. “I thought that if you thought Rafa and his mother were trying to swindle you, you’d return to me.”
Rafa calls Marco on his bs again. He points out that Marco started swindling Ale and her family with the hacienda long before Rafa came into the picture. “Eres una rata!” (You’re a crook!) Marco admits that he fell victim to his own fears and insecurities. He tells his life story (and we see animated Young Marco).
He explains that his parents don’t live in the States. Actually, he doesn’t know where they are. They abandoned him when he was a baby and he was raised by his uncle in a poor neighborhood outside of Mexico City. Rafa interjects that his dad abandoned him too, and he didn’t turn out like Marco. “Maybe that’s why Ale loves you, and not me.”
Marco continues with his tale. It was always hard for him to accept the reality of his poverty. He started to invent fantasies. He worked his way through college. He never worked at a fancy law firm. In fact, he was just a messenger at a second rate law firm, where he met Chavez. They started doing scams together, and created this alter ego of a successful lawyer for Marco. When they came across Ale’s family, Marco claims it was Chavez who convinced him to marry Ale, and told him it would put them on Easy Street forever. Marco admits that he did pay for his apartment with their hacienda money, but all the rest of the money went to help her and her family. He didn’t even buy himself a car! (That’s because he always had access to Ale’s car if I remember correctly.)
Ale points out that Chavez says the whole thing was Marco’s idea, not his. Marco then claims that wily old Chavez has MANY more years of experience being a liar than he does. Marco never intended to leave them destitute in the streets. In fact, he wanted them all to move to Brazil together! Rafa’s not buying it (he’s a pretty tough nut to crack today). Marco begs for understanding. They are interrupted when our fourth main player makes her grand entrance.
It’s not really a grand entrance, so much as a hobble, limp, hobble up to the table. A battered, bruised, and be-crutched Vicki has not lost the use of her voice in the Pantera accident. She demands to know why Rafa is trying to make a fool out of her!
Over to you Señor Hombre and Doctor Carlos to wrap up this romp in a neat little bow.
Labels: dinero
Dinero #224 10/27/10: Under the crescent moon/ Who knew panthers could fly

Rafa Sr. tells Rafa he will go but hopes one day they will forgive him and leaves. Rafa quite disturbed is left behind stating, “after so many years, that was my father.” Ale is attempting to comfort him.
We go to the fiesta where Ramirez is talking with Milagros. She tells him it is shame that he was only interested in the superficial because she did feel something for him. He starts to tell her that their relationship started out bad and was afraid it would end bad. Milagros won’t let him finish his sentence and takes this to mean that he thought they could never have a relationship. Ramirez scratching his head is stammering “no that’s not what I mean” and Milagros leaves in tears. Ramirez is left behind berating himself saying “now my words fail me.”

Dandy is a little concerned by their arrival but Susana reminds him how lucky they are to have each other. Susana looks extraordinarily glorious in white with dainty pearls in her braided hair, while dapper Dandy gives her a quick kiss.

Bebe wants to know when will their Crescent Moon wedding (Boda de luna menguante/literally means waning or decreasing moon or the crescent moon) finally happen. Marino isn’t impressed and thinks this is just a stupid thing to do. Ramirez steps in and says a stupid thing to do would be to have lots of children with so many women and not attend to them. For once Jimenez has said something quite intelligent! Marino tells him not to meddle in his business and when he has his baby girl they all will know a different Marino and snarling walks away from them.
Daniel is kissing up to Doña Arcadia with Marian at his side. Marco Vicky and Chavez are at her other side. It turns out (I think) that Doña Arcadia had invited them to share in the celebration. They all congratulate her for having the number one auto dealership in the country. Vicky tells them it is mostly because of her Pajarito. Doña Arcadia asks “Who” and Vicky beaming repeats “ Rafael Medina.” Doña Arcadia pointing now to Chavez wants to know who he is. He looks around then sheepishly introduces himself as Marco’s friend.
She thinks about this for a moment and tells him he reminds her of some actor. Chavez pipes in “Jorge Rivero” ( a popular matinee idol in the fifties or sixties.) Doña Arcadia says “No, no more like el Vaselinas” and tried as I might, could not find out who this was or what it meant. From the looks of Chavez, however, it had to be some sort of an insult. He did not seem impressed.
Doña Arcadia now approaching Vicky and poking at her tells her she doesn’t want any yelling from her or Marco. She knows how they get when they are mad. Marco assures her they will behave. She tells them if that is the case they can stay and tells them to go have fun.
Rebecca the lioness is carried in by her body boys. Doña Arcadia invites her to share in the festivities, and to make her self at home. Marino approaches the lion queen and wants to talk with her. She calls him the “modest” salesman of Siglo and he corrects her. He takes her by the arm and starts walking with her telling her he has something important to talk about. She calls him muchacho and Marino smiles and takes it as a compliment.

Back to a morose Rafa and Ale, discussing the return of his father. He has tears streaming down his face and Ale is kneeling beside him giving comforting words.
Lets go to a happier place where we have Claudia on her phone with Urdiales, and I don’t think she is selling him any trucks. He wants to know when she is returning and would like to see her. Claudia in a very “Marilyn Monroe” like pose tells him “Wherever and whenever you want”

Rafa has left his funk behind for a while as he strolls arm and arm with Ale telling her he will celebrate the firms triumph now and deal with his worries tomorrow. Good thing because they are approached by Dandy and Susana who are ready to start their ceremony under the crescent moon. Every one is circled around them hand in hand held high to the sky and the ceremony commences.
Marco smart mouths to Vicky on the side line telling her this won’t count for anything if she can‘t invoke the great spirit of her pajarito. In unison Dandy and Susana give a touching little chant to the moon asking for it‘s light to shine in their hearts. This next part was a little strange, instead of exchanging rings they rub a little oil on their hands and behind their ears and place their hands together. ( I guess it was touching but I got the giggles remembering when Dandy was using the motor oil to seduce Susana earlier in the show and that‘s all I could think about.) Marino was not very impressed either as he looks on with bewilderment and asks “Is that it?” He leaves and a teary eyed Susana thanks everyone for being their and we get chants by every one else of “Beso! Beso!” After wards Dandy says “In the words of Ale, lets party!!”
As everyone is off to groove to the music Marian approaches Rafa and Marco approaches Ale. Neither Ale nor Rafa seem to excited to talk with them. Ale tells Marco all she is interested in is a divorce and she wants it urgently. He tells her he has a surprise for her when they return. Ale tells him she doesn’t want any thing to do with his surprises.
It is Marian’s turn as she asks Rafa how he liked his little surprise. Rafa tells her he met with him and was not pleased. Marian is taken back a bit that Rafa was not pleased to see his father. Rafa wants to know where she got the idea that he would be happy to see the man that caused so much unhappiness to his family and abandoned them. He tells her she doesn’t know how much they suffered because of him.
Marian tries to defend her actions by telling him “A father is a father no matter what.” A frustrated Rafa tells her she may have had the best intentions but she was wrong. And he doesn’t want to have any thing to do with him. As he leaves we see Marian realizing she made a big goof and her plan backfired.
Our fiesta continues as we hear “Vamos A la Playa” being played in the background. Daniel is taking his turn at attempting to woo Ale. His best approach? Cut down his competition “the car salesman.” While he is talking it looks as if he is accidentally spitting at Ale as she keeps wiping her face.

He continues to drone on promising her something she will never in her life forget. Ale does not seem impressed as we pan to the rest of the crew happily dancing to the music.
So it looks like a couple of ladies might have had a bit to much to drink as we go to Rebecca and Doña Arcadia. I am not certain but I think Rebecca tells her that she has thought about having her lion eat Arcadias precious pups. But she is happy that it was her that won and not some other agency. Poor Chato is a bit concerned for his Queen as he tells her she might have had a few too many. She tells him not to meddle. Rebecca offers another toast and tells Chato to take advantage of the party atmosphere and we see him downing a drink as well.
Now it is Vicky’s turn to try and break up our happy couple as she talks with Rafa. Her pleading is on deaf ears as Rafa tells her that the two of them are over. It is just a whim of hers. They will never get back together because, now listen closely Vicky, RAFA LOVES ALE!!! And when they are able they will get married. We get a classic “Que?” from Vicky.
She warns him, that if they don’t get married she won’t be responsible for what happens to his mother and we get a very dramatic wedding march sounding more like a funeral march as she walks away humming to herself leaving Rafa shaking his head.
Doña Arcadia, being held up by Chato on one side and Rebecca on the other offers a toast to her loyal crew. And using my favorite word “titipuchal” thanks them all for selling a “truckload” of cars, trucks and bikes with a jubilant Rebecca cheering her on. She tells them to keep on dancing and we see the crescent moon once more as we hear the music fading in the background.
It must be the next day, but I didn’t see any rooster, as Doña Arcadia is leading her crew to the hotel check out desk. Claudia points out that Rafa and Ale haven’t shown up yet and just then we see our happy couple kissing. Marino questions Doña Arcadia asking if fraternizing with co-workers isn’t prohibited. Dandy chimes in “It was. That was before and not now” as he nuzzles Susana’s neck. Marino tells Doña Arcadia that when he is the new general manager he will implement it once again.
Ale asks Rafa if he has talked with Urdiales and Rafa tells her the meeting will be tonight. Ale rushes him as they barely have time to get back to the city and get to Cuernavaca. She tells him it is very important to close this deal, after all it will be their first sales together and Rafa adds it will be their first commission for their future together. Ale adds “Together?” and continues “until death separates us.” We get a kiss and our familiar theme song.
That was a quick trip back as we see Rafa being greeted by Lenora and asking how things went. He tells her they won the title of best car sales force of the year. Lenora is not quite as excited as Rafa asks her what’s wrong. She tells him that someone has been watching them and was taking pictures of them. Rafa perplexed at first tells her he thinks he knows who was doing that but he doesn’t want to worry her. He tells her he has to leave for Cuernavaca to close an important deal. They will talk tomorrow. He tells her to let Julieta know they have something very important to talk about. Lenora wants to know what it is about and Rafa assures her it isn’t that serious but he wants to talk with them all together. A reluctant Lenora agrees. Rafa tells her he has to get going and pick up “Mi licenciada.” He tells her from now on nothing will separate him from his licenciada.
Marian is face to face with Rafa Sr. He is telling her that his family hates him. Marian is encouraging him not to give up so easily. She tells him it is only logical that after so many years that they would not welcome him with open arms. He tells her he doesn’t know how to explain to them what he was going through. He continues that he is afraid that they will reject him and never forgive him. Marian continues encouraging him, saying she knows she did a good thing and that they can all be a great family. He thanks her again but tells her he doesn’t have a chance and asks the waitress for a cognac much to Marians horror. She pleads with him not to do this.
Ale has returned to her modest apartment to a curious Rosario asking her how things went. Ale beaming from ear to ear tells her it was great. She inquires after Jorge and Rosario tells her he is out with Ruby. Ale tells her they will have to get use to having this woman around.
Rosario wants to know if she will be eating with them and Ale tells her about the Cuernavaca trip. She tells her it will be the first sales for her and Rafa. It will be their money for their wedding and does a little Beltran money dance. Rosario with more excitement than expected wants to know if they are going to get married. She excitedly tells her to get ready for the big party. Once she gets back from Cuernavaca and Marco signs the divorce papers, she and Rafa will get married. We get a genuine enthusiastic hug between Rosario and Ale.
We have a little ford placement ad with Muskrat and Marian. Who would have thought you could get a car that could park itself. “no que no corazon de melon?” (I just added that because I thought it sounded cute when Marian said it)
Back at Siglo central Marino is telling Ramirez that it is only a matter of time before he will be general manager. Marino wants Ramirez to smell the calmness and no sooner than that is said it is disrupted as we see poor Trapito trying to keep the fruit of Marino’s past adventures at bay.

This does not go undetected by a disgusted Doña Arcadia as she watches the chaos unfold in her office. She takes this opportunity to teach her beloved animals Chester and Camila not to behave like that and whistles at them to come over and watch the monitor. Chester nudges her bright red hat just a tad to close as he tries to get a look.
The Siglo crew are watching as well as Dandy wants to know where Sandra is. Claudia points her out and they each add their two cents to the circus before them. We see Ramirez yank a cowering Marino from his hiding place like a marionette telling him his ultimate victim is there as well. Marino continues to cower behind Ramirez as Sandra gets front and center of the crowd of women with poor Trapito falling to the floor. She wants to know what is their problem with Marino. She gets an earful as they tell her what he has been up to. They are all in poor financial straits and he has abandon them. Sandra tells them that she is going to marry him and that she is expecting his child. This is met with a unison “What?”

We see Marino continuing to futilely hide behind a petrified Ramirez.
Ale and Marian are making their peace and Marian has finally accepted that Rafa will never be hers. They agree to be friends and Marian promises that if she ever needs any further sales help she will only go to Ale.
Back to our out of control mob. All I can say about this is things have gotten out of hand and a circus performance fitting our final week ensues as they all chase after Marino. So if you were wondering what the mop bucket was doing in the middle of the floor, it was there to enhance this crazy scene as it assuredly gets tipped over by Trapito and Marino is left slip sliding away. Can this get any crazier? You bet as Elvira and Mother-in law are added to the mix wondering what all the women are doing hanging around Jimenez and starts yelling at him.

He manages to crawl through the crowd of angry women to face the ugly pair. Elvira grabs another conveniently placed bucket of water to throw at him but unfortunately her aim is poor and drenches the already enraged Marino harem. Another crazy chase ensues and ends up in a pile up as all are slipping to the floor. Finally the voice of reason, our Queen has arrived to put an end to the nonsense.
She demands to know what is going on as Marino tries to explain. She angrily tells him he doesn’t need to explain anything. She knows exactly what he has been up to and she is on their side. She continues chewing him out and tells him to straighten things out with all his women!! “Do you hear me!!!“ and a defeated Marino remarks “She’s like my mother.” and takes the women off to settle things. She calls him back and tells him that every thing that has happened here has been a stain on his career and he will never be the general manager.
Now it is Jimenez’ turn to take well advised words of wisdom from the queen She tells him it is time to put an end to the chatting cockatoos. After she leaves Elvira starts in and Jimenez grows a spine as he throws his pepto bottle to the floor and tells them he has had it with the two of them calling them witches and orders them out as we see mother-in-law sipping from the discarded pepto bottle. This is met with adoration and praise from all his co-workers.
We are into the night now as Rafa is rushing to his car with Ale urging him to hurry up as we see them leave Siglo. They take a little pit stop as Rafa explains they have a long ride ahead of them. Ale tells him he is never going to change as Rafa tells her he is thirsty, pointing to his tongue. She can’t stay mad for long as she gives him a peck and tells him smiling the whole time that after this sales they will be together for ever. Rafa wants to know if she has talked with Marco about signing the divorce papers. Ale tells him not to worry, she knows they are going to be very happy. Rafa tells her that since he met her his life has changed and he knows he will be very happy at her side. We get cute little ira ira iras from the both of them as well as smooches. But sadly nothing like the Marino kiss. Rafa then urges her to go inside, after all he is thirsty.
Rafa and Ale, with coffees in hand are leaving the little way side coffee shop. Ale stops him to tell him he is the love of her life. She tells him she knows they will be very happy repeating their mantra in unison “Until death do us part.” They do the “Rafita Goal” together and walk off.
Our final scene is none other than a little déjà vu as we see the “pantera” heading down a dark highway with an approaching campers blaring lights and honking horn. We see the black panther flying through the air.

Oh my!!! Who knew that Panthers could fly!! We finally see it tumble and crash as it lies fatefully in the gully below.
Labels: dinero
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