The Conservative Position
... you are too deficient too know, or (it would appear) even to care, what "conservatives" think....... William Connolley, addressing your (no doubt insufficiently) humble correspondent. Well, yes, Mr. , er, Dr., Connolley has managed to irk me. Fair enough, I suppose, since I suppose I have done the same by abusing some of his sacred bovines. A couple of his changes of subject later, he further accuses me of ignorance of the conservative position. Of course that was never the subject of my post - I was talking about mutual opinions of conservatives and liberals, and, more importantly, their neural substrates. However, WC is rarely guilty of either that foolish consistency that Emerson called the hobgoblin of little minds or any other kind of logical consistency. Of course it's true that I don't know what conservatives think, though I think the functional MRI brain studies provide some strong hints. So, I imagine, are the actual words of those selfsa...