Showing posts with label Cherry Vodka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherry Vodka. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sunkist Hard Candy Vodka

Hard Candy is a movie about a man potentially losing his balls. Sunkist Hard Candy is about just being sweet. I urge you to know the difference. Not too long ago I found a bag of Sunkist candies. Normally I remember Sunkist as being more of a juice company, but I'm just a crazy Canadian, so what do I know? Anyways, I wanted to make these "hard candies" even harder, so I decided to add a little vodka.
I introduce to you the Citrus Blend of Sunkist hard candy. I didn't know that these existed until I picked up a whole bag for $1.00. Big spender eh?
As you can see, this is the flavour distribution. Lemon is in the lead, followed by orange, cherry, and finally strawberry with only two.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Cherry Halls Vodka

For a while, I have been a bit under the weather. I have had a bit of a cold. I decided that instead of letting that keep me down, I was going to include it, if possible, for drinks. That's where Halls comes into play.
So just a classic package of them ready to rock.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Cherry Mega Sours Vodka

I was stumbling through a candy store, looking for new candies. Lately I have been looking for brand name candies that I haven't done, but most of them have been completed already. This lead me to the fringe. The shop keeper pointed me to these Cherry Mega Sours. He said they were more sour than War Heads, so I knew I had to give them a shot.
These are what they look like up close. I must say that they are certainly more sour than War Heads, though that may be just based on the size. I did notice that my sister was unable to complete finishing one off in a single go, so they do seem to be more sour.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sucker Punch Vodka

Sucker Punch was a movie, that included nearly naked girls being empowered, while being stuck in an asylum/whore house, and fought off cyber Nazis. It was pretty much a terrible, yet decently looking movie. Alternatively Sucker Punch is also a candy with a gimmick. A punching glove.
Mama said to knock you out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Vodka Gummy Cherries

Cherry gummies is a staple of my childhood. Going to the store and getting a bunch of them as for 5 cents, was something that finished off many school days. I am not going to explain what they taste like because if you don't know... You're a fool.
Here they are laid out, almost Mario Bros 2 style. If you collect enough of them, you get a star. Well I am ready to be a star.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Batman Cherry Pez Vodka

I could easily say that I'm a fan of Batman. Not to be competitive or anything, but Hell, I've even dressed up as one of his villains. You could probably easily guess which one, but that's not what this post is about. This is about the Dark Knight vodka.
Oh no... Batman has been captured, and now we have to rescue him.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Cola Sour Soda Pop Vodka

You may have noticed that the other posts this week, but I have been doing quite a bit of sour candy vodka drinks. Well when life gives you lemon-aid, you ask for orange juice and make screwdrivers. They were out of orange juice, so I made these.
Sour Soda Pops are sold in pairs of four.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mike & Ike Vodka

Mike & Ike have been around for a long time. So much so that they have become an icon. Ironically enough, they have been also seen as a symbol of Gay marriage, and possibly soon... Gas divorce. Because of this I decided to
I decided to go with the original fruits on this case, if you catch my double entendre.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Avengers Taffy Vodka

As the Avengers get closer and closer to being released, there is a bunch more promotional items that you can buy. From Hulk smashing gloves, to Thor's hammer, or even Iron Man's Mystery taffy. The Avengers have never been so powerful.
Here's what the packaging looks like. Don't you want to watch the movie now?

Friday, March 23, 2012

Bizzerks Candies That Fizz Vodka

Welcome back to another getting drunk with Gord. Today we use one of my obscure candies, which I received as a birthday present. Awesome right?
This is a Bizzerks. It's a simple candy for the most part. It's a bit like a War Head, minus the sourness, though it has a surprise of its own. It fizzes when you get to the core.
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