Thursday, February 14, 2013


i birthed another baby. can you believe that? i hardly can.
with contractions super close together, we headed to the hospital the morning of january 1st only to find out i was still only at a 3+. after MUCH deliberation, we decided to go forward with pitocin and get this baby out of my extremely tired body. my epidural worked perfectly and by laying on my right side, i went from a 5 to a 10 within minutes. i felt the sensation to push and sure enough, she was right there. luckily the nurses got a hold of my doctor quickly and he made it to the hospital in time. i pushed through two contractions and she was born. she barely made it as a new years baby. she was born at 11:28pm. she was a whopping 6 pounds 12 ounces. my biggest baby so far. she's perfect.
we named her olive dian. and we love it. it's been quite the controversial name. but that's okay. we love it because her name has meaning. olive is an older name that you don't hear very often but it's not made up. it's unique. and as a bonus, it's cameron's grandma's name. and we love her. and dian is my sister, tamara's, middle name. and it's somewhat tradition to use middle names of our siblings. i don't really know the tradition but dian sounded perfect with olive. olive dian busby. cameron was the one who came up with olive and it took me a little while to come around to it, but now i'm sold. and now when i look at her, she's so olive. my little kalamata, if you will.
i know i've been quite the slacker when it comes to blogging, but give me a break...i birthed a baby! remember? well, now that i'm at least caught up with a blog post about olive being born, now i can start blogging about everyday things. every time i wanted to post something random in the past few weeks, i thought, "no, because i HAVE to write her birth story first". so there it is. she's wonderful. we love her. i guess it is possible to love more than one child. i was certain that was a lie.
i guess i'll leave you with a picture i JUST took as she's napping behind me on my bed as i type this.

you're welcome.



  1. oh my gosh, Lauren she's absolutely beautiful!!! We miss you guys!

  2. Cuteness. We'll be there in 2 weeks to see if she's really all you've built her up to be though...

  3. Oh she is beautiful. So lovely. I am so happy for you guys! And I LOVE the name. Congrats you guys!

  4. I love birth stories! Especially when they go as well as this one did! And I LOVE love LOVE her name! It really is perfect! And it fits so perfectly with you guys.
    That picture is so darling! It's even better knowing that you took it as you were writing your post :)
