Friday, April 20, 2012

Today He is DONE!

Right now Calvin is finishing his last day of Medical School. He has been a student for as long as I've known him. I've never met anyone with as much drive as him. He knows what he wants and goes for it. He knew it was going to take A LOT of dedication to achieve not only his goal of finishing medical school but also getting into his residency of choice.
He never allowed his passion for medicine to get in the way of things that mattered most. Every night he took at least an hour usually more and spent quality time with the kids. He was always helping me cook or clean or just take off the stresses of the day. Calvin, I love you and I'm really proud of you!!!

We're Buying a House!

Calvin and I took a little trip to Cleveland this past weekend in search of a house to either rent or buy. The rental market there is horrible right now. After much thought and prayer we decided that buying was the best option for us. We found a cute little cape cod style home in Beachwood, OH. We did some serious research before setting out. After said research we found Beachwood to be the best place to live for us. Close to the Clinic, low property tax, top schools in the state, safe for the kids, and the list goes on. We're sooo excited to make this little home our own. The inspection is supposed to be this week. I hope all goes well so we can move forward.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kenzie Turns 3!

I wish I had a picture to upload for this most joyous occasion. It is crazy to think she was born 3 years ago today in Kirksville, MO. I still remember how hard the pregnancy was getting for me. I was in a lot of pain those last few months and early that morning I was at the end of my rope. I still remember sitting on the stairs while Calvin and Jenna slept and praying that I would either go into labor or have the strength to endure a little longer. I was able to go back to sleep and when it was time to get ready for church I picked up Jenna and my water broke! Hallelujah! My prayer had been answered! She was born around 7:00 that night. It was an easy and somewhat relaxing labor. Kenzie is a really sweet girl. She loves to play with Jenna and smother Chelsie. Her most favorite toys are her My Little Ponies. She loves Chocolate Milk, strawberries, grapes, marshmallows(she picks all of them out of her marshmallow mateys cereal), and broccoli(she told me today that it is yummy). Calvin and I had been soo busy with trying to find a place to live that we decided to postpone  the celebrating until Monday.