This last month we've been visiting my parents. Last week we went to church with them and a member of the high counsel came to speak. His message was so inspiring to me. He spoke about writing in our journals, documenting our lives, family history ect... Generally this isn't a topic that gets me really excited but I really could feel the spirit as he spoke and it really touched me. He said the studies have shown that most people can't really remember much of anything that happened in their life before the age of 5. From the ages of 5 to our late 20's we have strong memories that we can recall for the rest of our lives. Starting sometime in our late twenties we tend to not be able to recall memories that we would normally consider important. He talked about how he could remember his own baptism pretty vividly, his wedding day, the births of his children. He couldn't recall the day his children were baptized(happened in his 30's), memories that he said should have been easy to recall. I left feeling that I don't want the important things in my life left forgotten. I want something for my children and grandchildren to read and learn from and know who I am and how much I love our Heavenly Father. I don't want to forget important things that have happened in my life.