See that smile on my face? I did it!!! I ran a 1/2 Marathon.
My time was 2:10. I ran at a 9:56 min/mile pace.
I not only reached my goal, I exceeded it!!

When the race started I was pack in the middle of a TON of people. It was so exciting! It was really hard at the beginning to not go too fast. I kept a steady pace and mostly ran with a pacer that was keeping an 11 min/mile. By mile 4 I started thinking to myself that I could definitely pick up the pace. That's when I started passing people. Everything was going great. A lot of the race was down hill at the beginning. By mile 10 I was starting to feel a little nauseous. I kept trucking and was happy to find out that the 9:55 pacer was behind me. At mile 12 they have you run up I think it's State street. All I remember was looking at the capitol building as I ran. That's when I knew if I didn't slow down I was going to lose it. I slowed to a walk and that same pacer that was behind caught up. He and this other girl talked me into running with them."You're almost there. Just a little further." They were right! The finish line was right around the corner and down the hill a little bit. I started running with them and then I lost it. Right in the middle of State Street in Downtown Salt Lake City. I remember puking my guts out and seeing cars and people with shopping bags out of the side of my sunglasses. At least I had sunglasses on, right? After I was done throwing up I decided to WALK to the top of the hill and try running the rest of the way from there. I did just that. When I rounded the corner the finish line was in sight. I got a little closer and there were people lining the raceway. I couldn't help myself and started sprinting. People cheered louder when they saw me running full speed ahead. That wasn't such a good idea! I felt like giving up what little gatorade I had left in my stomach. Lucky for me I made it to the finish line and beyond with losing it again. phew! What a great race!!!