Monday, December 31, 2012

Home Projects

 It's hard to see but the walls went from yellow to a cream and slight blue accent. 
The ceiling went from pink to white.
                                         The blue tape is to help me keep my lines straight

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bathing Beauty

This little stink loves to take a bath. She decided to just jump in!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Boo at the Zoo" and home

 We love the Spouse Association at the Clinic. HSSA hooked us up for a small fee. Dinner and Festivities at the Cleveland Zoo. We love HSSA!

 Pumpkin Carving for us and pumpkin eating for this little lamb. Yum!
 This little lovable lion stole the show and scored us some extra candy. Thank you Chelsie!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Salt Lake City 1/2 Marathon

 See that smile on my face? I did it!!! I ran a 1/2 Marathon.
My time was 2:10. I ran at a 9:56 min/mile pace.
I not only reached my goal, I exceeded it!!

When the race started I was pack in the middle of a TON of people. It was so exciting! It was really hard at the beginning to not go too fast. I kept a steady pace and mostly ran with a pacer that was keeping an 11 min/mile. By mile 4 I started thinking to myself that I could definitely pick up the pace. That's when I started passing people. Everything was going great. A lot of the race was down hill at the beginning. By mile 10 I was starting to feel a little nauseous. I kept trucking and was happy to find out that the 9:55 pacer was behind me. At mile 12 they have you run up I think it's State street. All I remember was looking at the capitol building as I ran. That's when I knew if I didn't slow down I was going to lose it. I slowed to a walk and that same pacer that was behind caught up. He and this other girl talked me into running with them."You're almost there. Just a little further." They were right! The finish line was right around the corner and down the hill a little bit. I started running with them and then I lost it. Right in the middle of State Street in Downtown Salt Lake City. I remember puking my guts out and seeing cars and people with shopping bags out of the side of my sunglasses. At least I had sunglasses on, right? After I was done throwing up I decided to WALK to the top of the hill and try running the rest of the way from there. I did just that. When I rounded the corner the finish line was in sight. I got a little closer and there were people lining the raceway. I couldn't help myself and started sprinting. People cheered louder when they saw me running full speed ahead. That wasn't such a good idea! I felt like giving up what little gatorade I had left in my stomach. Lucky for me I made it to the finish line and beyond with losing it again. phew! What a great race!!! 

Saturday, May 12, 2012


                 After 4 years of undergrad and 4 years of medical school he's done! Well, almost...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Today He is DONE!

Right now Calvin is finishing his last day of Medical School. He has been a student for as long as I've known him. I've never met anyone with as much drive as him. He knows what he wants and goes for it. He knew it was going to take A LOT of dedication to achieve not only his goal of finishing medical school but also getting into his residency of choice.
He never allowed his passion for medicine to get in the way of things that mattered most. Every night he took at least an hour usually more and spent quality time with the kids. He was always helping me cook or clean or just take off the stresses of the day. Calvin, I love you and I'm really proud of you!!!

We're Buying a House!

Calvin and I took a little trip to Cleveland this past weekend in search of a house to either rent or buy. The rental market there is horrible right now. After much thought and prayer we decided that buying was the best option for us. We found a cute little cape cod style home in Beachwood, OH. We did some serious research before setting out. After said research we found Beachwood to be the best place to live for us. Close to the Clinic, low property tax, top schools in the state, safe for the kids, and the list goes on. We're sooo excited to make this little home our own. The inspection is supposed to be this week. I hope all goes well so we can move forward.