Well, Christmas week is finally here and the winter weather has come too....I hope that none of you have been stranded!
We have done well with our pledge and our festivities this year have been done without the help of the high street (but with the exception of one supermarket shop which I think is allowed?!?)
I have made marmalade.....
.....made decorations.....
baked, cooked, sewn, thrifted and recycled and had a HUGE amount of FUN doing it - and all on a shoestring! Though I must admit the thing I have needed above all else is time and for having that this year I am truly grateful.
And now all the gifts are made and wrapped, it is time to open our hearts and our home to loved ones.....
.....The Angel Window that greets them...
.....The Festive Dresser.....
.....Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.....
.....The Festive Dresser's little sister....
Warmest Winter Wishes to you all and to all a goodnight!
Cally x x x