Showing posts with label bicycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bicycles. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

Pink Cloud

Cotton candy seller
The youth market never fails. In this case a man has filled plastic bags with wads of pink cotton candy (candy floss for the Brits) and is bicycling around the villages selling it to children for probably something like 25 piastres, which is a healthy markup on his materials, although not so healthy for the teeth.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reprise With Fuzz

Many mornings while crossing the Nile on the Moneeb bridge we've seen the invisible basket bicyclers completely hidden by their load of baskets on the way to Maadi or Garden City. Today I was driving in and we were talking about just that image when what to our wondering eyes should appear... an over the top bicyclist carting in FUZZY baskets. Kelly Anderson got the shot while I tried not to run into the car in front of me.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Short A Wheel

The nearest bicycle shop is probably about 12 km away, so it's going to be a while until Dad can get it fixed unless he does it himself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

To Market To Market

The Moneeb Bridge is a treasure house of fascinating vehicles. You might see horses and carts, donkey carts, animals in pickup trucks, families including children and poultry on motorcycles. On this day there was a basket seller with his stock of baskets somehow bound up together in a huge basket-ball pedalling like mad across the bridge. Rear view mirrors need not apply.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Protection in The Mean Streets

Traffic in Cairo is unkind and this gentleman has taken a page from Don Quixote, venturing forth with a long squeegee to defend himself and his bicycle from encroaching automobiles. Actually, he probably just bought it and is taking it home, but I'd probably use it for protection.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

He's Doing What???

Mountain Dew, that sparkling drink of unhealth, is trying to break into the Egyptian market, so to interest a new client base in fuzzy drinks, they brought a skateboard and bicycle team to perform at the mall at Carrefour Maadi. With thumping music and wild stunts, they drew quite a crowd, although what everyone made of it is rather questionable.

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