I’m back! Tired, and busy, but kitchen is back in business, and I hope I can win you all back with these creamy, dreamy, delicious tartlets!
Ingredients for 4 tartlets:
4 egg yolks
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/4cup caster sugar
A few drops of vanilla extract
¼ cups creamy milk
2 cups mixed summer fruits (or just one kind)
½ cup confectioners sugar
For the pastry (this is for 8 tartlets, so freeze half):
2 ¼ cups plain flour
Pinch of salt
¼ cup ground almonds
1 tbsp confectioners sugar
2/3cup chilled butter, diced
1 egg yolk
3 tbsp chilled water
First make the pastry by combining flour, almonds, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Add butter, and rub it in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the yolk, and enough water to form the dough, I ended up adding 5 tbsp; depends, so add little by little. Knead the dough, cut in half. Freeze half, wrapped tightly in a plastic wrap for some other time. I love the way this pastry tastes --- yummy!
Cut the other half into four pieces, and line four tartlet tins, using your fingers to mold it in. Let the excess pastry hang over the edges. Chill for 30 minutes. In the meantime preheat the oven to 400 F, or 200 C. Line the pastries with parchment paper, and baking beans. Bake for about 10 minutes, let them cool, and then trim the edges carefully, if necessary.
For the custard, beat the yolks with cornstarch, sugar, and vanilla essence in a bowl. Warm the milk in a small pan, and add it to the yolk mixture, mixing constantly. Then put it back into the cleaned pan, and heat until it thickens, stirring constantly, but don’t let it boil. Remove from heat, and press a circle parchment paper to prevent skin from forming on the top. Leave to cool.
Now assemble the tartlets. Sprinkle the fruits evenly into each case, and spoon over the custard. Chill tartlets for 2 hours. Preheat the broiler to the highest setting. Sift the confectioners sugar over the tops of the tartlets, and place them under the broiler until the sugar melts and caramelizes. Allow them to cool about 10 minutes, to harden before serving. Enjoy!
Source: “Best Ever Pastry Cookbook”, by Catherine Atkinson
Medena, you don't have to try too hard to win me back! I've been waiting for your return! :)
So glad you're back! I've missed you so much!
Saljem sam ti nesto lepo, jedva se suzdrzavam da ti ne kazem sta je :)
Thank you Honeyb!!! :)
Marija - Thank you, it's good to be back! :)
Hvala puno, sta god da si poslala, nadam se da nije bio strosak! Jedva cekam da vidim!!!
Reci mi, jer moj muz je u stanju da mi ne kaze, a on ce vidjeti! :)
Jedva cekam u BG, rekao mi je da cemo iduce godine ici svi! Pozdravi ga!
Great to have you back! I missed your delicious posts a lot!
Your tartlets look so good! Beautiful picture too!
Nice that you are back! These tartlets look wonderful!
I've been checking periodically to see if you were back posting. Yea, you are and with a yummy recipe. Looks delish! I'm still relatively new to the blogosphere....you stopped when I was starting.
Welcome back!
Two-for-one Desserts don't get much better than this!
Nice goin'.
beautiful picture, look forward to making this~
Looks beautiful! I can't wait to try these. Yummy fruit with the brulee...genius!
They look sooo tempting! Nice photograph!
I love that you bruleed the top! These look so delicious!
They are beautiful,welcome back!
I love that you bruleed the top, they look great!
These are lovely!
Hi Medena, Do you remember the consistency of your Torta Della Nonna dough? I'm in the midst of making one, it came out rather sticky and was wondering if I've done something wrong. Thanks!
Hey, girl, where are you? Come back to blogosphere!!! Missed you.
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Oh me oh my. I just want to eat up all your entries! Beautiful!
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