Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orks. Show all posts

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Orks in 6th: Elites

Orks have some cool choices for Elites (and some not so good). Thankfully, with a bit of FOC manipulation (Warboss making Nobz troops) it open ups a few slots. Up until now the obvious choice has been the Lootas since it's the only long range anti-tank shooting orks get. If not very reliable it still got the job done. Let's see if this has changed in 6th or as people say, the more things change the more the stay the same.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Second Independent Clubs Tournament

Wow, talk about way beyond posting time. I attended this tournament back in February but for some reason (maybe it's my notorious laziness and procrastination) haven't posted the battle report yet. So, yeah, here you go. This is for the second Independent Clubs Tournament . You might remember the last one I went in September and had a really good time. I wouldn't miss this one for the world. Especially if you consider  that this time there would be ten people going from my gaming group/guild. So, with my trusty Ork list I started my journey on a bleak January morning.

As usual I din't bother with pictures. Fortunately, Mr. Markador was there with his camera so I will be borrowing his pics liberally. Check out for more stuff after the break. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Orks in 6th: Nob bikers

In the transition from 4th edition to early 5th and later on in the same edition we saw Nob Bikers going from good to amazing to meh. Quite the sine graph there! While I never run an army with two Nob Biker Deathstars, I always had a smaller unit of these and it really helped in my games. As long as you kept their point cost low enough so you could  include other needed stuff in your army they were a must have. They were a resilient, hard hitting, scoring and fairly reliable unit. Very useful in any ork army. The only downside is that they always needed a Warboss on a bike to baby sit them because Leadership 7 would see them running off the board more often than not.

In the MSU meta environment of the mid to late 5th edition (after the Imperial Guard codex came out and especially after Grey Knighs) Nob Bikers just didn't cut it any more. Almost everyone was packing enough high Strength weapons to sent them home and even if they reached enemy lines, charging a rhino or a chimera didn't mean much. So let's see how all this changes in 6th edition.

Orks in 6th : Battlewagons

I want to start talking about the Orks since (at least for me) they seem easier to comprehend how they function in 6th edition. I also want to start from specifics before I move on to any general conclusions.

So, the mighty Battlewagons. They've been a staple for my army for a while now and I've been relying on them to deliver my Boyz in to the enemy lines. They gave me mobility (almost a guaranteed second turn charge) and they were very durable if you tagged along a Mek with a Kustom Force Field for the ride. So how has this changed with 6th edition?

Thursday, 17 November 2011

What Does Your Army Say About You?

I was walking to my local net cafe today , thinking about the short story of Dark Angels i read in the Imperial Armor 5 book, siege of Vraks. When it struck me that, the army that i play and love (Dark Angels) actualy in a way represents me. So i found some time to make a compilation of what each army may say about its owner, from a fluff point of view!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Genocide Chronicles V Report

Main organiser of the event, Mr. Chronomancer being silly.

Before I start with the report let me explain what GC is all about and why I wanted to participate in it. To put it simply, it’s a team tournament competition similar to the European Team Championship (ETC). 

Teams consisting of four players (you can have as many substitutes as you want but only four people can play at each round) compete against each other and gain points depending on how well each individual player does. In the end the team with the most points win.

Simple enough, right? The trick here is that in every round, the pairing between the opposing players is not random but has to be determined by the Captain of each team. This bring an element of “rock-paper-scissors” to the game that I personally don’t like. I don’t think 40K was meant to be played like that. There is no point in making a balanced, good list if you get picked to play with an opponent that specifically made his list to counter yours. Furthermore, edit: in the ETC Special Characters are not allowed which is a folly in my opinion (will have to elaborate more about this on a different post or this one will become too long).

However none of this matters. The tournament was conceived as a means to bring different players together from all over Greece (there were teams from Patra and Larissa that had to travel from very far away to make it) and expand the 40K community. Competition takes a backseat here. Getting to know new people and celebrating the game is the main goal. So even if I didn’t agree with the format, I decided to give it a go. 

Friday, 11 November 2011

First Independent Club Tournament Report

Picture stolen withought any courtesy from the Invulnerable blog
We interrupt the Necron frenzy program to present you with a long overdue report of a tournament I attended on the 25th of September. Don't know why it took me so long to write, I guess I wasn't in the mood. There is an excellent report also from the Invulnerable blog. Get your butts over there and read Markador's excellent overview and then come back to read my bitter, bitter ramblings.Withought further ado, here we go:

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Ork Lootas completed

Nothing too special for today. I needed these guys for the tournament tomorrow. I generally don't like to linger too much on ork units since there are so many of them to paint. No way I could spent as much time on them as for my Blood Angels or even my Imperial Guard or I'd never finish the army. So, another quicky paintjob for this unit, took me around an afternoon's worth of time to finish.

Friday, 1 April 2011

The Green Tide

Good month everyone! The first of April is definitely one of my  favourite days of the year. Today, everyone can let their imagination run wild and come up with the most unfeasible stories they can imagine without running the risk of being called sneaky liars. Hooray! 

The warhammer community never fails to amuse me in this fashion. I've been reading entertaining stories all day long. Even Games Workshop chipped in with their own, unique style. However much I like this though, I won't conjure up any lies today. My life is far too exciting and eventful. I don't have to resort to figments of imagination in order to entertain and inform. Instead let me tell you how one of my (gaming) dreams came true.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Ork Warbuggy Completed

Don't you just love ork vehicles? All you have to do is glue together whatever orky bits you might have, stick them four wheels and Robert's your father's brother!  The more ramshackle and impossible it looks, the more orky it will be. You can never go wrong. I opted for a much simpler conversion for this buggy though since I already bought the official model. Just wanted to make it look more like a 21st century ork design since I think the old article dates back from the Gorkamorka days of yore. This wasn't too hard as you can see. Just swapped the crue for two of the newer boyz and changed the front panel and the engine from a Trukk (they are useless anyway, didn't mind wasting one for this conversion).

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Great find in Singapore!

Hey, lookie what I got here! Let me tell you how I got this treasure. There I was,minding my own business, when suddenly I came across this little beauty. I had to go to the local convenience store here in Singapore to buy a phone card. Upon entering the mini mart I noticed a lot of Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh booster boxes. I was quite surprised by this but upon entering the premise there was a much bigger surprise in store for me. Arranged upon a shelf there were various vintage looking boxes of Warhammer goodness. I saw a box of ancient looking Tyranids (some Genestealers and Termagants), venerable Chaos Warriors, Wood Elves, even some plastic Plague Marines that I've never seen before in my life. As you can imagine I was quite shocked with this unsuspected and precious find. My wife was quite surprised too and immediately got me the box of Orks. I think I might visit the store again for some further purchases. So if you ever pass by the Paya Lebar MRT station check out the little store next to the bakery and you'll be in for a pleasant surprise!

Sunday, 7 November 2010

My Battlewagon article in House of Paincakes

What can I say, I am chuffed! The totally awesome people of HoP were kind enough to post one of my Battlewagon Tactics article. Check it out here! I did not come up with the list exactly on my own (Josh Robert told me about a similar version of BW spam a while back) but I am glad people appreciate my articles of how to use them. Furthermore I am a big fan of HoP since they do things quite differently than anyone else and usually have articles that I can't find anyone else. Plus Dethtron is one of the funniest guys out there. So, yeah, thanks again guys!

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Landspeeder and a couple of Buggies, WIP pics

I feel much better today. In fact I was feeling well enough to take some pictures. So this is what I've done this far with the Landspeeder. Not much you might say but I have been ill thank you very much! I think I shouldn't have glued the bumper in the front and the top wing thingy because they make the model harder to paint. Since I undercoated the vehicle with a light primer I will have to repaint them black. If they were unglued I could just spray them black separately. 

Friday, 15 October 2010

More Orky Goodness at Claws and Fists

Green is the new black as some people say, and the orky madness continues down at the Claws and Fists headquarters. They've posted some fine articles over the last few days about building an ork army from the start along with some of the most powerful ork tactics. 

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Defeating the Orks

I was surprised when I found out how many people from my gaming guild still think that the Orks are a menace. They call me cheesy and beardy for using a battlewagon spam list because they think it's too strong. Even players with a good grasp of the game mechanics believe that the greenskins are overpowered.  In reality orks are an average army at best, and every decent 5th edition list should beat them, in theory. So I decided to do this post and give some insights of how to win when playing against them and the pitfalls you should avoid during your games.

Ork Week over at Claws and Fists

It seems that whatever I do, I cannot escape the Orks. After a few weeks I had to deal with them for a tournament now they strike back. That's good news of course since orks are awesome!

The good people of Claws and Fists blog are having an ork fiesta this week. They usually deal with Space Wolves and generally Power Armour clad armies but they seem to have succumbed to the awesomeness that is the Orks.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Greek GT Brief Report

This years attendance for Fantasy Shop 40k event seemed pretty good. I think 34 people turned up which is very good for Greek standards. Definitely the biggest tournament in Greece at the moment. It might not sound much compared to some tournaments in North America or Europe but don't forget that Greece is a small country and 40k is not that popular.

Friday, 1 October 2010

The boyz are back in town!

So, here is my ork army in all it's glory.  They have been inactive for a few months so it's good to take them out for some fresh air. The pictures are not very good but unfortunately I couldn't fit all this orkiness inside my lightbox. There are many miniatures that are not fully painted yet. Just tried to have the minimum tournament standard for them so I could use them for Saturday. In case you are wondering, these custom Deff Rollas were created by Mihalis "Cadaver" Skalkos who is an orky conversion genius.  So enjoy the pictures and leave your comments if you will.

Monday, 27 September 2010

A change of heart

I've been having second thoughts about the ork list I am going to use on the Greek GT (Fantasy Shop Fair). I want to make some minor changes but I am still not sure if I should just stick with the original plan.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

This week's painting

I don't really have a choice now. I must paint these models for the Greek GT (Fantasy Shop Fair) that's in next week.