Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label orange. Show all posts

Saturday, November 1, 2014

[Celebration] Giving Thanks Today and Everyday

Pumpkin patch

Hello, November, the season of pumpkins, pumpkin pies and thanksgiving in the U.S.  The history of thanksgiving dates back to the early 1600's when the Pilgrims gave thanks to God and celebrated the bountiful harvest after all the hardships that they experienced.  Pumpkins were a very important food source for them because it is very nutritious, delicious and has a good shelf life.  Nowadays, pumpkins are being used mostly for halloween decorations.  Many families with children visit different pumpkin patches and make carving an annual activity.  I just hope the children don't lose the real  meaning of the thanksgiving.
Pumpkin patch
One of the perks of taking public transportation is that you get to see and experience things that you'd otherwise miss when you're driving.  This time a year ago, I saw a pumpkin patch in one of the local churches in our area.  I wanted to check it out but by the time I had the chance to, they only had a few pumpkins left.  This year, I promised myself that I'd go before they were gone.   

Who said that pumpkin patches are for kids?
I would like to end this post by sharing with you the verse that we have in our dining room:
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
His love endures forever."
1 Chronicles 16:34
Be blessed!
♥  michelle