
Thursday, May 1, 2008

All Preston wanted for his Birthday was to go riding with the kids....

On Monday, April 28th, we took the kids on a fun 4-wheeling outing! Dylan and Madelyn are not even 1 1/2 yet, and they love, Love, LOVE it already. Granted, they have been plunked down on the seat of a 4-wheeler ever since they were about 4 months old. They scream with delight as they climb aboard. Then, they scream in protest as they are taken off. Monday was a perfect day for riding. The temperature was just right, no wind and not a cloud in the sky. We stopped for a drink and some crackers, the kids loved digging in the dirt. So much to explore. They are really going to love camping this year. Hopefully better than last year! That was a nightmare for me, and a totally different story. I love the vroom, vroom type noises the kids make when ever they see a 4 wheeler. There will be people going up and down our street riding them, and Dylan and Maddy always run to the front window to see what they are missing out on. They will point and squeal with delight. I know that their young love for the sport has Preston tickled pink! As for me, I am a nervous Mom, a very nervous Mom. But, what ya going to do....? It is something we will enjoy doing as a family probly forever, and that is a good thing.
This always makes me smile...