Showing posts with label Sunday #7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday #7. Show all posts

Friday, September 9, 2016

9-9-16 ~ Day 30 ~ My Sacred Place & Art Work from the Week

365 Days Spirit Art Journaling

Here are some things I have done this week. I have been down and under with really BAD allergies, and have spent ages feeling like I have the flu and a breathing disorder. Bud cannot stand the wheezing. He says he can hear it across the room. I am allergic to EVERYTHING pretty outside and anything with just or mold inside at this time of the year...and especially Trouble his cat. He is the worst.  I cannot go near him.

My Etemani Cards for the Week
Bud's Romas are still coming in but all that are left are green.

 He brought me in another purple sweet pepper, and this one was lots bigger that the others but still small. I decided to try to draw it again. This time I made it as a note card on watercolor paper.

 This is my first attempt at trying to draw a Marigold. Bud loves them, and he plants them all over the place. This was the best I could do.

 This is my doodle for the week. I felt so crummy that I laid in bed and doodled affirmations trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps. The stippling does not show up well here, but it does on the paper.

 This is a watercolor of a little girls of days long past with her popcorn while sitting on the fence. I am trying to learn to paint lips so this is a beginner's try.

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