"The fundamental mission of motherhood now is the same as it always was: to nurture, protect, and instruct children, to create a home environment that enables them to learn and grow, to help them develop a heart for God and his purposes, and to send them out into the world prepared to live both fully and meaningfully."

-Sally Clarkson from the Mission of Motherhood

Saturday, September 29, 2012

First days of school 2012 (1st grade/PreK-3)

The last week of August we geared up to meet our new teachers and get the school year underway.  We started by going up on a Monday night to meet AM's new teacher, Mrs. Smith, and drop off our school supplies.  She knew alot of the kids on the roll so we think it's gonna be a great year!

Clarky's school started the next day (Tuesday).  Since we're holding him back, he will do three years of preschool, but hey, who's counting?

He was so happy to go to real school just like Sissy!

We got to see cousin SC since she goes to the same school as Clark!

And the main reason we decided to send Clark to Noah's Ark preschool is because he could be in Kristiana's class!   She is one of my dearest and best friends, and it is such a blessing to know he's so well taken care of each day!  Not to mention Kristiana was Waco ISD's teacher of the year when she taught!!  She is wonderful!  Clarky is thriving in her class!

I was fighting back the tears as I left him.  I am so proud of him but can't believe how fast he's growing up.  :(  I just savor the days with my little boy!

Looking a little shell shocked, but never the less had a wonderful first day! :)

And the next day it was time for our big girl to start FIRST GRADE.  What??   

She was so proud of her new outfit and bow that Gamma got her.  Had to rock the side ponytail!

She still looks so little here.  I'm so proud of my sweet girl!

Icing on the cake---she was seated right next to our across the street neighbor, Lucy.   Sweet friends!  We are so thankful for a great school with great teachers and administrators.  

And Bubba had to have his picture taken too.

1 comment:

Krispy said...

You KNOW how much "Mrs. Kwistiana" loves her star student!! I am so blessed to have him in class!