Whose butt is this?
Yep, the Biggest Week was pretty long...10 days actually. And I drove all over northwest Ohio in search of birdies! This was the best festival I've been involved with. I never drove fine feathered folks around this much before, and what a great group of people they were! I hope I didn't scare anyone, I tried to curb the pun and sarcastic asides as best I could.
The first group of slightly focused photos are from a small park on Catawba Island a little east of Magee Marsh. This was the first visit for all of us and it turned quite well! Even a few lifers for some lucky birders!
This Baltimore Oriole must have been very happy, he was wagging his tail like crazy!
Ever time I see a Double-crested Cormorant, I think of Goofy from the Disney cartoons..."huh, huh, eyup."
Catching flies from behind...
Did you guess right? Yep, it's an Eastern Phoebe. Flycatchers always confuse me...until you see his waggy tail!
This was at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. Everyone was talking about owls that were easy to see...that's a rarity! Low and behold, there's a lovely Eastern Screech Owl hiding in that hole!
I had better shots of this Great Blue Heron, butt this one cracked me up.
Birds don't sweat, so leave breathe with their beaks open when they are hot.
Here ya go...a nice normal shot of a Great Egret...almost from behind!
This was the other east to find owl...a Great Horned Owlet...all floofy!
I was going to go out on limb and say this was a Green Heron...butt he left the limb...
Trying to shoot a Thrush through all of the scrub and leaves is always exciting! I believe this was a Swainson's Thrush.
Yep...it's one of those wildflower things...Tommy will let me know what it is!
In the bush right next to this tree was a Blue-winged Warbly. While I was trying to get everyone on it, it flew before I got a shot. By the way, this is a Yellow-billed Cuckoo...cuckoo like me!
There weren't a lot of warblies to see this year...a good number of species but the quantities seemed to be low. Could have been caused by the Canadian wild fires in their breeding range. This is a butter butt! Also known as a Yellow-rumped Warbly. Also know as a Myrtle Warbly...just to confuse you more...
Okay! Did you guess the birdie at the start of the bloggity post?
Yep, a beautiful Blackburnian Warbly!
Until next week..get out and find some birds!