Showing posts with label myself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myself. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2008


[23 Januari 2007]



today's 24, tomorrow's 25. one year older. 7 years ago i graduated from boarding skool, thinking that i will be someone at the age of (the bold number above). but the thought seems to be slipped from its track, realized that i don't feel like a someone tomorrow. okey forget about the importance to be a someone. i have no idea how's the someone looks like. is he a respectful person? a good guy? a man with bundle of bucks inside his pocket? the most important worker in his company? i guess those were the thoughts couple of years ago. but unfortunately i don't have that NOW. this is what i think now. maybe somebody outside don't think so. should i feel regret?

if u ask the elder male or female, that u feel older now, he or she would say you are joking. and immediately you will feel younger!... but look at younger teenages nowadays, doing something that you missed to do during your time, or having/achieving some results/things which can't/never have it last time, it might makes you become older again. i've made a lot of mistakes, wrong judgements, unpopular choices & followed different paths or ways that people usually take. should i feel regret?

Now I have less than 5 years to be at the stage of my future. it's better not to think about the 'someone' it may hold my mind not to step up..rite? Motivation plays a very important role to maintain my concious mind to keep on moving on my track... it helps me to see a lot.. to see things as a challenge, not a problem. people make giant effort to accelerate the dream become reality, so am I. maybe not small like a giant, but bigger like a bapak giant? hehe...joking...

25 is the age for me to look forward and forget about the past. i want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends, my collegues & skoolmates & pals for all your supports & encouragements along my journey. it's still a long journey, dudes... time changes like speed of sounds..heheh... who knows, if God give us chance to keep breathing on His wonderful world (thanks Allah the most merciful...)suddenly we are 50's? haha...dah nak ada cucu... to my loves around me... keep loving each other, because it's the WHY we stay alive.everybody will die if no love...

Happy 25th birthday to M.E.Z... (tiba2 aku rasa dah tua laa...)