Showing posts with label disguise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disguise. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Free Tutorial: Felt Moustaches

With Father's Day just around the corner, the lovely folks over at Lark Crafts are giving away my "manly moustaches" tutorial from Heart-Felt Holidays. Felt moustaches for everyone! :)

You can download the felt moustache instructions HERE.

The moustaches make great photo props! Here are some of my favourite shots from back when my Etsy shop was full of moustaches...


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Thursday, 24 September 2009

Hello Tiger!

Thanks to the sheer awesomeness that is Tiger-print felt, you can now buy Tiger masks in my shop:Also, thanks to a mistake I made while sewing - forgetting to sew on the ear details - you can grab a bargain tiger mask HERE.

I haven't had a chance to model this design yet, but it's similar to the leopard.... GRR!Ah, the ridiculous faces I pull in the name of crafting!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Shiver Me Timbers! (365/278)

I may have made a couple of eyepatches...
(I made a plain black one as well - you know, for that utilitarian look - but I couldn't really be bothered to take a picture of me scowling in that one as well!)

Next time International Talk Like a Pirate Day rolls round I am sorted. Arrr!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

365 / 219 - Wips, Beards and a New Challenge

I'm still working on an assortment of odd projects, here are a few of them from yesterday:
I started a pair of felt glasses (soon to be a nerdy glasses disguise), embroidered some labels for my lavender tea bags, and did some work on my big abstract circles piece. I also finished beard disguises in every colour (brown, black, blond and ginger) though forgot to take proper photos before the light went today so the listing is a little sparse looking. Must remember to take some tomorrow...

In other news: I am starting an exciting new challenge next week!!

Excuse the double exclamation marks, but I really am rather excited about this one: through the whole month of April I will be doing a "design a day" challenge, making (at least) one completely new thing every day and blogging about it right here.

I have so many ideas I'm itching to try out, and designs half-sketched on scraps of paper stuck in drawers and folders... and next month I will be taking them out of my brain and turning them into an assortment of felty treats. Even if I just get a prototype made and rework it later, it will be so great to be making new things and seeing my ideas "in the felt", as it were. Here are just a few of the ideas floating round my brain at the moment - as doodled during my "proper job" last week:You can join in the fun, too! If you've got an idea for a brooch design, leave me a blog comment this week letting me know - if I use your idea I'll give you a discount code for use in my shop during April (so make sure there's a way for me to get in touch with you - I can't give you a code if you post anonymously!) ... oh, and if several people suggest the same thing it'll be the first person to suggest it who gets the discount :)

UPDATE: no more suggestions please as the challenge has now begun! :D

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

365 / 218 - The Return of The Beards

Yesterday was one of those days when you end up doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that and never really settling on one task or another. One of the projects I started and then put down again was this lot:
Beard disguises! Hurrah! I got two brown ones finished, but realised I still hadn't bought any black thread (so no black beards yet) or any white elastic (so no ginger or blond beards either) ... and moved on to sewing some other things. However, I've been out today and purchased both black thread and white elastic so I shall have no more excuses and there should be finished beards ready for the shop tomorrow.

It's very exciting to have the beards (almost) back, they are just too much fun, and I do so love confusing the staff at my local haberdashers who cannot figure out why I keep coming in and buying yet more elastic!

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

365 / 102 - Disguises Galore!

Last night I turned my attention to disguise-making: two felt beards (one black, one brown) and a pair of felt glasses...
The glasses in particular are a bit mental (you know, cos felt beards are perfectly normal bits of kit) but they were lots of fun to make. The elastic on the glasses is just enough to keep them falling off your head when you wear them :)

Ooh and I almost forgot - look at the awesome post I got today:
More brooch backs than I have ever seen! Hurrah! They should keep me going for a while...