Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilts. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2024

End of October

 I'm doing a bit of catch up today...... have had a busy couple of weeks...

I have been continuing to join my field journal hexagons..... happy with how they are looking

I am at the half way point now, except I will make half hexagons to go on the top row to straighten it out.... (the same on the bottom)

I finally bound this panel I quilted ages ago when I was trying some new to me quilting.... 

Not very big and has a sleeve to hang

Scraps continue to be chopped, I have a small pile still waiting to be pressed and chopped but my little scrap baskets all got a wash and air dry....

Cleaning up I found these little quilts which I finished some time ago and don't think I posted about them....

I started them when little ones were needed for a charity,  they will do for little pictures or table mats - I will see if they are needed somewhere....

A week away - moonlight over the ocean .....

We stayed on the South Coast and had a couple of ferry trips to Coochiemudlo Island (at the moment public transport is 50c) so it's a bit of a novelty for us.

Saw the Curlews (last year I made a postcard to send off to help preserve their habitat)

Fun yarn bombing on the island - it is an easy walk around the whole island.... you can see boats in the background... there were so many boats and yachts there

The main reason for the trip was to watch the giant Widget in National Touch Rugby games. 9 games altogether and 2 evening training sessions - so a big week.

Nail-biting last game which Queensland won...... a bit exciting

In between games we went to see the lighthouse and wanted lunch at Queenslands oldest licenced pub (built in 1851)  but it is closed for renovations....

Also had an afternoon catch up with Susan and Michelle which was lovely  and sped by too fast. 

... and of course had an evening walk ending with fish and chips....

I took my knitting and got 10 squares done over the week......

So there we have it, fun fun fun...

Righto, Gotto Go, quick trip to town to buy some dressmaking fabric....

Have a lovely week....xx

Friday, July 15, 2022

Back in the Saddle....

Well that head cold turned out to be Covid - there is  so much around I guess it was inevitable.  I did need to be in bed a lot for a couple of days, a bit wobbly for a couple more and still a residual blocked nose and chesty cough.... I sound worse than I feel.  Effects everyone differently.

My 4th booster was booked for Monday - I do feel the powers that be were a bit slow rolling out the 4th booster... the over 65's have had it available for a while now and Monday suddenly anyone over 30 - we knew this was coming with winter and flu-time.   

Anyway  (rant over) now that I feel better I am sewing again.... these quilts have had their binding added.... I did it all by machine this time.

It was quilted as one big quilt..... basically whole cloth (I used 2 cotton sheets) and then couching on the long arm.... I cut it in half after quilting.

the colours are not showing well, the sheet is a dark grey with a teal yarn for couching.... and a nice brick red binding....

the underside was a light beige sheet....

These will be throws on my single beds in the spare room....  because there is no piecing they are quite lightweight.

Quite a few rows has been added to my scrappy crochet blanket..... this is an easy pattern and not much concentration is needed....

Righto, Gotto Go... I am sewing up more HST's today..... sew.... press..... trim....

Have a lovely weekend..... xx

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Quilt Tops.....

At present there are 12 quilt tops (finished) in my cupboard awaiting quilting .....  and I would like to get them done..... especially since I have others in progress, and still others as kits, and still others that I want to do.... hmmmmm

This is a folder that youngest daughter gave me at Christmas (I think she may be psychic)

This is a scrappy rail fence quilt.... 

I used fabric I bought in Bali for this curved ruler quilt....

this is a sweet Natalie Bird design quilt.... just loved doing all those little stitcheries

These churn dash blocks were from a Block swap group a few years back....

My Sylvia's Bridal sampler us Tuesday girls each made in different colours...

and Splendid Sampler which again us Tuesday girls sewed together....

My scrappy stars made in Papillon fabrics, one of my all time favourite ranges and I wish they would bring back ...

I have already made one quilt with my 9 patch from a swap a few years ago... this uses up the last of the blocks....

this was a sweet 1930's style layer cake.... I made mistakes with my cutting but it is still a pretty quilt....

chevron made with scraps from a range... or maybe charm packs... anyway it is sweet and happy....

Natures Journey done in a Stitch-a-long..... done in French General (not sure which range)

... and my sweet Alphabet bear (bear designs by Michelle Ridgeway).  I had 5" strips of this pretty range (no idea what is was called) 

So there we go.....  now I've put these out there I hope that will make me get them done....

Will you show us yours???????

Righto, Gotto Go... off to make blocks with the Tuesday girls... for another quilt!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Busy week.....

This week I decided to sort my quilt tops.  I am hoping to do some of my own quilting over the holiday season....

I bought this bolt of wadding a couple of years ago and this is the first time I have opened it!  I like to get a bolt although it is pricey but then I can cut to the exact size I want.  Also any left over pieces are all from the same quality and kind of fabric so I can join them.

I also had a stash of backing fabrics - having bought metreage when I saw some on sale - again some time ago!!!  Some of the quilts already had their backings with them.

Out came the quilt tops (you know some of them have been in there so long I had forgotten I had made them!)  It's like greeting old friends!

I am a bit embarrassed to admit there are 13 quilt tops there..... but one step closer to getting completed as they all have wadding and backing put aside for them

There is not much left of the bolt of wadding now.  This includes a couple of Christmas quilts - I aim to do one of them this coming week!

Mr Postie visited with this beautiful card and ornament from Karen.... thank you so much - I do treasure my handmade ornies more than any others I have.... 

I was so excited to see a finger lime on my little bush..... can you see it - its almost black its such a dark red....  I'm looking forward to it ripening up a bit (it's about 4cm long)  .... lots of flowers so I hope next season it will be loaded with fruit ..

We are expecting an extra two little boys for Christmas (our two grandieboys from Melbourne are coming up with their Dad)

So this week I made up a couple of Santa Sacks to sit at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve....  I need to purchase some cord to tie the tops...

I usually favour buttonhole stitch but this time I free motioned raw edge in black - It gives a scribbly look I quite like - but most of all it was ultra quick!

These are freebie designs from talented (and generous) Toni.  The reindeer is from a few years back but the Santa can be found HERE .  There is also a summer version Santa with a surf board!

Thank you Toni - I do love your patterns and these were exactly what I needed at short notice!

 Treadle and I had a play and I now have 50 x 4 piece diamond shapes ready and waiting.  I now need to cut bigger diamonds to go with these.

My youngest daughter (widget's mum) turned 30 this week.  Gosh.  She is a strong and generous person and a wonderful mother (and daughter).  This was at a yummy dinner out together the night before her birthday.  Widget left the next day to go and meet other side of his family in New Zealand.... wonderful.  I'm sure he will come back with lots of stories.

Righto, Gotto Go..... I am going to pin a quilt! 

Have a wonderful weekend.... xx

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Visiting some quilts....

It was fun seeing some of the quilts I had made and given away when I went visiting....

This is one I made my son and daughter in law.... It was done using Quilt As You Go method and the blocks sewn together with the black sashing.... (I made a smaller one with the leftovers a few years later and there is a tutorial for this HERE)

I backed each black and white pieced block with different Japanese fabrics so it is a totally reversible quilt....

As you can see I did this one in 2008.....

We had lovely warm weather when we were in the UK and whilst on the farm this was the quilt we used....  One of the black/white colours has faded but all the others have held their colour well...

This is one I made for my Mother-In-Law

It's actually one of my favourites - I love the colours and fabrics and the piecing and applique in it

I was just learning free-motion- quilting and though I am happy with what I did I can see how I have improved over the years....

It's easier to see from the back....

Mum always introduces me as her daughter in law who made her quilt (rather sweet isn't it?)

Another favourite of mine was this scrappy one which I made more recently

I have shown more about it on my blog HERE.

It was on our bed at my daughters house and I nearly took it back!!

So fun going to the houses and seeing the quilts being used....

Righto, Gotto Go.... I've got some crushed walnut shells to play with......

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