Showing posts with label SKoW SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SKoW SAL. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Meeting Deadlines.....

I have so enjoyed stitching along with others in this years Stitchalong .... and to avoid some snaps of the whip from the special Chookyblue  I have found that it is best to keep up with the set deadlines!!!

As I am off on my o/s trip soon I really wanted to have it finished before I go

.... those creepy eyes watching the last of the binding being sewn down....

.... oooooh.... I love each of the blocks......

..... the backing was fun to make too ......

.... I just gotta have a picture of the quilt in a tree... this is an acacia ...

For my quilting I chose to ditch around the blocks and around the applique and then some simple feathers up the sashings....

 ... in the ditch again for a selection of the larger blocks to secure those patches in between the applique blocks....

.... and wiggly lines all around the borders....
(sorry - blurry picture!)

Thanks Chookyblue  for the inspiration to do this quilt and and everyone in the Stitchalong group for the motivation and encouragement to keep up with it..... I love it.....

This quilt was started last year, and I had listed it as one of my UFO's - it's great to have it finished, washed and ready for snuggling....

Righto, Gotto Go.....

I will read blogs when I can but please forgive the lack of comments and replies - will be back sewing in mid- November

We have lots of family in UK -  brother and sister in law (some will remember the very big sadness that their youngest son passed away in August) who we will be spending time with and also two of our children and their families - includes 4 grandiechildren, and our mum.

It will be a very sad time of grieving but also time that will be precious to spend together.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

BOM catch ups......

My Favourite Things quilt top has been finished a while and the deadline for the finished quilt is looming..... Chookyblue is cracking the whip at us SAL gals - and we have less than 50 sleeps to go.... since I am going away in less than 20 sleeps the pressure is on!!!!

I have been procrastinating about the backing but finally the decision is made....

I'm making it..... 

Using up the left over fabric from the quilt and some additional metreage I had already from the same colours ......

I know I won't get the deadline..... that's a bit negative thinking but it is highly unlikely... but I'll give it my best shot.....

Meanwhile my evening TV stitching has been the July and August blocks of Harrington & Hannah... the free BOM from Michelle at Raspberry Rabbits....

don't we all need some free wishes every now and then?

the bees are loving springtime at the moment

I was so pleased with myself for having caught up... then the September block came out.... she is keeping me busy is our bunny loving Shell......

This is what all the blocks look like so far...... (minus September.... !!!!)

I was looking for some eyes... I couldn't find them.... so I bought some more... then I found them.... so now I have lots.... so I put them in a glass jar... so I wouldn't lose them again... they are watching me....

Righto, Gotto Go... the eyes are looking...... (creepy huh?)

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Favourite Things......

I do love scented flowers though I was a bit surprised that these had already opened

I think they are narcissus? so sweet
doesn't my pretty little coaster from Shez look perfect for them?

It has been such fun being part of an online StitchALong ..... this one started at the end of last year and Chookyblue has set parts to be done each month......

These are the blocks for July .....

I have got a little bit ahead and done my blocks for August  ....

and put them all together

This is my new favourite place for photographing quilt tops - I love the stained glass window effect and if you look closely you can see all my loose threads at the back too!!

there is so much to look at on this quilt.... such a lot of fun

it is so like me too... I have so many favourite things (including a wooden chair)

The rest of the StitchALong ladies are so encouraging
it's a great way to make a quilt

Righto, Gotto Go, .... I'm stitching butterflies...

I do hope you all  have an awesome weekend ... whatever you get to do

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Borders and Blocks......

I've joined the blocks and put some borders on my Patchwork Village

I'll do the binding in the same red as the border

Hubz likes this one... he says it is controlled and organised
what does that tell you about him.... and me.....?

I posted about my latest My Favourite Things blocks here 

Spot the difference.....

When I saw others on the Stitch-A-Long blog I noticed that I hadn't 'finished' my blocks so I had a bit of homework to do

.... it does look better now....

The weather is changing... rain is promised..... we hope it comes.... so, so dry

Righto, Gotto Go ... need to figure out a quilting plan

Monday, May 21, 2012

More favourite things.....

The next two blocks for My Favourite Things made from the Some Kind of Wonderful book by Anni Downs...

........ if you read me regularly you will know this is definitely a favourite thing of mine......

... and especially when I can do it with others......

here they are together.... I can't resist showing it against the extraordinarily beautiful clear days we are having...
that's the Bunya Mountains in the background

This week I was lucky enough to win this pattern from Joy......

... it is one of her new designs ... and these carry bags are going to be perfect for little Christmas gifts for those very important small people in my life... can't wait to make them...  will need to find some fun kiddie fabrics...

I love Joy's patterns ... and her blog..... she has just released a lovely block/sewing bag .... it's GAWJUS

Righto.... Gotto Go..... the week has begun...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Life can be hard sometimes....

Grandson Jack had to have his 6 month needles....

I thought it was a bit tough to do both legs at the same time!!

I was so lucky to be sent this lovely little angel by Meg
(we swapped blocks and she spoiled me with an extra gift)

Isn't she just the loveliest angel... so now she wings it in my sewing space

I worked on a bit of selvages this weekend
I have been lucky enough to be given a couple of fabric bookmarks
and I love them
so now I have some in my giftie box

and continuing with my handsewing

... little pieces of fabric take up big pieces of time ...


... back to grandieboy Jack and his needles.....

... pulled my heart strings ...
 I really want to squeeze that little fellow

Righto, Gotta Go... heartstrings to mend..... Monday to deal with.....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Favourite things update ....

April's My Favourite Things blocks are done....

those tiny little flowers and centres .... oh my - I did battle with them ....

... but a pretty tree is definitely nice to sit under...

... and I just love rainbows..... I'm just watching for the pot of gold under one...
(which of course I would share with all of you)

I think Annie was easing us into this quilt... the first blocks were much easier to do....

Now with these strips on it is beginning to look like a quilt.....

I'm going to love the next blocks...... Sewing and Best Friends.... definitely favourite things of mine....

It is such fun seeing different colourways in this quilt ...... if you feel like a browse at others of these go HERE.....

Righto.... Gotto Go.... prep work to be done....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stitching ALong ....

I have done the February blocks for the Some Kind of Wonderful StitchALong - this is such a lovely quilt designed by Anni Downs and it is such fun making it with lots of other poeple and seeing it in different colours ... you can see them HERE

we have ......

and .....


I have added them onto the other blocks I have done....

and made the border that will fit along the bottom of the quilt...

Righto... gotta go.... March blocks to prepare.....

Loving this quilt
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