Friday, August 11, 2017

Sampler quilt

I do enjoy sampler quilts.   I did Sylvia's Bridal Sampler....

... and made a backing with leftovers ....

... and I did the Splendid Sampler....

... and made a scrappy backing with the left overs!!!

And this year the 3 of us who sew together on a Tuesday (we sewed the other samplers together also) are making this one...

My friend Deb was destashing some French General fabrics and these ones are just perfect ...

Here are the first 6 blocks and my choice of cornerstones and sashing and border/binding depending on how I finish it up...

I couldn't resist trying out the sashing and corner stones....


This week we got another 4 blocks done...

the blocks are smaller this time and some pieces are hard to hold on to ...

I am using my classic Elna Stella machine (the others are using their vintage Singer featherweights)

I have decided to try and keep up with the sashings and cornerstones on a weekly basis...

Here are all the blocks so far....

I am liking the look ....

I think I like the challenge of a variety of blocks, and the fact that the three of us sew the same blocks together - all our quilts always look completely different...

One day I hope to quilt and finish off mine?????? hmmmmm

Righto, Gotto Go.  I need to photocopy a foundation piecing pattern for next week!


Anonymous said...

Good morning my friend,wow loving all your quilts,you are so clever,thankyou for sharing xx

2 WoolenSails said...

Those are both beautiful quilts and I love how you used what was left for the backing, really looks wonderful.


3 Susan said...

Holy Moly - you do get through a lot... Looks wonderful - love the sashing fabric.

Have you ever tried a purple thang for that sort of fiddly piecing??

4 Maria said...

both your other Samplers are lovely Fiona...
How great your friend was destashing the beautiful French General Fabrics as they are perfect for this sampler.. It's going to be a beautiful quilt...

5 Jennifer said...

The new sampler is the colour choices!

6 Helen said...

Love your quilts, great way to use up leftover fabrics, you are amazing with your quilts.

7 Jane said...

these are fun to do with friends, loving the latest colour choices

8 kiwikid said...

Love your sampler quilts, this new one is going to be beautiful, love the fabric you are using.

9 marina said...

Love your sampler quilts and your new project is going to be another work of art!
Can't wait to follow you the girls' adventures on this new sampler quilt.

10 Lin said...

Gorgeous! Beautiful fabric choice. xx

11 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Wow, those are tiny pieces! Your samplers are just gorgeous.. and to think I have never made one...! xx

12 sunny said...

Gee thanks. I had talked myself out of that Anthology book, because I have enough sampler quilts. And I love that the blocks aren't square! I may have to reconsider now. All your quilts are gorgeous.

13 Chookyblue...... said...

Omg loving the look.......and great to keep up with the sashing along the way........

14 Sue SA said...

Love your work! Great idea to keep yourself motivated and the benefit of seeing what your block could look like, by making the same quilt....obviously it suits you all if this is the third time! LOL I am still scarred by the compulsory sampler I had to make by hand when I started quilting!

15 Jeanette said...

Loving you Anthology blocks. They look fabulous. Love you sampler quilts, just beautiful.

16 Karen S said...

You do like taking on a challenge. I a always impressed with how well you keep up. The blocks and the colours are looking great.

17 Bobbie said...

oh Fiona ... i love your quilts .. and the new one you are doing looks great .. your fabric choices and colours are super ... .. as for those wee tiny pieces, i would use tweezers to hold them ... i have a couple of different tweezers that i use now and for larger patches of fabric than those you are dealing with ... i just find it so much easier now that my fingers dont work so well ...
looking forward to seeing this one grow ... huge hugs to you ..

18 KaHolly said...

Wow, Fiona! Simply magnificent! You motivate me to finish up my coffee, power off my device, and power up my Janome! You ladies rock!

19 Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi you are on fire! Love the blocks and your quilts too!

20 Anthea said...

Fiona all of your quilts are just gorgeous & this one will be no different... how lovely to be sewing along with your friends each week... good on you being brave enough to sew such tiny pieces, but if we never try, we never learn. Look forward to seeing your progress x

21 Janice said...

How good do those blocks look. Nice that they are rectangular. It is quite a project you have ahead of you.

22 WoolenSails said...

You did a beautiful job with them, I would have never dared try and quilt with yoyo's.
The outer border and quilting make a beautiful finish.


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