Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

09 April 2013

Cold spring hits Barn Owls

The past couple of winters have seen some severe cold weather, making life difficult for many bird species. The Barn Owl is one species that can be heavily affected, and we have seen reporting rates of dead ringed birds rise. This usually happens earlier in the year but this year the reporting rate for late March has shown an exceptional increase, just when these birds are supposed to be starting to breed!

Barn Owl - Les Foster

At this time of year we normally receive reports of birds that have been hit by vehicles on the roads but this year a high proportion have been found emaciated close to peoples houses and allotments. This is a sure sign that things are not well in the countryside and food resources are very low.

The graph below shows just how extraordinary late March 2013 has been. The figure is sure to rise for early April this year but we hope it doesn't compare to late March.

Deep snow, wind and flooding has hindered the ability for Barn Owls to find food. This will also be having an effect on other birds of prey that feed on rodents and small mammals.

10 December 2010

Black Week for the White Owls

With the number of freezing days now having reached double figures in England and Scotland (read more on our brand new BTO website), the weather is making all the headlines. Similarly, the Ringing Office has received a number of reports from the public of ringed birds affected by the weather; found in gardens, barns, sheds, fields and city centres. Many birds are succumbing to this first wave of severe cold weather and the ringing recoveries reflect this.
For example, this week, we have received 31 reports of dead Barn Owls. In most cases the cold conditions figure as the cause of death. This was a black week for the Barn Owl, a species which probably found it difficult to find any small mammals due to the snow cover and the freezing temperatures.

Other dead birds reported this week which are also likely to be cold weather victims are a Reed Bunting, two Waxwings, a Chaffinch and a Long-tailed Tit.

It will be interesting to find out how many dead birds walkers find washed-up along the coastline this weekend. We will keep you updated on any interesting recoveries!

Thanks to Neil Calbrade for the photo.