First off let me apologize if you now have that song running through your head, not my intent. If you didn't already I'm sure you do now, and again, sorry. We do live in a social world now however, but now it is a "social media" world. The days of club newsletters being mailed out to members is most likely a thing of the past. Members/golfers want information now, instantly, which has changed the way superintendents and golf professionals communicate with their members and golfers.
We try to use a lot of different social media outlets because we realize that not everyone uses the same resources and each one has its own unique purpose. Our Facebook site
The Bear Trace @ Harrison Bay gives a detailed view of what is going on at the course. Our Twitter account
@BearTraceHB allows us to give instant information about course conditions and activities. Our website provides information on our golf course and the other courses along the Tennessee Golf Trail in a broader, more in depth format. We are also on
Vine at Bear Trace HB,
Instagram at beartracehb, and of course this blog, which we love to keep up to date.
We have all these information outlets to try and educate and inform our golfers and we did not expect our efforts to gain national recognition but it has. Today we received official notification, by the one and only Pat Jones, that we have been selected to receive the Dr. John Kaminski Leadership Award from
Golf Course Industry Magazine and
Aquatrols at this years Super Social Media Awards in San Diego. We are very grateful and humbled that our work has been recognized and are really looking forward to the #GCITWEETUP16.
Social media sites are a great way to get YOUR word out about changes or improvements to the course, course closures for weather or cultural practices, or to announce upcoming tournaments or outings. If you don't already utilize this free way to promote your golf course and yourself I would strongly encourage you to consider it.