Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas in Nebraska

This year we decided to do Christmas before leaving to Utah. It's not worth it to drag everything out to drag everything back again. Along with the rest of our stuff. I only got the kids a couple of things. And they were so happy! I don't find any sense in spending lots of money when we already have lots of toys and neither kid really wanted anything specific. In fact, Akoy wanted nothing! He has been saying that for awhile but he changed his mind this morning!

We brought Akoy in our room when we went to bed. We figured we would wake up when he woke up. He went out in the family room and was so excited! The first thing he said was, "Twinkle Bells got my old train out!" That's what he noticed, not the new toys. :) Lily started clapping when she saw the mega blocks kitchen. Which I spent a whopping $10 from craigslist!

It was fun to celebrate Christmas as our little family before we leave. AND Santa just happened to fill our stockings with goodies for the car ride! (might as well kill two birds with one stone!) We videoed the first part, so we only have pictures after they opened presents. :) Lily loves Akoy's ship. I had originally bought her the perfect gift, but I later found out that grandma bought the same thing. So we will wait till the real Christmas!

*Last night I hosted book club. We ended up watching a movie to a book we read last month. By we, I mean like 2 people... My friends were all so nice to help me finish all my crayon rolls and stuff them. Then helped me wrap things. Afterward I went to retrieve Bryson, who was at the Ellis. Ellis' ended up coming down and helping us put everything together for Christmas. It was so fun. I would have not gone to sleep last night if it were not for all the help I had! We have such great friends out here. So Thank You! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

Every year our apartment complex puts on "Breakfast with Santa" It's so fun to get together with everyone and have the kids meet Santa and Mrs. Claus. This was our third year participating. Crazy to think this is our 3rd december in Nebraska! Only one more! It was sad to think. Mrs. Claus remembered all the kids from last year.

Lily was terrified of both of them. Mrs. Claus had a little talking dog, which eventually Lily warmed up to. Throughout the rest of the breakfast, Lily kept going up to Mrs. Claus to play with the dog. I kept having to get her out of the way so people could take their pictures!

The kids do not look at the camera. hardly ever!

Despite her face, she made her way over to Mrs. Claus a lot!

Parker, Akoy, Cenae, Lily, Riley, Gracie and Lisa

friends give friends candy canes

We are festive!
We love Lexington Ridge!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving in Utah

This was our first Thanksgiving going back to Utah since moving to Nebraska. It was such a quick trip and we barely had time to do things but it was good. I loved seeing all my family. In the books it was an "in-law" Thanksgiving for my family. All of my siblings spent Thanksgiving at their "in-law's."

We started the week out at Gregory's. Bryson's aunt and uncle from Connecticut came down. Akoy loved playing with Grace. The would wake up and find each other every morning and play with each other. Unless Adelynne was over. Then the girls would rather play with each other than a boy. ;) It was just so fun being around cousins. I wish Akoy was closer to all of his cousins. At both parents house he played so well. I ended up going Black Friday shopping with my in-laws while Bryson stayed home with the kids. We checked out the new outlets at Traverse Mountain. They were pretty cool. (they would be better if we were not in school!) Then I dragged them to Target and I finished off Akoy's present. I'm excited for him to get it! I think he will like it.

Most of the week we just spent eating at all the places we missed! Friday my sister Brooke came back from Idaho so my mom and both sisters got together and had dinner and talked until late! Another thing I miss about Utah.. Saturday morning we went to Bryson's cousins baby shower, Desi. I'm so excited for them to start their family! Afterwards we went and got lunch with Bryson's family and maybe a little shopping. That night we got together for the first time in awhile with all of my siblings! (Except for the boys that are on missions). It was so fun to see everyone. I love both of my families! I was lucky to have the family I have, and the family I married into. Thanksgiving made me really grateful for all of them!

The rest of the trip will be in pictures. What I do best. take lots of them.
Awake and ready for a long drive! (this guy peed 7 times in the bottle on the way to Utah!)
My friend Kate, married Bryson's friend Adam, and they blessed their baby!

Movie with the Gregory's! PS Don't see Lincoln at 9:30! zzzz

Thanksgiving football!

Watching a movie on grandma's computer

Dinner with Gregory's.. notice all the kids and myself are wearing stripes

Murdoch grandkids

My sisters and mom
Went a little blonde again!

Ashton, Grace and Akoy

Gregory boys and girls

He is tall enough for Ikea play area! 

Before the shower

Sleeping in Nordstroms. Is that even legal?!!

Lily and Vivenne
Akoy crying because he didn't want to leave Utah. We had to take a time out and count to 20!

He seriously took over 100 pictures of various things. 
Countdown till the next Utah trip.. 2 weeks!

5th Anniversary!

I know this is late, but I did want to post something on our Anniversary. I had big plans. I thought it would be fun to go spend a night in Omaha but it just wasn't happening. I was afraid of leaving Lily, and there were other things going on and the list goes on. SO, Bryson and I went and saw the new Twilight movie and then went to dinner at Lazlo's. I'm pretty sure we were forgotten about in the corner of the restaurant  We literately could have left with out paying and no one would have noticed. We did pay though:) It was a really good day. Thanks Nikki and everyone else who offered to watch the kiddos.

I'm so grateful for Bryson and my decision to marry him. Neither of us are perfect but we try and that's all that matters. He is such a great dad to the kids. Akoy and Lily scream in happiness when he walks in the door to scare him. Then scream in tears when he leaves. Akoy always says "but daddy I'll miss you, don't go" and then cries for awhile after he leaves.

Before we left the movies
waiting 45 min for dinner

See Good dad: took them the next morning to a workshop while I went to a baby shower!
I love him, and he loves me and we are a happy family!