We brought Akoy in our room when we went to bed. We figured we would wake up when he woke up. He went out in the family room and was so excited! The first thing he said was, "Twinkle Bells got my old train out!" That's what he noticed, not the new toys. :) Lily started clapping when she saw the mega blocks kitchen. Which I spent a whopping $10 from craigslist!
It was fun to celebrate Christmas as our little family before we leave. AND Santa just happened to fill our stockings with goodies for the car ride! (might as well kill two birds with one stone!) We videoed the first part, so we only have pictures after they opened presents. :) Lily loves Akoy's ship. I had originally bought her the perfect gift, but I later found out that grandma bought the same thing. So we will wait till the real Christmas!
*Last night I hosted book club. We ended up watching a movie to a book we read last month. By we, I mean like 2 people... My friends were all so nice to help me finish all my crayon rolls and stuff them. Then helped me wrap things. Afterward I went to retrieve Bryson, who was at the Ellis. Ellis' ended up coming down and helping us put everything together for Christmas. It was so fun. I would have not gone to sleep last night if it were not for all the help I had! We have such great friends out here. So Thank You! :)