A month or so ago one of my sweet friends came and took some newborn pictures for us of Lily. It was funny how I met Megan. I kept running into her at random places like the mall or the grocery store. She has a cute little boy just a month older than Akoy. So we have got together a few times and had the boys play. She normally does wedding's but offered to do Lily's newborn pictures. She did a great job and we are so happy with how they turned out.
Lily was a pill, and only slept for a minute or two.
These are her crazy eyes.. all the time.
Lily did great at holding her head up while in the boppy for only being a month old.
Born: 9/10/11 at 12:13 9Lbs 20.5 in *2 weeks: 9 lbs 7oz Oct 16- Blessed in Utah Oct 18: First real smile Oct 25- First plane ride home to NE *2 Months: 12 lbs 4oz Nov- First Disneyland trip 23 inches Nov 19: First giggle *3 Months: 13 lbs *4 Months 15 lbs/24.5 in Jan 11: First pig tails Jan 16: Back to tummy Jan 17: Tummy to back *5 Months 2/10/12 Feb 14: First tooth. Lower left. Feb 21: Second tooth. Lower right Feb 27th: Sitting up *6 Months 17 lbs Eats solids. Loves them all. March 20: Army crawls March 26: Tummy to sitting up March 27: Crawling *7 Months *8 Months Standing up to things First ear infection *9 Months Stand by herself
-First UTI-ultrasound and xrays!
*10 Months
-Cruising by herself on furniture
*11 Months
*first steps in Disney world
*starts actually babbling
*2 more bottom teeth
*12 months
-Mom, Dad, oooh, oh no. Mostly babbling.
Top right molar
Watch Akoy Grow!
Brand Spankin New!
Coming home from the hospital!
1 week old
2 weeks!
3 weeks!
4 Weeks!
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months!
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
1 Year!
2 Years!
3 years
4 Years
Akoy's Milestones
Born: Aug. 11, 2009 9lbs 6 oz 20.5 in *2 Weeks: 9 lbs 6 oz :) 21 in Aug 17: First smile Sept 27: Blessing Day *2 Months: 14 lbs 24 in Nov 29: Tummy to back Dec 4: back to tummy to back *4 Months: 18 lbs 25.5 in Dec 11: First Solid Feeding Sitting up- 5 Months January 18- "Da, Da" February 11- Actually finished a solid feeding! *6 Months- 21lbs 27 in February 28- Crawling March 10- Crawling to sitting position on own March 14- Drinking from straw March 28- Pulls himself to a standing position April 6th- First tooth lower right
*8 Months- 22 lbs 28.5 in April 15- Second Tooth- Lower left *9 Months- 23.5 Lbs 29 in May 25- Tubes -Cruising on furniture *10 Months- June 11- Top left front tooth June 14- Top right front tooth June 18- 2 more top teeth (each side of the front) *11 Months - 25Lbs 14 oz -29.25 inches Says words that sound like, go, yeah, what, car, daddy, mama. *12 Months Says More Stands up from sitting down, takes a few steps *13 Months -28 lbs -30 inches -Walks all over
*22 Months -30.5 lbs -34.5 in *2 years old -29.5 lbs -34 in
I love these pics! So cute!
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