Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Warm Get-A-Way!

Caraline took her first airplane ride to Phoenix, AZ for her first Christmas! We took the last direct flight of the day (8:45pm, the Saturday before Christmas) and we were able to have 2 rows to ourselves. Southwest Airlines let me bring Caraline's carseat on the flight since there were extra seats and it was AWESOME! Caraline slept 3/4s of the flight and the boys, well, they LOVE flying so we had no issues from them. We took another direct, last flight of the day on the way back but didn't have as much luck with the extra seats. The kids still did amazing though. And it always beats car travel. ^Caraline with her Grandpa Shields

Christmas Day. (these pictures are not in any order) Carline's smiles, giggles, and coos are non stop these days.What a wonderful phase. The AZ trip included everyone in my family, getting together. It was so wonderful!  And Mike and Jenn did an amazing job hosting it all. We loved our time there. So. much. *see family pictures below*

Meza, AZ temple lights.

With Uncle Dallin. He has ALWAYS been a favorite.

^In the temple visitor center. I love love love this picture.

Isn't my niece a doll??

All 5 Shields Grandkids (love the hand holding). My baby brothers may never outgrow the kid category :) And I am totally regretting opening that miniature candy cane for Brycen just moments before this picture was taken!!

Caraline met so many new people.

Gingerbread House Making.

And the first (and last?) Polar Plunge on Christmas Day. May I never have to take part. BTW,If the discussion ever arises in the future, our host--Mike--WAS the first one in the water.
Please notice, my Dad (next to Bryce) had absolutely no intention of jumping in with the others.
And Bryce went threw the motions long enough to laugh at the others.
But he pulled through.We are estimating that the water was around 60 degrees (the others were looking for pennies).
AND THEN MY DAD JUMPED IN!! Growing up, I never saw him jump in any water of any kind, and if he did get in (water, that is) it was in hot tub form only. When all the men were trying to convince eachother to jump in that morning, Bryce pulled the card, "I will, if Scott will". Bryce thought that was the for sure way to get out of it! And now...we aren't sure what to was C.R.A.Z.Y!
Not pictured: 
Backyard volleyball! It was my first chance playing since having Caraline and it felt great! Gotta love AZ winters.

Jenn and I escaped the morning after Christmas to go see Mockingjay Part 1 in theatres. We loved the movie and the time away, kid-free! As to why the last book in series are being split into 2 movies, don't even get me started...

And so many other memories. We made cookies, watched movies, played board games, opened and gave gifts, sang, laughed, and of course, cooked lots and ate lots. I enjoyed it so much. A truly, Merry Christmas.

**Family Pictures
We spent the Tuesday before Christmas, visiting my brother, Josh and his wife, Laura in Tucson, AZ. And with the use of Laura's camera, took some pictures. ^The original family of 8. Next Christmas, the baby, Dallin, will most likely be on a 2 year mission for our church.

With everyone. 4 spouses, 5 grandkids and one more on the way! (Mike and Jenn's, no announcement from me!)
^And I absolutely love the ones Laura took of my little family.
Cian loves to do this interesting underbite smile.
My 5 year old, his glasses, blue eyes, and red hair. A favorite picture for sure!

My not-blue-eyed 3 year old. Not sure what color they are, but they are gorgeous! And...

I could slap Isaiah for that photobomb. Goodness!

For being woken up from a nap and hungry, Caraline really did amazing for pictures.
All 5 of us.


jenn + michael said...

You take way more pictures than I did! I failed miserably in that regard but I guess I was having too much fun! Great memories were made!

Anonymous said...

BEST PICTURES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!