Update: 10/16/11
This past weekend we got to go for a little ride to Ky and ended up at the Florence Antique Mall. Alas, we didn't find anything we had to have, but I did spy this cute booth that made me smile.........
Just full of red and white goodies. And, we did see the most interesting folks in other booths............
There were frightfully fun to visit with. Then on Sunday afternoon we stopped at a nieghbor who was having
an Estate Sale where I found all this vintage booty........
Of course I found some vintage embroidery and a toaster cover that'll make great appliques, as well as these hand-tatted doilies. Naturally I couldn't pass on a few vintage cookbooks. This one from the State of Maine, Potato Cookbook, is my favorite. It's from the late 40 early 50's, but what is really cool is I think it may have been the inspiration for my neighbors kitchen/family room when they built the home in the 50's...at least it sure looks like this.
I found a pack of found an old pack of dressmakers transfer paper...wasn't gonna show the pic, but what I noticed was the price tag when I got home. It's from an old department store called Arlan's here in Cincy. It was slightly more upscale than Woolworth's, but it was a visit made at least once a week when at my Grandma's. Sadly, it closed in 1969-70.
The tablecloth is the one I got from Cindy Adkins, but the large checked napkin (3) is a find and I'm gonna make a little runner I think of the 3. Mrs. Butterworth never looked so good. My Nieghbor loved to paint...er...dress her in country cookin finery. And, yes another Cookbook!
I was so happy to find that sweet little rose planter in the basement and find it's mark......
I also, found this little transferware saucer with its
We also purchased a vintage hand-plow our Nieghbor let my Dad borrow when we put in our first veggie garden in '77 when we first moved in. The wood is a little weathers, it's missing a handle end and has a wonderful rusted patina on the plow attatchments now, but it'll look great as a garden ornie. There is also a vintage mirror Jim found in the basement from the 30-40's, but it needs some work before it makes a pic debut. Wonder what the cost of all this vintage goodness was?........$16.00
The past weekend was a good one. Think next weekend will be a clean the yard one since it's supposed to be nice. Don't forget to read on about some software I won and the digi art I created. Oh, and rememb er to visit all the blog parties too!
See I'm Back. Sorry for the blog interruption, but I had to check out this new software. I am soooo excited.
A week or two ago I entered a giveaway, sponsored by My Memories over at
Daniella Hayes' blog ...................................
'Daniella Hayes....Layers of Creativity. and, boy is it ever chocked full of creativity. If you haven't stopped by check her out here...........
Well, seems I was the lucky recipient of her giveaway which was a digital software package called,
'My Memories Suite'. Now you all have heard and some have personally seen how digitally impaired I am...
no snickering or giggles......but after going over the software for two days...OMG it is SUITE. ...er...SWEET!
And, the My Memories site it wonderful. Filled with inspiration, kits, ideas.....oh you have got to visit them.
Here, after you see what I did below..relatively quickly....go to
Alright. You've already seen my first digi design in the ad for my Etsy Shop, Apronation. remember these are my first practice designs, sooooooo...............
This is form of art is definately outta the box for me, but it is awesome!
Dont' forget to join all my Blogpals at my Weekly Blog Parties HERE to see other artworks, vintage finds,
and meet some really fun folks!