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Showing posts with label dishtowel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dishtowel. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tea Party Chic

I was soooo excited when I found this vintage 1960 dishtowel..........................................................
                        I love the colonial motif and the colors  are so popular today....pale to medium shades  of
pinks, colonial red, soft browns........and  it lends itself so easily to become a small tablerunner.
It just cried for some hand-embroiery to make it pop!

I hand-embroidered the the leaves with a satin stitch that wove around the candle and throughout the design

I used a myriad of daisy stitches to create the flower petals by the spoon
and I outlined the Grandfather Clock

It needed a finishing touch, so I found a matching rickrack for the ends of the runner. It's the perfect colonial brown.......................................................................
This would be soooo pretty on a tea cart or table all accented with a pewter or ironstone teapot and floral teacups! A fluffy coconut  cake,  hot buttered scones, fresh baked shortbread........the menu could go on.

This TeaParty Tablerunner is available. If you're interested just leave me a comment or e-mail me at

Don't forget to join everyone at How Sweet the Sound for

And, Southern Lady's Vintage for

Vintage Love Saturday
This Weekend and coming Monday join everyone over at Etsy Cottage Style for................
Hope to see you there!