Sunday, June 6, 2010

Our Saturday

Saturday afternoon our friends Dallas & Candice invited us to go to the parade of homes with them. We saw three homes. The first home we went to was the big 15,000 sf one. It was nice and had pretty much everything in it that you would ever want. It was kinda a Gothic style and just an all around huge house. There were some cool things about it and some that are just way over the top. Then we went to a remodel in Orem. It had been in the parade of homes before but qualified as a remodel because they finished the basement. It was a nice house but very Victorian/traditional and not our style at all. We didn't like it last time and were kinda bummed about it being in the home show again .

The last one we saw was a Modern home redo in Orem. Unfortunately this is the only one we got some pics of. This was one very interesting home. Very modern and artsy. Dev and I thought it would be cool for a vacation house but not one to live in everyday. It just seems too cold and harsh to live in every day. If you look closely in the pictures you can see that all the trim around the doors and the baseboards are made of metal. The big metal claw thing is the light feature over the dinning room table and the kitchen island is concrete. The big metal ball is the light fixture in a little girl's room, it is supposed to be a sun. There were definitely some interesting things in this house that I have never seen before. While we were at the home show Mathias was swimming with his cousins. We came home, grabbed some dinner and Mathias, then headed back over to Dallas and Candice's place for a fun little poker night.

I don't know how to play poker so I watch and play with the kiddos until it is time for them to go to bed, then I just hang out and watch everyone play. We usually put Mathias to bed in their master bedroom an hour or so after we get there. He is such a great kid and doesn't ever fight us about it and goes right to bed. I decided to put Azlyn on the blanket next to Kenzley. I wanted to see how they would react to each other. Kenzley is 6 months and Azlyn is 2 months. Azlyn tried so hard to talk to Kenz and just sat and cooed and smiled at her. Kenz just kinda stared at her. I thought it was pretty cute.

Of course I had to throw in a quick picture of the boys playing cars. Mathias loves playing with Cohen. It was such a fun day for all of us and it was sure nice to get out of the house for the day!

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