Wednesday, April 22, 2009

random pictures

Here are a few pictures that I like that have been taken over the last several weeks. I have not done so well with keeping with this blog but I did want to post these pics and just do a quick recap of them.

Here is what we woke up to on April 16th. I know that we live in Utah and that this is not too unusual but I am right there with everyone else, just wishing that the snow would go away and that spring would finally decide to show up!

Mathias has never gotten attached to anything. I think that most kids get attached to a blanket or stuffed animal or something of that sort but Mathias never did, so I thought it was cute when he was dragging around this teddy bear for a little bit one day.

I gave Mathias some cake after dinner one night and then went on to do the dishes while he ate it. Next thing I know I look over and he is wiping his hands on the underside of the table. I go over there and cake is EVERYWHERE! He decided that since he did not have a napkin that he would wipe his hands on the top of the table, on the underside of the table, his legs, and even some on the chair. It was one of those times that instead of getting upset at him I just had to grab the camera and tell him he was a goon and next time to ask for a napkin. I love the look in the big picture, like "great, I'm caught and I'm trying not to laugh."

Mathias and daddy snuggling on the couch. They were probably watching jeeps, hockey, or Sponge Bob. Those are THEIR shows that they watch together.

Fireman Mathias going out to get in his fire truck and put out a fire! I think he makes one cute fireman!

Super cool Mathias. He has had these sunglasses for a few years now and is finally starting to grow into them.

Another one of the many recent times that the boys have gone out to play with their buggies. This is seriously their absolute favorite thing to do together, I don't know who likes it more when they are actually able to go out and play.

Mathias and his many cars... what else!

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