Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas at the Brower's

After we were done opening presents at our house, we loaded up the car and headed over to Dev's parent's house. We are usually the last ones there (because Mathias likes to check out all of his toys) but this year we were actually the first to arrive. Once everyone got there we were all able to open up our presents and then eat the traditional brunch of omelets.

In Dev's family, all of the kids rotate names and have one family for Christmas each year. This year we had Rick, Melissa, and Audrey. We got Rick and Melissa a gift card to Cafe Rio and we got Audrey a super cute outfit (man I am in so much trouble when we have a girl). Scott and Mel and family had us this year and got Mathias some cars and a cars book. He absolutely loves them. They also gave Dev and I the best gift ever, they got us Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premier Elements, which is for editing videos. I am trying to figure it all out but think I will need to get a Photoshop for Dummies book. We also got all of Dev's siblings to pitch in to get his parents some new faux wood blinds for their big front window. They needed some new blinds really bad. The ones they had were really old and falling apart. If you wanted to open or close them you had to get the stick that fell off, try to get it on the part that twists, and do it all manually. I think Dev's mom was really excited, she kept saying how she needed new blinds. We had such a great Christmas, getting to hang out with both sides of our family. We feel so blessed that most of them live so close by and that we get to see both sides off the family on a regular basis.

Oh, and don't you just love the picture of Mathias kissing his Great Mema. He loves her so much and they have been entertaining each other since she came to live with Annette and Jerry over a year ago. It is so much fun to watch them together!

Hope you all had a great Christmas, we sure did!

Lastly, here is a picture of all the Brower grandkids this year.

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