Painting Service

Den of Imagination offers a variety of services including single display miniature pieces as well as an army painting service.

Blood Angels


Hierophant showcase!

From our painting service - our level 6 (Legendary) Bio Titan! Paulina did wonderful job...


Now this is something special fresh and new. Fist your eye on The Walking Temple.


Make it glow. oh yeah take a look at this eye candy.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Rusty Destroyers

Oh man oh man I love this unit. Do you see the glow sticks?! Do you see the Glowing Hexes?! Do you see the Awesorust? It's a word I invented its Awesome + Rust= Awesorust. I just want to have these for myself WHY WHY OH WHY!? Ok back to normal. Cool squad, love the different hex sizes on their backs I imagine they are being shot at and the hexes appear when the bullet hits the surface.

Check out our awesome Giveaway!

Feed your Imagination,

Return to the Plague

Hello everyone. A long time ago I made some cool CSM Chosen of Nurgle models. Sixteen of them, two squads. After a long time they are finally on my painting schedule and getting some color already. One of the squads is full of flamers and the other is plasma favorite. The models have all the equipment represented on them: pistol bolter/flamer/plasma, hand weapon, melta bomb. It's in the list, it's on the model.

Feed your Imagination,

Friday, September 27, 2013

Rusty Elites

Attention! Aim! Fire! Love the deathmarks. Just want to put them on a roof and see what happens.
Check out our awesome Giveaway!

Feed your Imagination,

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Glowing HQs

Some Glowing Necron Lords for you today. I must say the capes make my day, they are so rich in color and give the models a sort of status amongst the other infantry guys

Feed your Imagination,

Raise your fist!

Imperial Fists projects time to start! We have a lot of SM on the table atm. First of all are the Imperial Fists. I really like the new plastic kits. The left over parts helped to build some cool models for the command squad. I say vote for the new plastic :3

Check out our awesome Giveaway!

Feed your Imagination,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ork Boyz

Michael is working like Mega Nob in Mega Armour on some Ork models. I really like the guys with the attack squig. On the first photo you can see him next to Wazzdaka. This is going to be a really fun army.

Feed your Imagination,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chocolate Crons

Some old boys in town. The Rusty Necrons caught someones eye again so it's time to get some done once more. You can see some with unfinished rust so they look like sweet chocolate soldiers. Got some green glow to do now and we are all set.

Check out our awesome Giveaway!

Feed your Imagination,

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lord Belial Master of the Deathwing

Hey guys. I have a treat for you guys today. Long hidden from public view Belial of the Deathwing. It is my own slightly modified version of  this year's Belial model. I did the conversion work and the paintjob was done by Karol "Kreol" Kurzawa. He is an extremely talented painter hope you like what you see.

This guy is for sale. Will be available for purchase on our soon to launch web store but if you are interested now you can drop us an offer via email at

Also if you haven't enter our Big Giveaway yet check the video below. Please share it and spread out the word!

Feed your Imagination,

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.

Friday, September 20, 2013

BA Assault Squad

They strike from the sky and sometimes use razorback.

Also if you haven't enter our Big Giveaway yet check the video below. Please share it and spread out the word!

You can do anything!

P.s. If you don't want to miss anything follow us on Facebook.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Raging With Fire

Hellbrute for CSM done. Like how the glows turned out. The flesh was done with three airbrush colors and then finished up with two washes. it doesn't look to shabby either. 

Also if you haven't enter our Big Giveaway yet, check the video below. Please share it and spread out the word!

Feed your Imagination,