b r o o k l y n t w e e d
  Komi Mittens
first and foremost let me start with this: to say i was overwhelmed by your insane response to the Urban Aran would be the understatement of the year. thank you! you really know how to make a knitter feel great. and it seems that interest in this pattern has exploded, so i'll be looking forward to seeing all of your Urban Arans in the future. But really. Thank you. Really.

with the completion of my big project, i have been released once again on all of my WIP's. Of course, after a month of knitting with only one color (boring!) i was hard up for some good ol' Fair Isle Knitting. and since i had yet to overcome my bout with second-mitten-syndrome on my Komi Mittens from earlier this year... my hands quickly found their way back to the fair isle love.

Komi Mittens - Floats
Materials: KnitPicks Pallette in 'Bark' and 'Yellow'
Pattern: #32 from "Mostly Mittens" by Charlene Schurch (newer edition of the book is entitled "Knitting Marvelous Mittens"... its the same book)
Needles: US 1's for main body, US 0's for cuff
Modifications: I squared off the tips of both the hand and thumb. Following the pattern makes for some very pointy tips... I'm not down with that.
Started: 2.24.06
Finished: 4.25.06

Komi Mittens - Fair Isle Detail
this is fierce.

this was my first real fair isle project, although i knit Ufserud during the same time period as well. i have to say, my detail-oriented side really loves working two-colors at a fine guage. its a lot of fun, and the product is really precious/priceless. and sturdy! these are light but warm, and while i definitely plan on making more warm things for my hands in this way, i'm probably gonna do gloves from here on out. because mittens? they're kinda ridiculous. have you ever tried to take photos with them on? or listen to an mp3 player on the train while wearing them? its amusing ... to watch. not to wear. but i feel fine about these because they're such a great vehicle for patterning. so regardless of how much i wear them, i'll sure stare at them a lot!

Komi Mittens - On Hands Komi Mittens - Laid Out

mittens on hands :: laid out to oggle

the bad news? no more fair isle currently on the needles. even worse news? i'm sticking to my oath of finishing all WIP's before casting on for anything else. not funny. but i'm sure i'll be happy with myself in the end blah blah blah...

have a great weekend and knit something great.

They look awesome!

Using Palette is a great idea. Most of the patterns in the book call for such an insanely tight gauge that I feel other fingering weight yarns might be difficult to work with. But Palette is on the thin side for fingering. I may have to keep that in mind, as my guy has requested one of those patterns for next winter.

They look fantastic! The thumbs look really cool the way you finished them. I'm really itching to start a Fair Isle project.

gorgeous - i love the color choices. not something i would ever have put together, but it really works! i'm itching for some fair isle right now, too.

They look great! I aslo really like your color choices; the brown and yellow are perfect together.

I would just hang them up and stare at them...or carry them with me to show everyone I see and force them to agree that they are gorgeous.

For your next big project you should make a fair-isle sweater!

You totally deserved the Urban Aran Love! I've seen several bloggers link to it on their blogs - yeehaw! And now, Komi Mitten Love! They're great... a little odd to finish them when it's so nice outside, hmmm :\. I'm sure they'll be getting an extra dose of attention as soon as it gets cold again!

Your fair-isle is gorgeous! So even and crisp! Isn't fair-isle addicting?

Love them! They turned out fantastic. Glad to see you squared them off...the patterns are way too pointy.

As we'd say here in Boston, "Yahn as Aht". Translates to Yarn as Art. Those are awesome. I, personally, would never wear them. I'd hang them on the wall to be admired. Seriously. I've been admiring your progress on them all along.

As awesome on the inside as they are on the outside - nice job.

Cool! Nice retro color combo.
Um, about your oath- let me know if that worked out *LOL*!

Wow, those mittens are fantastic. I really like your color selections.

great colors! I just finished one of a pair of komi mittens (also in palette) last weekend -- i love the patterns in that book and I was pleasantly surprised with the palette.

good luck with the oath! :)

I agree that all the Urban Aran love is deseved!! It's amazing! As are you komi mittens! Your fair isle is fantastic! Very nicely done!!

Solid Fair-isle. I'd sport those even though I recently discovered that mittens ARE NOT gloves. I don' know what I was thinking. Great colors though; love them.

Check the ReALitY Tour for a little free-style Fair-Isle!

Awesome Mitts. Really nice tensioning job, my fairisle is so tight it's ridiculous.

Your mitts look great and the colours remind me of tiger stripes!

Geez! You are speedy!! And these mittens already have me longing for next winter!

damn...you've got some skills. everything you knit turns out amazing. love those mittens!

Such wonderful mittens! Do you like the Palette yarn? I have been considering trying it for some fair isle projects.

Good luck with finishing your current WIP's. You can do it!

Your mittens are fabulous! I love the colors you chose -they really show the pattern well.

I'm not into extreme pointy tips for mittens either. Those look perfect.

you might not be able to operate an ipod with them on, but i think the mittens will come in handy for, say, sled riding or snowball fights.

very impressive!

Wonderful mittens, great color choice. You do beautiful work.

Best knitting I've seen on the 'net, and thankfully, you prefer solid colors over varigated. That's refreshing...

It's so easy to get lost for hours at a time on your blog. The quality of your knitting and your choice of pattern, yarn and colours is simply marvelous. I just can't help but look at all the photos. Every photo reveals a little more about your knitting preferences and about yourself. (I have the exact same place mats by the way!)

My husband is very difficult to knit for. Being a photographer and artist he has a very clear idea of what he likes and dislikes. I'm so glad I found your site as he really likes your knitting. And I can finally knit him a sweater that he will actually wear! Ah the glory of small achievements...
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