
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

Today is Australia Day, 26th January. It was on this day that the first settlement of white people started in 1788 in what is now Sydney. Needless to say, Sydney has a big hooley and the rest of the state less so. Other states don't celebrate much at all, I believe.

So because it's our national day I will show you some Aussie birds. First, a little blue wren. (could have cropped it and done all sorts of wondrous things to enhance it, couldn't I.....but I haven't) They are sweet little birds, are about the size of a slightly small sparrow and can be very shy. The brilliant blue head shows that this is a male in his courting livery; females are brown. If this little feller came calling he would be hard to resist.
Some of my favourites, galahs. They can be quite raucous especially in the early morning and at dusk, but I must admit to having a soft spot for them. We have a lot round here. To call someone "a silly galah" is a good-natured Aussie insult, not at all malicious.
Both those pics were taken late last year when some lovely local gardens had an open day. Two gardens more than half an hour apart, both very different.

The funeral yesterday went off well but several of us agreed that Ruth's timing was was very hot.....she could have waited until later in the year when it's cooler.........

It's hot today too, I haven't ventured out to check the beer garden thermometer but I suspect it must be close to 40 deg C, that's well over 100 deg C. Not nice. And I am drinking hot coffee.

Today I made a friendship block for a member of one of my quilt groups. No doubt about it, friendship blocks give you something interesting to try - this one was "Snail's Trail" in any shade of brown plus white, not difficult, but a bit fiddly just making one block; if you were making enough for a quilt it would be easy to chain piece. I have also started quilting my small Canadian hanging, the one with the fiddly foundation-pieced blocks. Now that it's all together it doesn't look too bad. In this heat I am taking it easy even though machine quilting isn't a particularly hot activity, but when one is sitting with one's head bent one's neck and shoulders feel quite warm after a while, and one feels quite......moist.

"Remedy for moist hands.
People afflicted with moist hands should revolutionize their habits, take more out-door exercise and more frequent baths. They should adopt a nutritious but not over-stimulating diet, and perhaps take a tonic of some sort. Local applications of starch-powder and the juice of a lemon may be used to advantage."

Perhaps it's time to revolutionize my habits.

Enjoy your days!


  1. Happy Australia day Jennifer. Australia day is a big deal in Adelaide. We have fireworks and everything!

  2. Such beautiful birds. Happy Australia Day to you my dear friend. Hope it's a nice day even though it's so very hot where you are. I'd sort of like to have a bit of that heat and some sunshine. We don't have snow, but it's so dreary here with the grey skies and 40 degree temps, I just want to be outside and have fun. Sounds like you are busy creating in the Sewing Room, hope you will share pictures of what you're making. Hugs to you!!

  3. Jennifer, those galahs look so similar to a Rose Breasted Cockatoo.

    I agree that sewing in the heat can be a bit much. Especially with the iron around. And yes, do revolutionize! hee.

  4. Happy Australia Day to you and yours ... i'm guessing it is kinda like the 4th of July here - it was kind of our forefathers (the women had nothing to do with it, did they?) to declare their independence in the middle of our summer, and for yours to settle in the middle of your summer, innit?!?

  5. We have been watching "Captain" about Captain Cook and the discoveries he made, Australia in particular. Very interesting. What I liked about it as a Canadian, was that Australia stands alone, not compared to anything but itself.
    Canada day is a big deal too! We have fireworks and everything!


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