EDIT: I'm reliably informed (by Jon of GZG no less - doesn't get more reliable than that IME) that the pilot legs are the same size as the foot troopers, since they were made out of one with the integral base laboriously ground off. The total diameter is just a noodge smaller to fit the disc properly but the size difference is mostly an optical illusion.
Standard infantry with beam rifles, three different poses.
Two different types of heavy weapons, each with three poses.
Two different gun teams, each with three models - although I think the missile (?) team comes with something other than the scanner/monocular fig here.
Command figure options include two different torsos with beam pistols, one "pointer" with beam rifle, and a scanner/commo gear fig.
The command grav platform is a minor conversion using bits from a gun platform. You can also use the basic disc by itself for unarmed platforms, and since the pilot leg bit is separate you could mount almost any 15mm fig on it if desired. I expect to see a lot of these showing up in other armies.
Assault gun platforms. They come in packs of two with two each of the heavy weapons. The catalog builds them with paired guns, but I prefer the asymmetry of mixed guns.
Oh, and the included bases are separate and have integral flight posts, so I guess that's technically eight parts.