Saturday, January 7, 2012


Since ALL of my siblings (yes, all seven of us) were coming to Utah for Christmas we decided last minute to make a quick dash over. So glad we did, it was great seeing everyone! It was quick, but we made the most of it...

Rylee loved Santa this year. 
Colby didn't know what was going on, and kept starring at his beard. 

Some of my favorite little chubs. 
Hudson, Colby, and Sam

Owen, Molly, Madeline, Rylee

Grandma Proctor and Ry Bug

Christmas Eve with Molly and Sam

Colby ready for bed.

Colby's "but Santa I've been good..." look

Typical pose these days.

Best Buds. 
Poor Rylee gave the gift that kept on giving this Christmas -- PINK EYE! We thought we were in the clear when we came over, but not so much. It spread like wildfire. about feeling awful! Love looking like Quasi-modo for Christmas morn pics. ;)

Looking for Santa (we even heard some jingle bells and footsteps ;).
After opening gifts, Ry ran over and hollered up, "Ohh thank you Santa!"

Got that "Jesse Doll"

Every Christmas Eve we exchange stories/favorite memories about each other. 
It's turned into quiet the production -- I have some pretty talented in-laws and siblings. 
Here's Eric "roasting" the family this year. 

Some of the grandkids -- not an easy pic to snap!

Colby so excited about his wrapping paper!

Gma P and girlies -- eating their chocolate pie

5 Proctor babies + one on the way --- all within the last year. 
Yeah for cousins.

Christmas clubhouse waiting back in Colorado

We had a great one. Looking forward to 2012!


Courtney Curt said...

Cute Picts!

Jacquelyn said...

ok your pictures look much better with a flash than mine did without. i need to work on my flash skills like you. and that playhouse is so cute. i want to come see it for myself. :) miss ya. and thanks for the fun christmas. glad you guys came out.