Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pool Party

We decide this year to do a friend birthday party for Rylee. Since we'll be gone on her actual birthday, we had a little pool party for her last weekend. It was a lot of fun. Can't believe my little girl is going to be FOUR?! She is full of so much life, and reminds me daily of what is truly important. Love her so much.


Soccer season ended today. It was full of, um... emotion. The first two weeks went great, and she really had fun. Then they started playing little scrimmages (they called them "Cat and Mouse") and it all went down hill. She hated it. Every day was a melt down. Her last words before bed every night were, "Is is soccer tomorrow? Please don't make me play that cat game." AND the worse part, it was completely my fault! I signed her up for the wrong class. :( The kids were older, more competitive, and a full foot taller (not to mention, the 100 degree weather). It wasn't until the last week that Brock convinced me to take her to her actual age group (hello, duh!) and that seemed to make all the difference. She ended the season on a good note, and even scored three goals in her last game. All in all, I'm so proud of her for being brave and sticking with it (and


I'm pathetically behind in blogging. So bare with me as I try to update a little. 

Rylee really enjoyed gymnastics this Winter/Spring. I guess I didn't realize how much she enjoyed it until this summer when we signed up her for soccer, and she ended up asking to go back to gymnastics every week. It was fun to watch her progress, and get more daring with the bars and beam. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Just updated my photo blog
Thanks to my awesome sister, Jennie, who designed my new logo. Can't wait to start  using it!

*From here on out, I'll hopefully post to my blog and then link over to my Facebook page. 
Trying to kill two birds with one stone. Who has time for this....haha?!?

Thanks to all my awesome friends for your support!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Quick Update

I was going through my pictures today, 
and wanted to post a couple cute ones over the last few months...

Colby is 11 months. 
He is such a fun, happy, easy-going baby. He is definitely on the move, and tries to keep up with his sister all day. I'm lucky that he still loves to cuddle me. He says "dada" and "doggy". He eats ANYTHING -- which is crazy since he is still considered very small (10%). We love our little boy.

Rub-a-dub-dub my babies love the tub...

Colby thinks it fun to try and grab the water. 

 Rylee has been doing gymnastics, and loves it. She has done great at listening to her teacher. Her favorite thing to do is climb the rope, and jump on the trampoline. She is my big helper, and loves to clean our table 3x's a day (ha!). She also loves to mother Colby, and play "doggies" with him. ?? 

A few months ago we took Rylee sledding and it ended with a park bench to the face. It was not pretty, I though she broke her nose. Anyway, it snowed on Monday, and I asked her if she wanted to go sled over at the park. She hesitated for a minute, and then said, "Well, I guess so, but only if you don't push me into that big wood thing again." She's such a funny little girl. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Since ALL of my siblings (yes, all seven of us) were coming to Utah for Christmas we decided last minute to make a quick dash over. So glad we did, it was great seeing everyone! It was quick, but we made the most of it...

Rylee loved Santa this year. 
Colby didn't know what was going on, and kept starring at his beard. 

Some of my favorite little chubs. 
Hudson, Colby, and Sam

Owen, Molly, Madeline, Rylee

Grandma Proctor and Ry Bug

Christmas Eve with Molly and Sam

Colby ready for bed.

Colby's "but Santa I've been good..." look

Typical pose these days.

Best Buds. 
Poor Rylee gave the gift that kept on giving this Christmas -- PINK EYE! We thought we were in the clear when we came over, but not so much. It spread like wildfire. about feeling awful! Love looking like Quasi-modo for Christmas morn pics. ;)

Looking for Santa (we even heard some jingle bells and footsteps ;).
After opening gifts, Ry ran over and hollered up, "Ohh thank you Santa!"

Got that "Jesse Doll"

Every Christmas Eve we exchange stories/favorite memories about each other. 
It's turned into quiet the production -- I have some pretty talented in-laws and siblings. 
Here's Eric "roasting" the family this year. 

Some of the grandkids -- not an easy pic to snap!

Colby so excited about his wrapping paper!

Gma P and girlies -- eating their chocolate pie

5 Proctor babies + one on the way --- all within the last year. 
Yeah for cousins.

Christmas clubhouse waiting back in Colorado

We had a great one. Looking forward to 2012!