Showing posts with label The Woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Woods. Show all posts

Sunday, 20 June 2021


 Yesterday was the first The Woods in the Woods event held in beautiful Gloucestershire woodland and organised by The Woods creators Geoff and Sol. I took a few pictures, which don't do the event credit at all, but hopefully capture something of the ambience. Cheery gamers, great terrain in an atmospheric setting.

Our hosts Sol and Geoff on the left.

Three stunning tables to play across, and a very welcome fire as it was surprisingly cool for midsummer.

I could only stay part of the day unfortunately, but enough to get a couple of games in against Harry, playing a school of Bucca ( fishmen) against my Leprechauns. I'm hopeless with rules, so in true Leprechaun style I persuaded Harry to show me how to win at his own expense. Geoff was busy between all tables helping with rules queries. Hopefully by next year, I'll have the rules off pat, and give Harry the chance to win.

To add to the Froudian atmosphere, a cheeky Stinkhorn fungus was spotted lurking just outside the glade. 
A fine example of
Phallus impudicus.

Happy Solstice.


Sunday, 6 June 2021


 A test game of The Woods yesterday, spurred me on to rise with the lark this morning and finish my Leprechaun clan... The Bommy Knockers. Emerging from the bogs and raths of Talamhlar to work their mischief.

Left to right, Oakbound, Pendragon, Reaper, Citadel.

Citadel conversion by Geoff Solomon-Sims, Citadel, Citadel with 54mm tricorn.

Plastic DnD dire owl.

The entire clan.

I was dabbling with painting effects here using a base coat of khaki and highlights of bone and white, then applying contrast paints over the top with a bit of extra shading from Citadel Shades. I think I achieved the effect I wanted, trying to make them look something like Brian Froud's illustrations in Faeries, but a bit more sinister. 

The whole process was a bit time consuming, but I really do like Contrast paints... Such a pleasure to apply. I'll be using them in the future on more fantasy figures.

Friday, 28 May 2021


In a few weeks I'm attending the first The Woods Games Day, organised by Geoff Solomon-Sims of Oakbound Studio, in the Woods of Nailsworth Gloucestershire.

I needed to cobble together a warband and whereas I normally go for brute strength and minimal tactics in any game, I happened to have a number of suitable figures lying around to make a Leprechaun clan, tricksy fate weaving, owl loving mischief makers.

I'm underway painting these attempting them in a Grubdark style ( like Grimdark but without the grossness). For an old school fan, I actually quite like a lot of the new gloomy Grimdark style of painting and aesthetic, but sometimes the figures are a bit too icky for my tastes. 

I started with some owls, which didn't come out as gloomy as I'd hoped, but I was quite pleased with them nevertheless. 

I was also happy with the bases. Perhaps not that visible here, but nice and textured and minimal colour. The owls are from Otherworld Miniatures btw. I either got them in a sale or swapped some figures with Richard Scott the owner, because I definitely wouldn't have paid £11 each for them which is the full price. Very nice figures though. Some leprechauns themselves coming next.