Balkan Fascination PDF
By:Mirjana Lausevic
Published on 2007-01-04 by Oxford University Press
Divi Zheni identifies itself as a Bulgarian women's chorus and band, but it is located in Boston and none of its members come from Bulgaria. Zlatne Uste is one of the most popular purveyors of Balkan music in America, yet the name of the band is grammatically incorrect. The members of Sviraci hail from western Massachusetts, upstate New York, and southern Vermont, but play tamburica music on traditional instruments. Curiously, thousands of Americans not only participate in traditional music and dance from the Balkans, but in fact structure their social practices around it without having any other ties to the region. In Balkan Fascination, ethnomusicologist Mirjana Lausevic, a native of the Balkans, investigates this remarkable phenomenon to explore why so many Americans actively participate in specific Balkan cultural practices to which they have no familial or ethnic connection. Going beyond traditional interpretations, she challenges the notion that participation in Balkan culture in North America is merely a specialized offshoot of the 1960s American folk music scene. Instead, her exploration of the relationship between the stark sounds and lively dances of the Balkan region and the Americans who love them reveals that Balkan dance and music has much deeper roots in America's ideas about itself, its place in the world, and the place of the world's cultures in the American melting pot. Examining sources that span more than a century and come from both sides of the Atlantic, Lausevic shows that an affinity group's debt to historical movements and ideas, though largely unknown to its members, is vital in understanding how and why people make particular music and dance choices that substantially change their lives.
This Book was ranked at 32 by Google Books for keyword Alternative.
Book ID of Balkan Fascination's Books is FFSw-4F0KHsC, Book which was written byMirjana Lausevichave ETAG "3Dsa7HHUWg8"
Book which was published by Oxford University Press since 2007-01-04 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780195343588 and ISBN 10 Code is 0195343581
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "310 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMusic
Book was written in en
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