Monday, May 9, 2011

I can't believe he's baptized

I'm kind of freaking out because I have a child old enough to be baptized but honestly I think it was one of the best days of our lives.  Since our stake has hardly any children Harman was the only one being baptized this month so it was our own private affair!  He had his 2 Uncle Matt's say the prayers.  Annabelle gave a talk and so did Ryan in which he asked his Grandma's to explain when they had felt the Holy Ghost.  My sweet, tender hearted boy had tears in his eyes the entire time.  I will never forget it.  The funny part was that all the little kids were freaked out because all they really saw was big Uncle Ryan pushing Harm down in the water and then him coming up gasping for air (which was because the water was cold).  Sorry for whoever has to deal with the aftermath.  I'm sure you'll get us back somehow!   Afterwards we went over to our stake park and ate delicious food which everyone contributed to and played some awesome kick ball which in the end was just a contest of who could kick it the highest or pelt someone the hardest as they ran.  It was Awesome!  Harman was so tired from everything he spent the entire afternoon vegging in front of the T.V.  We even asked if he wanted to play and he said no.  I think emotionally and physically he was drained.  What a wonderful Day!

And go me for doing a post!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Halloween was fun.  Sophi was an angel, Annabelle was a witch and Harm was a sniper in a ghillie suit! 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

<>Here are pictures of our first day of school. Harman is in Second Grade and Annabelle started kindgergarten. Sophi has nap time. Yay for me! So far they are loving it. Harman loves 2nd grade.  Annabelle in Kindergarten
And let's not forget about Sophi!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Annabelle Turned 5!
We went to San Diego.  Thanks to Scott and Jana for letting us
invade their home for a few nights. 
Things we did there:
  • Went to the San Diego Zoo
  • Went to On The Border (Sophi developed her love of Guacamole--that's my girl!)
  • Ryan, Mac and Scott saw "The A-Team" and loved it.
  • Jana, Mary and I watched "Wives and Daughters" and for sure loved it.
  • Stayed on Camp Pendleton Beach Cottages (my brother still needs to give me the pictures!)
  • The Guys went golfing on Coronado
  • The kids were wild and loved every minutes of it!
We went to the Gateway.  Lucky us it was busy and there
was some dance recital going on.  You can guess what Annabelle did the whole time.
Sophi turned 2 and developed an opinion.

We had such a fun summer with Jeff and Lisa and Erika and all the cousins.  The kids miss them so much.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Briggs for the fun activities they planned all summer and thanks to Grandma Jill and Grandpa Brett for taking us all to the Beach!  We had a blast.  Jana and Scott and the kids came in July and we had lots of fun playing in the sprinklers with all the kids!  Scott and Ryan went to a Real Salt Lake Game on the 24th while everyone else had a dance party.  It was awesome!  I LOVE DANCE PARTIES!

I can't believe summer is over.  I thought I would die because it was so busy but now that it's over it kind of makes me cry.  Thanks everyone who made our summer so much fun! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Baby Bino with Glasses!

This past few months has been busy busy! We found out that Sophi has Oculocutaneous Albinism. She has low pigment in her eyes and as we've known from the time she was born in her hair and skin too, hence the name "Baby Bino" which Ryan has called her from day one we just didn't know how true it would become. The only way for her to have this form of Albinism is that both Ryan and I carry a recessive gene. Each of our kids had a 25% chance of having Albinism. Harman looked mexican when he came out and Annabelle had our skin tone so if we were to have another baby Ryan says it might be invisible! No, I am not announcing anything. Sophi has low vision, nystagmus and light sensitivity. Nystagmus is where her eyes track back and forth. We knew she had this from when she was four months old. We were always told she was just born with it. Usually if a person has Nystagmus it can mean they have more serious problems like tumors or brain defects. We have always been super grateful it was never because of something more serious. At 18 months Sophi was still not walking. She would take a few steps and then just crawl around. One day I will upload what her knee walking looked like. It was hilarious! We just really felt like she wasn't walking because she was unsure of her surroundings due to her low vision because of the Nystagmus. A few months ago a vision specialist that has been helping her with her gross motor skills (walking) told us to see a pediatric opthomologist. After waiting 3 months to get in she was finally diagnosed with Albinism. The doctor says that her vision will be good enough to go to regular school and also most likely will be able to drive. PHEW! A few people I've talked to about this during everything wondered how I wasn't more worried. I have always been worried but I have always felt very peaceful about the entire situation. Ryan and my dad gave her a beautiful blessing when she was 4 months old. During that blessing I knew we'd be able to handle everything that came along. I'm sure she will have some ups and downs with this but in my mind if the worst thing about all this is she has to wear sunscreen and glasses her entire life we'll take it! From the very beginning I was always grateful that it was just vision problems and not something more serious. Thanks for all the prayers and support! I will try to update more regularly! Gotta go change a poopy diaper! That's all for now!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm Feeling Crafty!

So normally I would not post a picture of a craft I've done because they aren't really public eye quality. Aunt Sherri bought this kit for me because she knew of my undying love for "Wicked" the musical (I am Glinda singing "La La La La you'll be popular, just not quite as popular as meee!!!" in another life and I'm soooo not joking). I DIED when I finished it and it turned out so stinking cute! I simply had to brag. I didn't make up the pattern but I sure modge podged the heck out of it and finished it with no bubbles. Quite an accomplishment on my part I must say. I think it is the cutest Halloween decoration ever and I may even keep it all year. You might just find me with a pink frilly dress singing my little heart out, you never know!!! I'd have to do it at night though because apparenlty I've become embarrissing to my children. Lame! And here I thought I was so cool!